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Boxing Or MMA? The Question!

Felix Trinidad Boxing
'Boxing's dead.'
'Boxing's not what it used to be.'
'There are no good wrestlers out there today.'
These are just one or two of the comments thrown around by fans of the sport of kings waiting patiently for a waft of life into the flailing lungs of boxing. In spite of a virtual plethora of organizations boasting their own version of an international title, most of us would fail to name even one of the men who stake claim to a kind of the fragmented heavyweight championship. WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO, IBO (probably, another organization surfaced as this article was being written), is it important anymore?
Yet with at least 5 world heavyweight belts, can the casual observer name even one champion? If this is the case be assured that person is in a rare group. Try naming two, three, or four. I'll bet that my eight years old niece would have an improved chance at naming all four Beatles.
Raised on fighting, I was sufficiently lucky to see lots of the game's greatest soldiers, some in their prime. I sat transfixed in front of a huge TV that was set inside of a wooden cupboard. There were 2 round knobs to switch the channels on the right side of the monstrosity, one for the UHF channels which continually broadcast static.

As I grew into adulthood, the archaic TV was upgraded to one with a RC and the addition of a wire box. Between closed circuit television and cable, my fighting fix was happy with wars from some of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace up gloves. Duran beat Leonard. Hagler beat Hearns. These men all fought one another, and were so dominant that they only need to be referred by their last names to be recognized.
Is it actually critical to say 'Mike' when speaking of Tyson? Nuff said. Iron Mike was boxing's last personality that can be recalled by the average person or casual fan. Still, most folk remember Iron Mike. Tyson fights surpassed the sport of boxing. They were never fights; they were grand spectacles: events of their own. Mike might have been pit against the Pope, Elvis, or even God; and it still would've been called'The Tyson Fight.'
Today's fighting PPV numbers seem unimportant in comparison to the consistent record breaking cards that Tyson pulled even if his career was on the fall. Delahoya and Mayweather drew a record PPV number for their contemporary bout, but it was not without spending a giant amount of cash on promotion. Commercials, print media advertisements, and - for the first time in fighting history - an entire cable Reality Television series was filmed to hype the fight.
Rules are incorporated to guarantee safety and get rid of the barbarous brutality of a street fight. Biting and poking in the eyes are two examples of banned offensive strategies. A fighter trains to punch quicker, harder, and more correctly. They also exercise to have great stamina. When pitting an in shape sportsman against a standard person who is not coaching, the stamina factor alone will sway the fight in favour of the sportsman. Coupled with boxing skills, you've a no contest in favour of the fighter.
Many of us may not know that Wladimir Klitschko holds three of the alphabet soup of heavyweight boxing titles, but he earned extra money in his unification bout with Sultan Ibragimov than each MMA fighter on the last UFC ( final Fighting Championship ) card mixed. And can boast that he also earned more for the losing effort than most MMA fighters, even champions, have earned in their whole career.
Only time will tell.
For more boxing news, check out Felix Trinidad Boxing. Also, check out: Boxing or MMA? Get more boxing and MMA news at Felix Trinidad Boxing.

Increase Oxygen Intake For Boxing

Boxing, like basketball, baseball and soccer, has developed a significant, almost mythical place in the public imagination in many countries. People like Muhammad Ali have developed folk-hero status in some communities. Raging Bull is considered a modern classic among movies. The Thai film Beautiful Boxer has changed a large number of viewers' perceptions about masculinity and femininity. Though not everybody can become a Sugar Ray Robinson, boxing schools of different styles can be found all over the world. Still, no matter what style of boxing you practice, or whether you are an amateur or professional, you will be able to fight better and longer if you practice appropriate breathing techniques.
You should improve breathing to increase endurance. Some boxing matches can be over in a few minutes. Witness the match between Manny Pacquiao and Mike Hatton. At least one television viewer went to the bathroom at the beginning of that match and returned to find that it was over. Usually, however, a fight goes on for much longer, especially if the opponents are evenly matched. Endurance definitely becomes an important factor in these matches. Fighters have to be able to keep going despite being tired, and having taken many hits. (Not too many, hopefully. We don't want a Million Dollar Baby bedridden-boxer situation on our hands.)

Though there are some fundamental similarities between the respiration needs of all people, every person breathes in his or her own way. You should select a pace, pattern and rhythm of breathing that are compatible with your body and your boxing style. However, be careful that you are not employing hyperventilation tactics too often. Even if you think your body can handle it, you can do yourself serious long-term damage this way, which you will pay for in the later years of your life. Certain boxers, and, indeed, athletes in other sports, are willing to use unusual, unhealthy tactics in order to win the next game, even if they will damage their well-being in the long term. You must ask yourself carefully what your real priorities are.
Yet another important consideration is the point at which you happen to be at a particular moment in a fight. Are you gaining momentum over your opponent, or is it still too soon to tell? Is it time for you to go on the defensive, or should you go for an all-out rapid-fire attack? Talk to your trainer about breathing strategies for "special cases" within a fight. There might be times when you have to change your breathing pattern drastically in order to gain or maintain an edge.
Finally, proper breathing can be a great boon at the end of the fight, particularly if you have had many hard blows to the head. Concussions are a frequent problem for boxers. Certain types of breathing exercises can help you to stay conscious, and can minimize brain damage after a tough match. You can even do these exercises in between rounds, because getting a second concussion while your body is still trying to recuperate from the first one is very dangerous.

Women's Boxing Shoes From Everlast

Along with the right mouthpieces, hand wraps and padded headgear, groin pads and shin guards, proper boxing shoes are also very important as a part and parcel of the entire safety kit that one carries while boxing as they not only provide great protection to the legs while during training and sparring fights, but additionally provide a lot of swift footwork and comfort. This is very important because of the high demand for quick jumps and mobility which might take place during the actual fight. Whether men's or women's boxing shoes, Everlast shoes have carved a niche for themselves in this segment since many decades. They are the most sought after brand by both the genders for both professionals and beginners alike.
Everlast shoes come in great vibrant colors that look feminine yet provide with all the comfort, traction, breathability and the much needed safety.

Whether it is men or women inside the boxing ring there is a lot of footwork involved and so one has to go in for a model that lasts long and does not show traces of wear and tear during the swift footwork that is a feature of the game. These shoes are ideal for hybrid conditioning, aerobics as well as cardio.
Everlast shoes come in two different styles which are lo-top and hi-top shoes as well as boots. One has ample choice to choose and pick from the collection basing on their requirements. And one advantage with the women's boxing shoes is that they are specially sculpted in such a way that they fit the feet snuggly and provide the much needed cushioning and shock absorption. Breathability is ensured by the mesh panels that are incorporated in the boxing shoes so that they keep the feet absolutely cool during the toughest of sessions, inside or outside the ring.
Dave Toub is a strong believer in Everlast boxing shoes and would never train with anything else. Please check out one of my favorite Women's boxing shoes and see the Punching Bags Pro homepage if you are interested in other gear as well.

Is Vitali Klitschko Ready to Retire From Boxing?

Vitali Klitschko, long regarded as the toughest heavyweight in boxing today, is second only to his brother Vladimir in the rankings.
However, he has had an injury-prone career which included a layoff of more than four years. At 38 years old, he may be beginning to feel his age.
The heavyweight division in boxing, unlike most others, has often been home to older fighters who rely on their experience and punching power to hang with the young guns. But when a once-dominant fighter crashes to earth at the end of his career, the end can come with a finality that leaves us breathless. Look no further than Vitali's fight against once-invincible Lennox Lewis for proof. Even though Lewis won that fight on an injury stoppage, he took a humiliating beating and his career was demonstrably over the second he stepped off the ring apron.
Vitali's last fight performance was mediocre
Vitali Klitschko's last fight -- against a one-time contender named Kevin Johnson -- was both boring and frustrating for boxing fans. Although Klitschko pressed the action during the entire fight, Johnson obviously didn't come to fight. He spent the duration running, playing rope-a-dope, and acting out peculiarly in a futile attempt at getting the champ to lose his cool.

Astonishingly, Klitschko was unable to do anything about these tactics. At no point during the boxing match was he able to hurt Johnson. This would have been inconceivable a few years back, and we have to assume that his brother -- also a champion -- would have managed to score a knockout victory against such a cowardly opponent.
Is Vitaly Klitschko's boxing career drawing to a close?
One has to wonder what this sort of underwhelming performance says about the once-feared champ. Can he handle the speed and pinpoint punching of a dynamic fighter like David Haye? Or are his days of frustrating opponents with his unconventional but effective defensive counterpunching over once and for all?
Odds are, we'll never see Vitali tested by a true, world-class opponent, simply because so few of them seem to exist these days, and the one obvious test who does exist won't fight his brother. But when a relative nobody like Kevin Johnson can go 12 rounds with impunity against the champ, something is amiss.

Carl Froch Has Defensive Liabilities

Super middleweight boxing champ Carl Froch is undefeated in 26 fights and boasts an impressive knockout record.
However, his toughness and heart often outweigh his technical ability. He has glaring defensive deficiencies that a savvy opponent will be able to exploit. It is probably only a matter of time before someone outpoints Froch right out of his champion's belt.
Carl has some respectable offensive tools in his arsenal.
His jab is stiff and deceptively fast. He uses it to good effect against other power punchers who try to get set before punching.
His uppercut, too, is legendary. If he traps you on the ropes or in a corner, look out. That uppercut will eat you alive.
But Froch's bread and butter combination is his feared one-two: the jab/right hand combo that sends so many of his opponents to the canvas.
Bow and arrow punch
Unfortunately, he drops his right hand while throwing the jab. This is known as the bow and arrow punch for its resemblance to archery. Good counterpunchers like Andre Dirrell and especially Jermain Taylor were able to take advantage of this defensive liability and land scoring blows against the champ's chin.
It's probably too late for Froch to reinvent himself, but if a trainer had pulled him aside sometime during his formative years and taught him to incorporate defense into his jab, he'd be a more well-rounded fighter today.

Too tough for his own good
Another problem (if you can call it that) with Froch is that he's often too tough.
He has a rock-solid chin and nobody in the division can take a punch as well as he can. He is a true super-middleweight, with a frame perfectly suited for the weight class. Consequently, few fighters punch as hard -- and take a punch as well -- as Carl Froch.
This toughness has led to some complacency when facing a dangerous opponent. The knockdown he suffered against Jermain Taylor, for instance, didn't really hurt him. But it might have made the difference in the fight had the final round gone a bit differently.
Toughness and a good beard are no substitute for proper defensive boxing techniques. Sooner or later this will lead to his downfall.
Balance and footwork
Froch's footwork is also suspect.
He often reaches for punches against smaller, faster boxers. This creates perfect counterpunching opportunities for his opponents. The Taylor knockdown is a perfect case in point. Had Froch been in his proper boxing stance with his guard up, instead of leaning to one side with his chin exposed, he never would have been dropped by a glancing blow to the side of the head.

Why limit yourself?
Why limit yourself to simply watching champions like Carl Froch do their thing in the ring? You can participate in boxing too. Whether you're interested in fitness, self-defense, or competition, you can learn punching techniques that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Don't wait; go to and begin your training!

MMA Punching Bag - A Must For a Boxer

MMA punching bag is indeed a must for a boxer as it provides ample training and help to improve their boxing skills and martial arts skills. These specialized bags are available under the Everlast brand and come in different colors like yellow, blue, red, and black. The weight ranges anywhere between 50 lbs to 150 lbs. One can choose from the different types of MMA punch bags that are available...Teddy Everlast uppercut bags and Muay Thai workout bags. One can get the full MMA kit too in the form of Everlast punch bag along with gloves; the swivel and heavy duty chain so that they can safely hang it and practice the sport.
The youth MMA punching bag is an added attraction for serious boxers as they get a double end bag on which they can practice or get trained. Everlast punch bags have been in existence for almost a century now and with every passing year have only improved upon the entire range of products keeping the comfort and safety of the boxers in mind.

With the Muay Thai Everlast punch bag, one can train just like a professional from the luxury of their own home. It is a tall heavy bag which comes with ceiling and floor fixtures. Another great Everlast punch bag is the Teddy Everlast Uppercut bag which comes in two parts. The upper part has a larger radius when compared to the lower part facilitating training under different angles so that the boxer is well prepared when he encounters a similar situation in a real fight.
The Everlast punch bags which are available under the MMA punching bag tag offer tremendous scope to practice different uppercuts, jabs, crosses, punches and hooks so that the boxer is adequately equipped to quip with the right kind of a counter move.
Dave Toub is a strong believer in MMA punching bags and would never train with anything else. Please check out one of my favorite MMA punching bags and see the Punching Bags Pro Homepage if you are interested in other gear as well.



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