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Tai Chi Swords

If you are passionate about your tai chi and would like to extend your knowledge and training of this ancient art form, you may be interested in learning about the tai chi sword. Maybe it could renew your enthusiasm and give an extra edge to your training that has been missing for a while.
Tai chi sword is said to be an advanced level of martial art training, which is hardly surprising considering how challenging tai chi itself can be. Although by adding the sword you are basically going through the same movements as in unarmed practice, you do need a subtle wrist and to be comfortable handling a sword. It is also something that should only be attempted after you have mastered some basic tai chi forms.
Great care should be taken when training, and be sure to use a practice sword at first so as not to harm yourself, or anyone else for that matter! There are different types of sword for practice, the wooden one being the most likely to be used by a beginner. There are even collapsible ones for ease of transport for people who travel regularly and like to continue their training.
Basically there are two types of tai chi sword, the broadsword or 'dao' which is a shorter one sided blade, and the chien or 'jian' which is a longer straight double edged blade; the chien being the one more commonly used in training. A chien would usually be around 36 - 40 inches (90 - 100 cms) long including the handle, the length and weight would vary according to the user.

The sword, known as the king of close combat martial art weapons, has been used in China for the last 2500 years, gradually evolving from crudely constructed bronze swords to the more sophisticated steel ones of today.

Looking back in history there is much to be admired about the 'eye to eye' close combat encounters in battle, which sets the sword apart as more honourable than longer range weapons. These days however, it is mainly used for ceremonial purposes, training for competition, or within a discipline for good health and longevity.
Adding the sword to your armoury of tai chi knowledge can make you become more appreciative of the martial art aspects of the past. It can make quite a difference to your training as well, as it becomes an extension of the body, allowing you to project even more chi from the body along the arm to the tip of the sword.
Many people are interested to know how a tai chi sword can be used in such an elegant art form as tai chi, as historically it has been used to such deadly effect in battle. These days people use the sword as part of their tai chi training for health reasons to bring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.
Who would have thought many years ago that a weapon such as the sword, in the past used so often to kill, would eventually be used by many people as an aid to extend life!
Read More :   In Search of the Ultimate Martial Art

In Search of the Ultimate Martial Art

It looks like since the beginning of time or at least the introduction of the term Martial Art there have been endless comparisons of different styles, systems and methodology in fighting and defense. Its all over the place more than ever with the internet and multimedia. Ultimate fighting and the like events where guys try to prove that their art is superior, and most recently the entrance of a loose based form known as MMA or Mixed Martial Arts which try to bring the most effective moves together in a formless art.
If one thing is sure in the martial arts it is that things constantly change at a very fast pace, and with this channge public opinion and popularity come and goes. I have been in the martial arts for many years so I will give you a run down in succession of what the most (by public perception anyway) fearsome martial arts were and are.
1. Karate from Okinawa WWII
2. Judo back in the fifties to mid sixties (Think James Bond).
3. Tae Kwon Do in the seventies because there were so few Kung Fu schools to take advantage of demand from the popularity of Bruce Lee and David Carradine in "Kung Fu" - Marketing is a wonderful thing.
4. Aikido - we welcome Steven Seagal
5. Birth of the UFC and here comes Ju Jitsu as the dominator.
6. MMA - UFC type events now try multi arts instead of which art is best. As any MA Instructor can tell you one on one Ju Jitsu has definite advantage.
And there we are now. So you say I am missing a few, yes that is true so we will touch on those now.

Tae Bo - more of a fad and not a martial art it is exercise and a good workout.
Krav Maga - good self defense art but it was not widely available and faded in popularity quickly as the public has martial art attention deficit disorder.
In my life as a martial artist and then a martial art teacher I have practiced many arts, some just to see what they are about, and others to help me along my journey to find the ultimate fighting art. I have done the various Kung Fu classes, the Kuk Sool classes, the Karate forms, the Ju Jitsu, Kickboxing, all sorts of stick arts, knife arts, sword arts, and firearm styles of combat shooting.
After all my searching I found that there in fact is not an ultimate martial art and each one was good for maybe one thing only, and no art is good for all things no matter what the brochure tells you. Each one had a glaring weakness. Judo or way of gentle is excellent at throwing but not good against a puncher. Boxing has great hand techniques, but useless against the kicker. Karate is good depending on which system and philosophy (defense or tournament) but is limited against a street brawler. Aikido is great at using an attackers movements against them, but useless against a skilled and balance oriented opponent. Ju Jitsu is great for one on one defense and useless against several attackers if it goes to the ground (nothing like an attackers buddy kicking you in the head while your on-top of his friend). MMA is great for one on one and cage, but almost useless against the street fighter or multiple jack asses. So we must look further and know our own limitation and needs to make the educated decision.
I did not find what I was looking for so I designed my own arts from my experience of bleeding and broken bones and knowing first hand what works and what does not. First I figured that tournament or ring work was not my interest, so my main focus was on pure defense or street fighting which usually means no rules and I get to go home no matter what.
The systems that I teach now out of my seven black belts that I earned are Jeet Kune Do the style of Bruce Lee that I learned from one the the original Lee School students, and a new form of Kempo Karate that I heavily modified to where it barely resembled anything in the Kempo or Kenpo world today.
First I hate using the work expert but I am expert in the movements of the body and how to streamline and align it to get the most speed and power from any move. To do this I take the move I want then remove all the un necessary steps, make sure there is no chambering or telegraph to let anyone know what is going to happen to them, then tweak it to get more and more power so that each strike caused the most energy delivery and disruption of tissue and bone. I have used these methods with professional fighters and increased their speed and power by an average of 20% to 25% which is huge. Its a weird gift but its mine.
After years of searching I resigned myself to the fact that what I longed for did not excist so I forged an art of my own, American Combat Kempo. As for the name, well I am an American for sure, I wanted only combat aspects so tournament play was out, and since my teaching lineage traces back to the Saholin Temple in China it had to be Kempo (Chuan Fa in Chinese).
In phase one I took the modified strikes that I was speaking of above that were from standard Kempo or Kenpo along with Okinawan Karate, melded them with Kung Fu strikes that I liked, developed new non passive blocking (blocks are hard fast strikes) along with soft trapping blocking for grappling work.
In phase two I took the best of Ju Jitsu from the original Ju Jitsu ( Aiki) and incorporated them to work along side the strikes and both blocking methods.
In phase three we went all out on the traditional weapons of Okinawa and modernized the procedures for real world fighting scenarios, along with swords and edged weapon (knives) fighting from Philippino arts that I modified for my needs. Then we went modern with all sorts of firearms in the advanced Master levels. You can not be a true master unless you can handle any and all weapons available to you, or thrust upon you.
So, am I saying that my art is the ultimate fighting art? No, but it is for my needs and what I designed it for. I have had others including agencies copy many aspects of my system, and many use my moves in real combat so I know what I teach is effective for the real world. Would it be effective in like a UFC even thing? Yes we would win everything. Now if only they would just throw out all those rules again so we could. Of course things are just the way they should be ni that repect. My rule book? I think its written on the back of a napkin somewhere. It says go home alive to your family.
Carter Hargrave is the chief instructor at Hargrave Martial Arts, Head of the World Jeet Kune Do Federation and World Kempo Association, and can be reached at or

Beginner Boxing Tips and Punch Technique

The first and most important aspect of boxing to learn is the boxing punch technique. Proper punches are among the most important beginner boxing tips. There are three basic punches that all boxing beginners should learn first. These are known as the jab, the cross, and the hook. More advanced punches include overhands, uppercuts, and body shots.
When you practice your boxing punch technique, you must make sure your hands are properly wrapped and that you are wearing the right kind of boxing gloves. One of the basic boxing tips is making sure you have the right gear to avoid injury and maximize your performance.
The Boxing Jab Technique
The jab is thrown with the hand on the same side as the leading leg. For example a right handed boxer would stand with the left foot leading and therefore jab with the left hand. There is minimal hip rotation in a jab. It is more of a straight, quick whip like motion with the arm that is meant to distract the opponent and measure distance. The cross and hook are the knockout punches, the jab sets them up.

Throwing a Cross Boxing Tips
The cross is thrown with the opposite hand of the lead leg and is very powerful because it generates most of its power from hip rotation. To use the cross technique:
1. Start with your feet planted.
2. By pushing off with your back foot, turn your body toward your lead leg side while keeping your lead foot in place.
3. As you make the turn, extend the punching hand toward the chin of your opponent.
Practice putting the three steps together as you punch a heavy bag to increase power.
The Boxing Hook Technique
The hook is thrown with the same hand as the jab, but in this case you angle your fist toward the side of your opponents chin and turn your body toward your back foot. Like the cross, the hook is capable of knocking out your opponent. is an information source focused on Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, and other Combat Sports. Our editors bring you fighting tips, fight gear reviews, and MMA fight news.

How to Use a Makiwara to Focus Your Mind, Not Just Your Punching

This article will explain some of the mental benefits that makiwara training can have, way beyond toughening up your hands. Read on to find out how to "toughen up" your mind as well.
As you may already know, a makiwara is a forging or striking post that Okinawan karate practitioners used to toughen their fists to feel like a rock when striking an opponent.
For the at-home martial arts practitioner, you can easily create your own makiwara that you will give you incredible punching power. However, the benefits of the makiwara go beyond just the physical. You will also learn to toughen up your mind.
By focusing on the makiwara board, you will develop a laser-like approach to engaging in something for short periods of time. Just like you need to instantly be ready to engage an opponent, you can gain that same "readiness" in other aspects of you life by using makiwara.
Here are 3 ways that you can use a makiwara board to improve your mental focus:
1. Using a makiwara hurts. By sticking with the training and learning to focus the pain outside of your mind, this can be an incredible gift to give yourself that will be useful for all kinds of painful situations.

2. Focusing on the makiwara board. This intense focus, almost to the level of mediation, removes outside distractions and if practiced enough can be used in many facets of your life.
3. By toughening your fists to have the punching power of a freight train you will gain mental confidence, which will help the way you carry yourself in society. The people that look weak are the people that get picked on and if you look like you have confidence, you may never need to use your iron fists.
Joshua Black is a black belt practitioner of karate and the developer of the Ultiamate Makiwara Creator, a how-to system that shows you how to create your own makiwara in just a few hours for under $26 that can withstand over 10,000 strikes. No more worrying about how you can afford to start makiwara training. Anyone can build it.
Download the system at

Who Were Some of Bruce Lee's Students?

During Bruce Lee's lift time he came in contact and made friends with many people that spanned from the average guy who may have been a student to popular actors of the time. Bruce's first ever student is Jessie Glover in Seattle, he trained with Lee for about 5 years sometimes more than once a day and is considered an authority on Lee's style of training..
When he began teaching his Jeet Kune Do style of martial arts, Lee only certified 4 people personally as instructors. These 4 are; James Yimm Lee, Ted Wong, Dan Inosanto and Taky Kimura. Dan Inosanto has trained most of the Jeet Kune Do instructors after Bruce Lee's death.
Inosanto certified instructors for over 30 years which gave all of them direct lineage contact with Lee through him. Inosanto and taky Kimura were allowed to teach only small groups of students after Lee's death. Other students of Bruce Lee were Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis and Mike Stone who all where already martial artist.

We all know about Chuck Norris being Lee's opponent in the movie Return of the Dragon in the famous coliseum fight. Norris was already an accomplished martial artist when he met Lee, having learned Tang Soo Do in Korea while in the Air Force and competing and teaching back in the U.S.A.
The actor James Coburn could be found hanging out with Lee and was one of his students. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar a basketball star in the A.B.A and the N.B.A. was a student and was in Bruce Lee's Game of Death as the last of the characters that Lee fought while going up the pagoda. Steve McQueen brought his son to Bruce for martial arts instruction. Chuck Norris had also instructed his son.
Discover how Bruce Lee developed his philosophy and incredible physique at Bruce Lee Method. Tim Archbold's lifelong interests are fitness training and health. Read More :Self Defense Weapon Pros and Con

Self Defense Weapon Pros and Con

Choosing A Self Defense Weapon
If you don't have military or police background, and aren't a big fan of that movie where people purposely hurt themselves, you probably have never seen a stun gun, taser, or pepper spray.
While I believe it's always best for a citizen to learn practical and effective empty-hand self-defense methods first, in some cases you may not have access to an instructor. And in other cases, it may not be practical for you to take a self defense class, due to physical limitations.
If this describes you, then you probably want some sort of self defense weapon that you can use right now to protect yourself. I understand, so I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you shouldn't buy something to use for that purpose - because it's your RIGHT to defend yourself!
But, if you don't really know what each device does, you may have a hard time deciding which product best fits your needs. So, here's a brief run down of each product category and what their capabilities are...
Self Defense Weapons And Their Pros And Cons
Defense Sprays - (a.k.a., "Mace", pepper spray, tear gas)
This is my number one recommendation for a simple self-defense tool that almost anyone can use effectively. If you've used an aerosol can, you can use a defense spray.
Defense sprays are chemical sprays that incapacitate an assailant by their irritant or inflammatory effect. The defense sprays that most sites offer mainly rely on an extract of hot pepper plants for their effectiveness. This extract is called Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). OC is an inflammatory agent that has an instantaneous effect when sprayed into the eyes and face of an assailant.
The heat from pepper extracts is measured in Scoville Heat Units. The typical jalapeno pepper rates at about 2,500 Scoville Heat Units, while the some of the sprays on this website rate at up to 2 million Scoville Heat Units. So, to get an idea of the effect of getting sprayed, just think about the last time you rubbed your eyes after handling a jalapeno pepper, and multiply that feeling by about eight hundred times!
Probably the best thing about Pepper Sprays is the fact that you can hit someone with a good spray from several feet away, and although it usually takes 20 to 30 minutes for the effect to wear off, there are no long-term ill effects from being sprayed.
If you do decide to purchase a defense spray, make sure you get a good, quality brand like Mace, and that you replace it every six months to ensure your spray will work when you need it.
Stun Guns -
A stun gun is a device that relies on a pulsed electrical current to incapacitate an assailant. They are highly effective at stopping an assailant in their tracks, and the loud crackling noise that they make when you hit the "on" switch can be very intimidating to a would be attacker.
As effective as they are, stun guns do require you to make actual physical contact with the assailant. The stun gun must be brought into contact with the assailant's body to exert its effect.
Also, a stun gun (like any weapon) can be turned against you. In addition, thick clothing can sometimes lessen the effect of the stun gun on an assailant.
For these reasons, I recommend you choose a good defense spray over a stun gun as a first line of defense. But, at close range where there is no room to spray the assailant without risking spraying yourself, a stun gun could possibly allow you the chance to escape.
Tasers -
Tasers are basically stun guns that work at a distance. Tasers fire a barbed dart (ouch!) that penetrates the assailant's skin. The dart is attached to the handheld unit by two wires that deliver the electrical impulse that disables the assailant.
Most have a fifteen-foot range and come in two designs. The first design looks a lot like the "phasers" that you have seen on Star Trek. This design costs less and is probably easier to aim if you have never fired a pistol. If you have ever used a remote control to change the channels on your TV, you can probably aim this type of taser.

The second taser design resembles a pistol, and operates in much the same manner, but is equivalent to the standard taser in all other respects.
There are two main drawbacks with tasers:
1. You have to hit your target.
2. You may only have one shot and one chance to do so.
Also, tasers tend to be expensive. The fact is, pepper sprays are easier to use, so when in doubt, just buy a can of pepper spray.
Other Self Defense Weapons -
Kubotans - A kubotan (also known as a "pocket stick") is a handheld device that attaches to your keychain. The effectiveness of the kubotan in delivering short, powerful strikes to an assailant's vital target areas is unquestionable... if you know what you're doing with it. Get training in empty-handed self defense first if you plan to buy a kubotan for self defense.
Personal Alarms - Personal alarms are devices that emit an extremely loud and high-pitched "whistle" when activated. Some include hidden switches that can ensure only the owner can deactivate the unit.
They are mainly useful for drawing attention to you if you are attacked, because the loud noise they make can bring unwanted attention to an attacker. No criminal wants to get caught, so the last thing they want is attention. At 120 to 150 decibels, personal alarms definitely draw a lot of attention.
Having said that, my take on them is that they are close to useless for self defense. My advice is to just buy a good alarm system for your home, and carry pepper spray with you in an easily deployed place on your body (preferably, on a key ring that you carry with the Mace can in your hand, ready to go).
Knives and Firearms - Are they effective? Of course. But, if you decide to carry a knife or firearm for personal protection I strongly encourage you to research and become familiar with the laws of your state first.
If your research leads you to believe it is a legal option in your area, the next logical step would be to seek expert instruction in their usage before you start to carry one for self-defense.
In future, we'll be offering advanced courses in knife defense and hand-gunning for home defense at select Self Defense Black Belt Program locations, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter on our site to stay informed on when those courses become available.
Mike Massie is the national director of operations for the Self Defense Black Belt Program(tm). The SDBBP is a comprehensive reality-based self defense program that offers realistic self-defense skills you can learn in as little as three to four months. You can find out more about the SDBBP and find a licensed facility offering the training at

5 Tips to Know Before Buying Boxing Gloves

Boxing is the best way of exercising, socializing, improving and maintaining the fitness levels. However, your fitness level can only be maintained if you have right kind of fitness equipments for boxing. One of the most important equipments for boxing is the boxing gloves.
Don't just buy gloves because you need them. You must take few things into consideration before purchasing the gloves. There are 5 things you should know before purchasing boxing gloves from a shop. Read them below.
Firstly, do you know that gloves come in a variety of materials? Leather gloves are to be purchased for training. It is true that leather gloves are bit costly but they can last for a long time. If you are a professional boxer, you must buy boxing gloves tied with the laces. However, if you go for training in gym, buy Velcro wrist straps to suit your purpose.
Secondly, while buying gloves you must keep in mind the size of the gloves. gloves that are available are usually large, medium and small. An average man usually needs large size and an average woman needs a medium size glove. However, always keep in mind that gloves will stretch. So, buy accordingly.

Next, you should also consider the gloves weight before purchasing. You should always have a chat with your trainer or coach for his recommendations regarding the boxing gloves. Since he will be your trainer, he will be the best person to advice you about the weight of your gloves that needs to be purchased. Boxing gloves weight usually ranges from 10 to 20 ounces. However, children boxing gloves range from 4 to 8 ounces. More heavier will be the glove, more protection would it offer. Beginners must use 12oz to 16oz gloves whereas 10oz gloves must be used by professional boxers.
The other important thing that must be considered is that the hands should most likely be wrapped while wearing the gloves. Hand wraps should be worn for they offer extra protection for your wrists, knuckles and small bones in hand. So, buy hand wraps before buying the boxing gloves.
Last but not the least; check out if the gym has a connection with any distributor or manufacturer of fitness equipment. If the gym has any connections, then it will be best for you to buy the gloves from gym because you can save a lot of money and time.
So, are you in search of boxing gloves? There are many online stores that supplies boxing fitness equipments to their potential customers. Ultimate Fitness 4 U is one such online store that supplies fitness equipments like boxing gloves and others from Fairtex, Adidas, Twins and Lonsdale to its potential clients. It also supplies the best products from world of MMA clothing, MMA shorts and boxing gloves. Ultimate Fitness 4 U stocks wide selection of creatine, protein supplements and products of weight loss from top brands like BSN, USN, MET, EAS and others. Read More :A Few Tips on Sparring in Boxing

A Few Tips on Sparring in Boxing

Before you begin sparring with a partner, make sure you protect your knuckles and your wrists. Wrap you hands properly. Have a trainer show you the right way to wrap them, because this is very important.
Then the gloves go on. Sparring gloves are actually designed to protect your hands, not your opponent's head. These usually weigh about sixteen ounces, which is more than most fight gloves weigh.
You will also need headgear when you are sparring. These protect you from bruises and cuts while you are sparring, and they're used in amateur boxing as well. Head gear will not protect you from hard punches that have the potential to knock you out. You need to be aware of this, because otherwise you may feel too secure when wearing headgear.
The groin guard will protect your groin area from punches that are too low.
Your mouth piece is sometimes called a mouth guard, and it protects the inside of your mouth and your lips from being cut by your teeth when you are the recipient of a hard face punch. The mouth guard also serves to lock your bottom and top jaws together, so that if you are struck by a hook (a blow to the side of the head), you won't suffer damage to the joint capsule of your jaw. Wear a mouth guard even if you're sparring, and especially in competition.

Sparring with a qualified opponent or partner is one of the best boxing workouts. This practice-fighting will allow you to work on your fitness and your skills. A sparring match should not be contested like a fight. Often, you and your sparring partner will plan ahead of time what punches you both plan to work on.
Body sparring is sparring where only body shots are allowed, no punches to the head. This is usually done so that the risk of injury is lessened, and to help newer boxers spar without risk of head injury.
Sparring is the single most important aspect of your training regimen. You can always work the bags, but they don't punch back, and you need to learn defense as well as offense. Sparring will help to improve your timing, the speed of your reactions, and punching in combinations.
Sparring teaches you to work through the nervous energy you will feel on fight night. If you are too nervous, that can play a large role in the outcome of your match. If you're too nervous leading up to a fight, it can leave you with an empty "gas tank" before the fight even starts. Your legs may feel heavy, and your gloves may feel like lead weights. There is only one way to get past these feelings, and that is through experience. The more matches you have under your belt, the easier it will be for you to overcome the anxiety you feel before a fight.
Anyone who boxes has experienced nerves at some time. Whether it happened before their first fight or a title fight, they had to calm their nerves before climbing into the ring, just as you will need to. The more experience you have, the less anxious you will feel before matches. You can rely on your hard work in the gym, as well as your fundamental skills, and these are all aspects that help you develop as a fighter. Learn "the game" first, and then you will be able to develop experience and confidence. You can't master the sport of boxing overnight. It will take you several years to adequately learn the sport, through your boxing workouts and through actual ring experience.
You should head into each session of sparring as an opportunity to make some part of your "game" better. Spar with many different opponents, so that you can accustom yourself to different styles that your future opponents may have. Boxing workouts and ring experience together will put you at the top of your game.
Read More :MMA Training and Isometric Strength


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