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Boxing Classes - Watch Your Health Closely While Making Weight

Does crash dieting work when I want to reach a competitive match goal? Although fast diet fixes are tempting when competing for boxing classes, watch your health closely while making weight. Athletes who compete in categories based on weight need to understand that good, balanced nutrition is mandatory for optimal performance.
Rapid Weight Loss is extremely harmful to a boxer. Training required for fight preparation is difficult, stressful and demanding. The body is weakened by rapid weight loss because it is being starved of essential nutrients. Rushing pound loss will make it far more difficult to achieve maximum performance. Proper dieting consists of sound nutrition and allowing plenty of time to reach the desired weight goal.
Dehydration Techniques should be abandoned immediately. Purposefully draining your body of precious electrolytes right before a fight, for any reason, is down right dumb.

The use of rubber suits, Albolene and other dangerously creative ways to drop weight rapidly are simply playing with fire. Not only do the suits prevent the body from breathing, but Albolene actually makes the skin softer and prone to injury in the ring.
Rapid Weight Gain will probably be fat instead of muscle. In reaching certain boxing classes, watch your health closely by not forcing weight gain. You will need a coordinated program of weight training and nutrition in order to put on muscle pounds. In his prime, Evander Holyfield moved up from cruiserweight to heavyweight by employing a regimented program of weights and nutrition, to gain 30 pounds of muscle mass in only six months. He had less than 3 per cent body fat and was a well-muscled heavyweight champion.
Fighters, to get into desired boxing classes, watch your health closely while making weight. Modern technology and science have enlightened us in every field of human endeavor. Specific sports training, nutrition and weight management have also progressed so you have the right information to succeed. Now it is up to you to use it.
Artie Artwell is different. He is a man who employs scientific principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, resistance training, and years of experience to create an effective, high intensity, complete personalized training program to accomplish anyone's goal and aspirations.

If you want the latest and best in modern boxing and fitness training call Artie Artwell at (401) 354-5728 or visit

Boxing Training - Using Short, High Intensity Preparation For the Ring

What are the best types of exercise to use for the best ring results? For boxing training, using short, high intensity preparation for the ring has been scientifically proven to be the most effective. Here are a few of the better known, verified programs in use today.
Cycles of a set of drills are intended to mimic the frenetic activity of an actual fight. They are typically 30 seconds each with all being done within two minutes. A real fight tends to be a lot more demanding than the exercises, so creativity should be used to up the ante, so to speak.
Plyometrics involves hopping, jumping and bounding type exercises meant to encourage explosive, fast reflexes. A combination of speed and endurance is essential in boxing training. Using short, high intensity preparation for the ring creates the power necessary for successful bouts.

Weight Training
A common myth from the past is that weight training is somehow counter productive for fighters. You will not become muscle bound or stiff when you work out with weights. Research proves that with the correct routine, muscular strength and endurance are actually increased with weight use. Just remember, slow weight training is not beneficial. Engage in weights in a way that is consistent with the anaerobic character of boxing. Lifting faster would work better. Check with your personal trainer before beginning a program on your own.
As you can see, when it comes to boxing training, using short, high intensity preparation for the ring makes the best sense for the nature of this sport. The time is now to get acquainted with the latest discoveries in working out. You will avoid years of bad habits that are hard to reverse and protect your health for the future.
Artie Artwell is different. He is a man who uses his education to employ scientific principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, resistance training, and years of experience to create an effective, high intensity, complete personalized training program to accomplish anyone's goal and aspirations.

If you want the latest and best in modern boxing and fitness training call Artie Artwell at (401) 354-5728 or visit

The Requirements For the Art of Archery

The art of archery has lived in human history since ancient times when hunters sourced for food in the animal fields with weapons in the shape of bows and arrows, till modern times where you now have people enjoying the sport as witnessed by hundreds of individuals who constantly look for archery fields and cheap archery supplies. What had started out as a form of tool to sustain human lives has gradually evolved into a global sport that not only provides a colorful spectacle, but also requires endless hours of discipline and dedication to perfect and perform. Archery has also remained an integral part of the art of hunting, where individuals participate in both the real shooting of animals for food, as well as the gaming aspect of prize hunting.
Archery has a very basic structure, which is essentially made up of the two critical components of the bow and arrow.

The bow is the main tool that provides the archer or hunter with the foundation on which to shape his prey and to launch his attacks. It is the platform on which the archer uses to take aim at the target and from which the arrow will be shot. This is also the reason why a lot of effort and hard work is put into the design aspects of a bow. It has resulted in spawning many different types of archery bows that each serve different needs and contain unique advantages, including the longbow, short bow, crossbow and the different types of compound bows such as Diamond compound bows and many more. The advancement in technology in the modern world has also contributed to modern bows that strike a balance in superior quality and smooth usability, as well as price savings which result in equipment such as cheap compound bows.
The arrow is the killing tool with which archers use either to snare their prey, or to shoot at targets designated in archery competitions or hunting tournaments. As with the modern bow, arrows are also made from various materials including, but not limited to, carbon and wood. Depending on the archer's situation and also personal preferences, different types of arrows are used. Factors such as the weight of the arrow, the hunter's target or tournament rules dictate the eventual use of an arrow type. The arrow shaft needs to be built with strong material in order to provide the strength and stability required when the arrow tip hits the target. The arrow tip, in turn, has to provide the cutting edge necessary to plunge deep into the target to secure a perfect hit.
For practitioners of the art of archery, one needs to spend much time on a trained stance that will provide further strong foundations to shooting an arrow. The archer has to ensure that his stance is correct and steady, with the body posture fixed and aligned to his eyes and bow in order to launch the arrow properly. Failure to do so would not only hurt the archer physically, but the archery equipment could be used inappropriately which may harm its longevity. While this is extremely critical for archers who indulge in hunting, it can be often be overlooked by archers who participate more in tournaments which feature competitions based on shooting accuracy and overall archery ability. However, ultimately developing the correct stance and skills required for archery is necessary if one wishes to go far in the sport and to enjoy it at the same time.

Tevin Grant is an archery enthusiast who spends long hours at the shooting galleries. He also provides cheap archery supplies to fellow archers, and provides a comprehensive range of cheap compound bows including Diamond compound bows.

How to Jump Higher in Basketball Tips

How to jump high in basketball exercises are becoming widely used for anyone wishing to take their basketball game to the next level. This article will explore a few tips to help you to increase your vertical jump and improve your game. Sometimes, all it takes is a few changes and enhancements to your exercise routine or athletic wear to make all the difference.
Leg Exercises To Jump Higher
- Stand on the ground straight up. Lift up your feet by standing on your toes up and down in a repetitive motion for about 25 reps.

This will stretch the muscles in your calves and give you more advantage in your jumping ability.
- Standing on a soft surface, jump up and down - this may sound crazy, but what better way to improve your vertical than to practice, practice practice. Make sure that you have on sturdy shoes to carry your frame for the exercise. How to jump higher in basketball techniques should always include this.
- Use a jump rope. This will help with agility and cardiovascular functions - which both can contribute to your vertical abilities.
Are you wearing the right shoes?
Check out the shoes that you are wearing. Does the heal offer a good solid support? The worst thing that you can do is wear the wrong shoes.

Pick a shoe with a good heel cushion. Think about it - if you wore flip flops versus a good solid pair of sneakers for a basketball game, would your game be better or worse with the good, solid basket ball sneakers?
Click here for the how to treat gout and check more on how to jump higher in basketball

Bodybuilding Supplement

A supplement is something that which supplements, or serves to complete or make perfect, that to which it is added or an addition to, something already organized, arranged, or set apart; specifically, a part added to, as a continuation and to make good its deficiencies or correct its errors.
Translation in bodybuilding terms: a supplement is a product that is added onto an already sound diet/training regime, in order to bring up areas that are lagging like protein intake, carb intake etc...Your diet should be the basis of your supplementation, not the other way round.
Too many bodybuilders/lifters basis thier diet on X amount of supplements in order to achieve daily requirements of carbs and protein.

Protein shakes and the likes, are there to help bring up lagging parts of your diet or provide a convenience to where a proper meal is not possible or practical. I.e, a post workout shake in the gym is more ideal to going home and cooking a meal while your body slips into a catabolic state.
Cost is a factor as well when your in your teens, the supplement market is rife with products that can cost any where from $10-80...
Keep things simple at this stage of your training, if your not able to get enough protein from your meals each day, then a good whey protein shake can help bring the levels up. In my opinion, the simpler you keep you supplementation now, the better.
Products like ZMA, Tribulus, and other testosterone enhancers are a waste of money at this stage. You natural testosterone levels during your teen years are sky high and the % raise these supplements offer, will go un-noticed in terms of muscle growth and recouperation. Save your money, buy a decent whey protein shake.
You will do your body more harm than good by taking any type of steroid or pro-hormone whilst your body is still growing, as i said before, your natural testosterone levels are already sky increasing you testosterone levels higher, you can incur side effects such as stunted growth. The long bones in the body can be prematurely capped by the body's reaction to the influx of testosterone and therefore stunt potential growth. This is just one of many side effects of steroid usage at an early age.

If you are serious about using these products and substances, wait till your 20's when the natural testosterone levels have leveled off, you have a few good years of training under your belt and you have seriously thought about it and done your research...
Click to find more about Bodybuilding Supplement, Muscle Growth.

6 Ways to Save Money at Fenway Park

Fenway Park is close to the top of many lists when it comes to Major League Baseball. Two such lists are the best baseball experiences and the most expensive stadiums. The Red Sox have had hundreds of sell-outs in a row which means that if you buy tickets, you are probably going to pay a hefty mark-up on them. The surrounding area can also do a number on your budget, but it doesn't have to. Let's look at 6 ways you can save some serious cash on your visit to Fenway Park.
1.   Park at the Claredon Garage.
This 2,000 spot garage is the Red Sox official parking, but it is about a 10 - 15 minute walk from the stadium. The great thing is, its only $9 to park here. If you are familiar with the area you know that $9 is almost like parking for free. If you drive up near the stadium and find a parking lot you can pay as much as $50. Google Map the 100 Claredon Garage.
2.   Take the Ruggles Shuttle on Weekends
The Ruggles Shuttle is located at Northeastern University. Basically you park at the Renaissance Parking garage is at 835 Columbus Ave, Boston MA. On weekends (after 6pm on Friday) you will be charged $6 to park, and then you can take a free shuttle to Fenway Park and be dropped off at Gate B. The shuttle is handicap accessible, and you do have to show your game ticket to get on for free.

The shuttles leave every 10 minutes, starting 90 minutes before the game and take you back until 1 hour after the game. An affordable option that doesn't involve much walking.
3.   Ride the "T"
Most locals do this anyway, but if you are from out of town and are staying near a train station, take the green line to the Kenmore stop. Usually you pay a couple of bucks each way to ride.
4.  Buy Standing Room Only Tickets
I saw you roll your eyes when you read #4... now stop and hear me out. All Standing Room Only (SRO) tickets are not created equal. As I mentioned earlier, the Red Sox are always sold out and buying SRO tickets are often your cheapest way into the stadium. If you just buy the standard SRO tickets, you are wasting your money. Because of the large number that are sold, you can end up standing in a line of people on the lower level, with not much room to maneuver. One thing about an old stadium is that they always have narrow concourses, which leaves less room to stand.
You are much better off buying SRO tickets on the Pavilion level; and there is a huge difference. I bought Standing Room tickets on Stubhub in the Right Field Pavilion for $60 each, which was a little more than double face value. The great thing is, there are only about 12 rows of seats on this level, so the bathrooms and concessions are much easier to get to. There also seems to be considerably less pavilion tickets available, because there weren't many people crowded around us, which was nice. Finally, you have the benefit of leaning against a stand up bar where you can set your food and drinks. It was a great view of the action, and a great experience for $60.
5.  Play the Lottery
Every January the Red Sox have lottery for tickets to Opening Day, The Green Monster, and the Right Field Party Area. Because these tickets are obviously the most sought after, they do a drawing out of fairness. So even if you aren't from the Boston area, this is a great opportunity to get tough tickets at face value. If you can't make it to the game you will have no problem selling them. Make a mark on your calendar to check the Sox website towards the end of January and sign up for free. Buying tickets straight from the team saves you money because you aren't paying any mark up on the price.
6.  Bring your own Water
Fenway Park has expensive concession stands just like every other ballpark. Unfortunately they don's let you bring your own food into the stadium like many others do. However you are allowed to bring your own sealed bottles of water 16 oz or less.  While that may not sound like much in the way of saving money, it adds up. If you take a family of 4 to a game and you bring your own bottles of water to wash down the food you buy, you are saving about $15 - $20 in ballpark prices.

Lets Summarize:
- Park and walk, Park and Ride, or just ride the T = <$10
- Buy Pavilion SRO or win the Lottery = about $60 per seat
- Bring your own water = save $5 per person on drinks
This certainly doesn't equate to one of the cheapest ballpark experiences in baseball, in fact it is just the opposite. However if you compare this to what you could spend on a night at Fenway - its a steal. If you are still a little distraught as to what your night at Fenway Park is going to cost, try to remember that you are going to enjoy a piece of American history. A trip to Fenway Park is a unique baseball experience that is worth the price... at least once.
For more information on saving money at a Sox game, visit my Fenway Park guide provides free guides that save fans both time and money at Major League Ballparks.

A Dunn Deal?

Even with all the unanswered questions that surround the Eagles backfield, the Birds seem to be set on their crop of running backs. At least, that's what it appeared it to be. Rumors have swirled around Philadelphia that the Eagles are interested in adding the veteran back Warrick Dunn. The rumors have been brought about by, and have been discussed in USA Today.
So how would bringing Warrick Dunn to Philly help out the team? Well for starters, he is an experienced player in the NFL, and has been quite successful during his 13 year career. The impact that Dunn would have on the Birds, besides his play on the field, would be teaching the younger backs.

With 2nd round draft pick LeSean McCoy expected to see a good amount of action in 2009, he will need to be prepared physically and mentally. Dunn would take McCoy under his wing, and could teach him the "small things" that many young backs never learn. The addition of Dunn would bring leadership to the Eagles backfield, and would give the younger players a mentor to look up too.
Warrick Dunn has had a solid career in the NFL, spending most of his years with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and recently the Atlanta Falcons. In his career, Dunn has rushed for 10,967 yards, with 49 touchdowns. After doing some research, I have found that in 17 total games against the Redskins, Giants, and Cowboys, Dunn has rushed for 1,193 yards and 4 touchdowns. These are pretty good stats for him, and could help the Eagles against their division rivals. Bringing in Warrick Dunn would be a great addition, especially since he would provide leadership and experience to the backfield. The players, such as LeSean McCoy and Lorenzo Booker, would be able to get the "tricks" that have made Warrick Dunn successful in the NFL and he could also bring some relief to Brian Westbrook and LeSean McCoy.
Kyle Phillippi

Visit Both of My Sites:

Walleye Fishing Secrets For Entering a Tournament

Hi, Andrew Martinsen here. A Walleye tournament can be some very exciting fishing, but how can you find these tournaments, and what do you have to do to practice and register for them?
Finding Walleye tournaments is not hard to do, and there are a number of resources that you can use to locate Walleye tournaments in your area and state.
The DNR for your state usually has a list of all fishing tournaments taking place in the state, and you can access this information either online or by contacting your local DNR department.
Thankfully, registering for a Walleye tournament is not hard to do either.
Contact the person or organization listed to determine how to register. Make sure to read the rules and regulations carefully. Determine how many anglers can be in the boat, what the limits are, and how long the tournament lasts.

Registering usually consists of showing or sending proof of any necessary fishing license, plus filling out the registration form and paying the required registration fee. The specifics for each tournament are different, with different rules, costs, and fees required.
Preparing for a Walleye fishing tournament is the hard part, because finding and registering for the tournament just requires some research and paperwork.
The only way to prepare for a tournament is to practice at the tournament lake or river. Fishing the area before the tournament will give you knowledge and experience of the area, so you are better positioned to understand where the best fishing areas are.
Determine a tournament strategy beforehand, while on the lake, so that you can determine where you will fish during the tournament. Take note of the underwater structure, areas which have high numbers of baitfish, and any promising weed beds. Look at the natural food sources that the Walleye eat, because bait which is similar will probably have the most chance ofsuccess. Look at the expected weather for the tournament days, so you can fine tune your strategy to take weather conditions into account.
Make sure you have a wide range of lures in your tackle box, as well as all the necessary accessories like extra line and other tackle.
This will allow you to be prepared for any conditions or eventuality.
Walleye tournaments are not just for professional anglers, most tournaments are open to anyone who is willing to register, pay the fees required, and fish during the tournament. If you enjoy Walleye fishing and you believe you are good at it, entering a Walleye tournament may be a unique experience that is very enjoyable.

There are many of these tournaments around the country each year, so it is just a matter of finding the right Walleye tournament in your area, entering, and then having fun. A Walleye tournament can be a great way to challenge your fishing skills and have fun, plus have a chance to win money or prizes.
Andrew Martinsen is a walleye fishing fanatic. His Walleye Fishing Secrets course has helped anglers across North America catch more walleye and bigger walleye. Find out more about his walleye fishing program right now while it's still available.

How to Build a Koi Pond - An Introduction

This articles you will introduce you to learning how to build a koi pond. You will also be warned a few times on how NOT to build a koi pond. You must first understand that koi ponds are not just simple holes in the ground filled with water to keep fish in. There are a number of different but important things you need to consider before you begin planning. There are a few simple things you need to remember so that you do not end up with just a hole and some dead fish.
Unless you have done a substantial amount of outdoor landscaping and construction, you may be better off by leaving the pond building up to a professional. You might think that by doing it yourself you will save you a ton of money. There are actually many times when this will not be true.

You need to consider your time and experience. If either one is suspect you WILL make mistakes and this will increase your costs. Most people end up spending money on fixing problems that could have been avoided. Or even worse you may not notice your mistakes until it's too late. This will put your fish at risk of perishing.
If you do hire a professional remember that they are the expert. While you have final say in everything that gets done please take their advice into consideration if you disagree on something. If you force them to do everything your way you will not be able to place blame on them if your pond fails. When choosing a professional always get and check references. Get several different quotes and compare them. Beware of any that sound too cheap. They should all be in the same general price range.
Another thing when planning your pond is that you want to do everything you can to keep humans and other animals from swimming or drinking in your pond. If your children or other pets swim in your pond, it could cause a chemical imbalance or even physical damage to the pond or it's components.
This should go without saying but your koi pond is permanent once it has been built. You will not be able to move it to another area of your yard if you decide you don't like the placement. This is where careful planning is very important. Be sure to carefully plan each and every aspect of your pond. Once it is built it there is little you can do to change it. Size and placement are the two most important things in this area.
Finally, you must know that maintaining a koi pond is a substantial amount of work. Be sure that you understand the scope of work involved and that you will have enough time to spend on the needed maintenance. Other than regular tasks and maintenance, other things will happen that will require extra attention. This could include vet visits, or you may need to take some extra time to clear up an algae infection.

Also if you are going to be going away you will need someone with enough knowledge to maintain your pool until you return.
Adam Taiz writes for come visit and read more articles on Koi Pond Supplies and this one on Koi Pond Filters.

One of the Most Important Walleye Fishing Secrets of All

You know, when it comes to Walleye fishing, testing is the key. Testing will allow you to zone in on what is effective and successful right now, and what will just waste your time on the water and leave you frustrated at the end of the trip.
Testing can give you the answer to everything: The right bait, the right presentation, the right speed, and the right location. Testing can help you locate the fish and entice them to you more successfully and make your fishing trips more productive. When you first arrive at your fishing location, testing is the ideal way to find out what the fish want and where they are.
Start with one presentation and bait, and if you do not have any bites within ten or fifteen minutes try changing something. This can be your bait, your location, your speed, or your presentation.

By changing something you are testing to see what is going to work and draw the fish, and what is not working and needs to be changed. Only change one or two variables at a time though (preferably just one at a time), to ensure that you are exploring all the options and are not changing too many things at once. This can make it hard to eliminate single factors from the equation.
Testing different baits can help you locate exactly what baits are popular with the Walleye in the area you are fishing. Look at the natural baits available to the fish, and start with similar baits. If there is not much of a response to the first test bait, try another bait. If live baits do not get much of a response from the Walleye, try testing out crankbaits instead.
Testing many different things will help you determine the best method to catch the most Walleye. Walleye fishing means always changing and adapting, because many times these fish may act against what their expected behavior is. Teesting is the way that you can change your fishing to meet the conditions and patterns of the fish. Even if the conditions are the same on two different days, the techniques and baits that work may not be.
Testing can eliminate guesswork. Testing is the ULTIMATE key to unlocking the secrets of walleye fishing. The walleye wants to strike at your bait. Testing is the fastest way to find out what they want on any particular day. Changing many different things in a scientific way to find out what works and testing different theories is one of the most effective ways to catch these tricky fish.
Andrew Martinsen is a walleye fishing fanatic.

His Walleye Fishing Secrets course has helped anglers across North America catch more walleye and bigger walleye. Find out more about Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Secrets program right now while it's still available.

Longshot Tips For Winning Horse Racing Handicapping Strategies

Playing long shots will test the patience and resolve of even the best horse racing handicappers, but if you want to make real big hits and profit from betting on horse races, longshots are one way to do it. But just betting on a runner because it is at long odds is financial suicide. There are a few keys I like to use to find good long shot bets.
The first thing I want to see when I bet on a long shot is a race with a favorite and other contenders who are suspect. In other words a phony favorite. Since favorites win a third of all races, if you can eliminate the favorite, you are one step closer to a race with a big winner.
The next thing I look for is a horse who has a reason to be better than it was in its last effort. Now that may sound awfully simplistic or obvious, but you would be surprised at how many horses win at big odds when the reason for their improvement was staring the crowd right in the face.

Ask yourself this question, "How many times have you seen a horse win at a good price, and when you looked it over again in the form, after the race, you realized you should have bet on it based on what you read?"
We all do it and that is why every day, all over the horse racing world, longshots continue to surprise and pay big win tickets. So here is a tip on how you can avoid getting burned by longshots in the future. When you handicap the races, anytime there is any reason for a horse to improve, no matter how bad the horse looks on paper, put a great big question mark beside the horse.
The next step is to take another look at any question mark horses and look for these things, a top trainer, top jockey, top breeding. If you can't figure out why a horse is entered in a race it seems to have no chance of winning, but it has any of those three things going for it, you can bet that it has a chance to win, especially if there is a question mark beside it.
The business of training horses and winning with them is one of being able to see promise in a horse and then bringing it out. The best jockeys and trainers do it all the time and the trainers do it by making changes in equipment, training such as workouts, or surface or distance changes. One of the amazing things about longshots is that they often have a top jockey or trainer.
There is no shame in getting burned by a longshot who is ridden by a no-name jockey or trained by a lousy trainer, but don't get burned by an entry that is conditioned by a top trainer or ridden by a top jock.
Longshots are the best bets when you know how to rate them with Bill's Longshot Rater at Bill has been around Horseracing for 50 years and knows how to spot a good bet and loves to teach others.

He is a former race horse owner and professional handicapper. He comes from a horse race handicapping family and as he puts it, "Horse Racing is in my blood." To see all Bill's horse racing material go to Horse Racing Handicapping Bill's handicapping store.

Stop Slicing a Golf Ball With the Inside Out Golf Swing Technique

One of the most common faults a golfer can do is slicing the golf ball. The inside out golf swing can help you to stop slicing the ball and get a proper technique for more accuracy and distance. If you want to better your game then this article is for you.
A golf swing slice is a problem for a lot of amateur golfers and even the pros have to train to avoid a slice. But how to stop slicing a golf ball effectively? Well, I have some suggestions for you but you have to keep in mind that the golf swing sequence is complex and an unnatural move.
There can be a lot of issues why your are slicing th ball. Now a few tips on how to stop slicing the ball and better your game.

Take a look at your stance. A good stance can make a huge improvement in your distance. If you struggle here and you do not have a proper stance you will not have the distance and power to take your game to the next level.
Your feet should be as wide as your shoulders. A straight back and your right foot straight aligned to the ball. The left foot slightly to the left. Keep your eyes on the ball and rotate properly. There are a lot of good online videos which shows this step by step.
You see a good stance is crucial if you want to rotate your upper body. Relax yourself before you start with your own inside out golf swing. Smooth movements are resulting in more distance and you will stop slicing.
As I said the swing is a complex and difficult move. You have to practise a lot to better your game. Golf is hard to learn and so you have to follow a good training routine if you want to stop slicing the ball and get the inside out golf swing.
Next you will want to know where to find the best guides to stop slicing and lower your score.

Mark Langer has helped a lot of people to improve their golf swing and showed them how to swing a golf club. Marks Free Online Course and his recommended Golf Swing Guides are jam packed with golf swing tips and techniques. Take Your Golf to the Next Level here Golf Swing Guide

Exploring the Essence of Golf Bags

The game of golf enjoys a unique royal connotation of being a high quality standard game. The game features a high class rich essence to give the feeling of quality entertainment in the most outstanding manner. The game always demands immense precision in each and every aspect which is associated with the game in some or the other manner.
When we mention of this game there are some very important aspects that need to be taken suitable care of. These aspects are in terms of the golf accessories and equipments that complete the essence of the game.
If the idea is of conveniently carrying the challenging courses then the best option to choose for is that of a stand golf bag or pencil golf bag. But for carrying an electric or manual golf trolley in a suitable fashion the perfect option in all the ways is that of a cart golf bag or trolley golf bag.

The entire spectrum of the vast range of bags comprises of some of the very popular varieties such as Callaway Golf, TaylorMade, Nike, Maxfli, Slazenger and Mizuno.
- Stand Bags: They furnish the added convenience of secure storage and reduced weight.
- Cart Bags: Cart bags are designed specifically to be carried by a golf cart or trolley. This variety encompasses great carrying flexibility through their unique design.
- Carry Bags and Pencil Bags: Carry bags, more popularly known as pencil bags, are meant for occasions when there is no need of a full set of clubs.
- The Lightweight Golf Bag: These are improvised stand bags that are designed to be lightweight and flexible so that they can be carried easily for the complete round.
- Callaway Bags: Callaway bags are amazing combination of functionality and performance.
- Maxfli Bags: Maxfli provides for the more extensive and affordable selection of golf bags that includes cart bags and stand bags.
- Nike Bags: Nike is the very biggest name in world sport. Lightweight bags from Nike are extremely light and provide the player with great support and flexibility when carrying the bag around the course.
Some important considerations
• When shopping for a golf bag one should give due importance to the storage options.
• To accumulate personal belongings in the car or carry them in your pocket, select a golf bag with secure pockets or sections that can be used to provide good protection for your items.

• Some golf bags also furnish a clothes storage compartment that enables single as well as multiple storage facility.
• A golf bag must protect clubs and other items adequately.
• Club compartments and lined sections provide greater protection for your most prized possessions along with making the club selection quicker and easier.
• It is always more convenient to have the facility of Lined putter as they give the putter head even more protection.
For any help on golf, check out the info available online, these will help you learn to find the golf clubs an instant go!

Buying Guidelines For Mountain Bikes

Choosing your own mountain bike from bike shops can be a bit frustrating, and can take some time before you can really make up your mind. This article will help you put together your thoughts and enumerate what you need to do to get the best before you lay down your cash.
Determine Your Budget
There really is no limit to you to how much you can spend buying a new mountain bike. Just keep your spending under control by figuring out the price range you are willing to pay, and search for bikes within that price range. I recommend you to support your local bike shops, they usually have quality products with a much more better service.
Identify Your Riding Style
All mountain bikes are designed for several various types or riding styles and terrains. First thing you should consider in buying one is to - know you style or riding.

There are smooth trail riding, cross-country racing, all mountain cruising or lift accessed gravity mayhem. Whatever your riding style is, make sure your bike is fit and built for that style of riding.
Should You Opt For Full Suspension or Hardtail?
Full suspension mountain bikes are always better. But if you're in a budget, you can choose the Hardtrail type. However, Hardtrail type of mountain bike does not have rear suspension, but has lighter weight and pedal more efficiently. Full suspension types, on the other hand, are designed for more comfort and control. You can decide on this aspect base on your price range, riding style you want and terrain
Find The Best Possible Deal
This aspect is very important, more than important than getting a good priced mountain bike. A good dealer cares more to his customers and sells them the right bike over the more expensive one. His shop should have clean repair facilities and has trustworthy personnel.
Don't Forget To Give It A Test Ride!
Try as many bikes as you can within your price range and riding style. You will discover for your self which is better for you and which is not. Some bikes just feel right while others don't. The more test rides you have the better you feel you will have for what you really want in a bike.

For more information on Mens Mountain Bikes, please visit which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand how to make a good selection on mountain bike equipment.

Learn to Skateboard - The Easy Way

Learners Guide 2 Sk8boarding
Want to learn how to skateboard? Wish you could skate like such pro's as Rodney Mullen, Tony Hawk or Bam Margera? If you're like me you will know how hard it is to learn how to skate. Always bailing and ripping up your elbows and knees. After skating for roughly 3 years I still couldn't land many tricks on a regular basis, so I decided to look online for some good tips and tricks.
After trying many of the instructions, tips and tricks I was given, I was still injuring myself on a regular basis, that's when a friend on MSN told me about a NEW set of tutorials that he thought I should look at. Learning how to skate is not only about where to place your feet on your board but also how you bend your legs and the timing the "pop" of the deck to Ollie into your trick and also how to land the trick. These tutorials will tell you everything you need to know plus much more.

That was over 3 months ago now and since I have learned to skate and can now land Kick-Flips and 360 Backside Pop-Shove-it's 9 times out of 10 and can Ollie onto a bench and 50-50 grind 8 times out of 10. Before I used these tutorials I could barely Ollie up a curb now I can Ollie onto benches and ledges.
I have been practicing only about 3 days a week whenever the ground is dry (in Manchester UK that's not very often) and I'm not at work. So check out the easy way to learn to skate. I guarantee you will be skating better than you ever have with less injuries than you had before. All you need to do is enter your email address and name and you will even receive a FREE guide to landing perfect 360 flips.
Andy Jackson


3 Tips For Planning a Scuba Trip

Are you fascinated by the underwater world? Whether you are new to scuba or are an experienced diver here are some tips to help you get started. Remember these tips when planning to have a scuba diving vacation you will never forget.
Tip 1: Get certified!
Believe it or not some people think they can just throw on an air tank and jump in! If you are one of these people, think again. Although scuba is not intensely difficult to learn, there is enough "need to know" information that you'll need to take a short course. These courses are typically about 6 days long, but you can break them up by doing a day or 2 each weekend.

Tip 2: Bring only what you need!
When you're traveling the last thing you want to do is carry around a ton of stuff. Not only is it heavy and awkward, it also can cost a lot of money if you are flying. For this reason only pack your essentials. Your air tank and weights can stay at home. The trick is to rent your equipment once you get to your destination. Which leads me to my third and final tip...
Tip 3: Make certain there is a place to rent your equipment before you travel!
There is nothing worse then getting to your destination only to find out that there isn't a scuba shop for miles. The last thing you want to do is end up buying a whole new set of gear on arrival just to enjoy your trip.

A travel agent can help you locate suitable dive spots that come equipped with all the necessary equipment!
Being prepared is the key to having a successful adventure regardless of if you are scuba diving or mountain climbing. Make sure you have all your bases covered so you can enjoy your underwater adventure to the fullest!
Did you find these tips helpful?
Learn more about scuba diving tours TODAY!

College Tennis Recruiting - How You Can Play at the College Level

Are you a high school tennis player looking to make it to the college level? Are you wondering about college tennis recruiting and what it really takes to get a scholarship? The good news is that tennis scholarships are available if you have the talent and the desire to play tennis at the college level.
College tennis recruiting is very competitive. You should be among the best players in your age group or high school class if you want to play at the college level. Tennis is played at many different levels of competition at the college level. You'll find tennis scholarships at the Division I, Division II, NAIA and even junior college levels. Scholarships are not available at the Division III level, but other forms of financial aid is available.

Here are how tennis scholarships are given out at the various division levels:
Men's Tennis
Division I - 4.5 Scholarships
Division II - 4.5 Scholarships
Women's Tennis
Division I - 8.0 Scholarships
Division II - 6.0 Scholarships
Keep in mind college tennis recruiting goes on at various levels and division levels and there are scholarships available at NAIA schools, and sometimes even junior colleges.
College tennis recruiting can start very early in an athletes career. Some of the best tennis players start receiving attention well before they even enter high school. Athletes who receive that kind of attention will have no problem being recruited for a scholarship. In fact, athletes like this will have to decide if going to college to play tennis is the right call or if they should go ahead and turn pro.
For most others, college tennis recruiting is a process they must go through and learn to compete in if they want a shot at playing in college. There are thousands of young tennis players each year trying to make it to the college level. To beat the competition and make it to the college level, you must give yourself an advantage. You can get this advantage by marketing and promoting yourself to college tennis coaches.
It is truly up to you. You can sit on the sidelines, or you can learn the ropes of college tennis recruiting and give yourself a great shot at playing in college. If you don't at least try, you will never know if you could have made to the college level.
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarships expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!

Swimming Lessons - Drown-Proofing Your Baby With Swim Lessons

Water is something that surrounds the world and makes up most of it. Although we do not have to get in, it is something that can be quite enjoyable later in life. For this reason, it is vital you look into baby swimming lessons for your child. There are countless benefits that your baby can gain from swimming lessons at such a young age.
Perhaps your main priority should be drown-proofing your baby. Your worst nightmare will be the day you are not paying attention and your baby climbs into the bath tub or into the backyard pool and drowns. If they have at infant aquatic training, they will be less likely to drown; especially as they grow up.
It has been said that many fears in life are created at a young age. If you do not associate your child with something early on, they are more likely to develop a fear for it. The same can be said about water.

There has been a study that shows 15% of people around the world fear water. While it does not specify whether that is due to a lack of exposure at a young age, you can eliminate this fear with simple training.
By introducing your baby to the water, you can get them acclimated at a young age. Instead of developing a fear, they will pick up a hobby or an interest. The water is a terrific place and can be the place for countless memories. With so many activities to partake in in the water, you do not want your child missing out.
What is going to happen when your child grows up and their friends ask them to go boating? Or what about going on a cruise with their new husband or wife? Developing a fear for water hinders a number of experiences and fun times they could have later in life. And sadly, it does not have to be this way.
Aside from drown-proofing your baby with swimming lessons or eliminating any fear, it has been found that baby swimming lessons can help them learn to walk at an earlier age. It takes a lot of coordination and physical activity to learn how to swim. After developing this skill, your child will be able to take the coordination and apply it to walking. It really is a great way to knock two birds out with one stone.
As you can see, there are countless benefits to drown-proofing your baby with infant aquatic lessons.

No longer do you have to fear for them drowning on their own. They will certainly not develop a fear for the water, but will actually develop a passion and interest. Lastly, it can ultimately speed up the process of them learning to walk.
Tan Jian Yong is the founder of Largest Swimming Lessons Provider in Singapore - Happy Fish Swim School. Click here for more information regarding Baby Swimming Lessons...

Dissecting the Game of Tennis

Tennis is an exciting game to both watch and play. If you are looking for a challenge, maybe to lose some extra pounds and get in shape, while having a great deal of fun, tennis may be perfect for you.
Tennis began in the 19 century and was primarily played by royalty and members of the upper class. Throughout time though, it has spread throughout most of the world, to all economic groups and all walks of life. It has become so popular, that it is now included in the Olympics as well as having its own special tournaments such as the U.S. Open, the French Open, the Australian Open, Wimbledon, etc.
Tennis courts are 78 feet long by 27 feet wide for singles. For doubles (two players on each team) the width of the court extends to 36 feet. These courts can be made of a variety of substances including grass (this is used at Wimbledon), clay or concrete (Plexicusion).

Grass courts are very expensive to maintain, so most courts are made from clay or concrete. When playing on a clay court, there is more friction when the ball hits the ground. This means that play will be slower and the players may have a more difficult time with volleys. Concrete courts can be designed as low bounces, hard hitting and fast serving courts.
The net on a tennis court is 3 feet high and is place directly in the center of the baseline, dividing the court into 2 equal halves. The players stand on opposite sides and with each turn, one acts as the server and one as the receiver. One point is earned each time a player sends the ball over the net, and the other player does not return the ball and thus allows it to hit the floor. The game is based on point system that decides a set. In each game the first three points are described as love. The points thereafter are known as 15, 30 and 40. Any time both the players gain three points, the score card is deuce. When this happens, any player who makes a winning shot has an advantage over his/her opponent.

If you are interested in learning to play, keep in mind that while tennis is a physically challenging game, it also requires a great deal of mental skill. Go ahead, give it a try, you will love it!
Sydney Garrison is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast. She is also a partner in an online bike rack store.

Top 10 Female Wrestlers of Now

The top 10 female wrestlers of today are judged by their athleticism, their "stage" presence and their willing to learn and progress to what the fans want to see. Wrestlers, well if that is what you want to call them, like Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres do not belong on a top 10 list a wrestlers. They would be considered models, divas, and the top 10 of quick rating boosts. Your more consistent and loyal fans prefer the art of the entertainment over the the pillow fight matches, not because they are not interested in beauty of the women, but they turn on WWE and TNA for their love of wrestling entertainment.
Featured first on the top 10 of female wrestlers of now, is WWE Diva Maryse Ouellet. She came in as a contestant of the Diva Search WWE had to recruit beautiful talented wrestlers. Although the contest has proved to be mostly a failure, it did bring to life a couple wrestlers that took the time and effort to do more than show their legs.

Their participation in practice and training brought them to a high level. In Maryse's case, this opportunity brought her to a very high level. She has quickly become a fixture on WWE television and has had the WWE Divas title for quite some time. Her inexperience does show in the ring and she will be paraded in bikini matches from time to time. Maryse hits number 10 because of her persistence in becoming a respected wrestler for her ability... and her looks.
Beth Phoenix is a superb wrestler with great skills. Unfortunately, the "Glamazon" gimmick that is used has taken away from her ability and has given her less important story lines. Beth hits number 9 on this list because she does have the ability. You can expect her future in wrestling to be long and successful.
Natalya Neidhart is number 8. With the right story lines and push from promoters, Natalya could one day top this list. Her father was Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart and she was trained in the dungeon by the Hart Family. This means she is really tough! Natalya also has a stable which refers to themselves as The Hart Dynasty which consists of Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. David is the son of Davey Boy Smith, Tyson Kidd is the last person to be trained out of the Hart dungeon. Now only if WWE would let her wrestler more.
Daffney is probably the most underrated female wrestler on this list. She comes in at number 7 because she is a great wrestler. What separates her from others is her ability to act as well. With an acting background, this TNA Knockout and Shimmer girl should have plenty of doors open for her. Daffney was once Cruiser weight champion in WCW and still remains highly athletic and hardcore.
Melina Perez takes the 6th spot. WWE Diva and very talented wrestler. It is known that she was one of the quickest learners and best technical wrestlers amongst all the Diva stars. The sky is the limit for Melina and her talent, her future greatly depends on WWE format and story lines as WWE seems to go for weight and looks over talent at times.
Our 5th ranked female wrestler of today is Angelina Love, also known as Angel Williams. The Canadian beauty mostly known for her role in TNA as the leader of the "Beautiful People" where she has been embarrassing wrestlers since her arrival, even taking the title from Awesome Kong. You can consider her rank a demotion considering that her matches normally include the help of Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky.
Tara, formerly known as Victoria, is ranked number 4 because of her shear power and determination to be the best at what she does. She was convinced into wrestling by the former WWE superstar Chyna. Victoria has beaten some of the best including Lita and Velvet Sky. In July 2009 she became the TNA Knockouts champion just after a couple months of her arrival.
Gail Kim has taken female wrestling to new heights, which is why she lands at number 3. She is a high-flying athlete much like Lita, former WWE, with even a little more finesse. Gail has beaten nearly everyone in her path excluding Awesome Kong.
Michelle McCool hits the number 2 spot. Like Maryse, she was a contestant on WWE Diva Search. Though this former school teacher has the skills to prove she belongs in wrestling. Amazing talent and a great persona, Michelle should be a fixture in wrestling for a very long time.

Our number 1 female wrestler of today goes to Awesome Kong, also known as Amazing Kong and Kia Stevens. She now wrestles for TNA and has had a lot of experience wrestling in Japan with other super talents there. Awesome Kong is the most dominant female wrestler of anytime. Every opponent she has faced has been demolished. Kong has the technical skills, and she scares anyone who faces her. To top it off, she isn't afraid to climb the top of the ropes.
To find out more about these female wrestlers and others, or to find the top rankings in female wrestling currently, go to Wrestlers Female. They have the top 10 in TNA, WWE and all of wrestling.

Differences Between Beach Volleyball and Indoor Volleyball

Beach volleyball and indoor volleyball are very different and not for the obvious reason that one is played on sand and the other on a hard court. There are 2 people in beach and 6 people per team on an indoor team. These are the 2 most obvious differences between the 2 sports, now lets look at all of the other differences.
The ball is very different for both sports. The indoor ball is heavier, smaller and more inflated which makes it harder. The outdoor volleyball is always less inflated, lighter and slightly larger. Don't grab a beach volleyball and think it feels too flat and try to put more air in it.

The games are only played to 21 when playing sand volleyball and they go to 30 when playing indoor. You play each team the best 2 out of 3 when playing sand and it's best 3 out of 5 when playing indoor.
The set can look horrible and come out of your hands spinning in indoor while at the beach you are allowed to hold it for a second longer so that it comes out clean looking with no spin.
You can set the serve indoor but you are not allowed to set the serve when playing sand volleyball.
You can never open hand tip the ball in beach volleyball but with 6 on 6 hard court volleyball you can practically throw the ball.
The block counts as one of your 3 hits when playing at the beach but indoor volleyball allows you to hit the ball 3 more times after the block.
More beach volleyball rules and beach volleyball equipment here.

Track Scholarships - Five Tips to Picking the Right School

Are you a track athlete looking to make it to the college level? Are you wondering about track scholarships and if you can actually get one? If so, I have good news for you! Track scholarships are available if you have the talent and desire to run track at the college level.
Track scholarships are available at all levels of college athletics. You'll find scholarships at the Division I, Division II, NAIA and even junior college levels. Scholarships are not available at the Division III level, but academic and financial aid are available.
The secret to getting track scholarships is marketing and promoting yourself to college coaches. Once you do this properly, you should start receiving some recruiting attention and down the road, some full or partial scholarship offers.
Once that happens, you will need to pick the right school for you. You will need to make your decision based on the following criteria:

1- School location - Where do you want to be? Close to home? Far away?
2- The Coach - You need to have good chemistry with the coaching staff you choose.
3- Level of Competition - You need to make sure you will compete at the level of competition that matches your talent level.
4- Scholarship Level - Some schools may offer you a full scholarship while some others may offer you a partial scholarship.
5- Track Facilities - Is having the best and most modern facilities important to you?
The most important thing you can do is to put yourself in the best position to play at the college level. How can you do that? You can do it by marketing and promoting yourself to college track coaches. Track coaches at all levels need athletes. Most of these coaches don't have huge recruiting budgets, so they have to rely on other ways of discovering good talented track athletes for their program. Therefore, marketing and promoting your talents to track coaches is not only a good deal for you, it's a great deal for college coaches.
Track scholarships are available for both men and women athletes. There are approximately 1100 universities and colleges which award scholarships in this sport. Colleges at all levels compete for conference championships and even national championships. All these colleges need athletes! Athletes like you!
You don't have to be a super star athlete to run track at the college level or to get offers for track scholarships. You just have to be a super star at marketing and promoting yourself to college coaches. Get your name out there and let them know about you and your talents. If you don't, who will?
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarships expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!

Encinitas Sports & Fitness Festival Report

How does your city or town celebrate fitness? In the Southern California surf city of Encinitas you will find the Encinitas Sports & Fitness Festival. They organize a weekend of fitness events. On Saturday athletes of all ages can participate in a 5k running race, the San Diego Century or the Paddle Board race. While on Sunday, athletes get a chance to partake in a 1 mile open water swim, sprint distance triathlon or duathlon.
This morning, Sunday May 17, 2009, I arrived to observe the sprint triathlon. Athletes started arriving to set up for their race at 4:45am. Athletes that range in ages from 10 to 70 years old were greeted by the notorious "May Grey". The temperature never warmed up, holding steady at about 68 degrees and there was a hint of a light drizzle. Local favorite Patrick Baldwin was one of the first on the list of elites to show up. When asked why he likes this race he said "It's a fun race; it brings the community together and you can see the smiles on the competitors' faces. We have such a big triathlon community here in Southern California and our races are fun for everyone"
Down by the waters edge the water temperature was 64, surf was very forgiving, waves were 1-2 feet with 16 second repetitions. At todays race you can find some of triathlon's big stars: Scott Tinley, Kate Major, Rachel Challis, Jessi Stensland, Lewis Elliot, Karl Bordine, Caue Suplicy, Patrick Baldwin and Kim McDonald. Age groupers would start lining up at the waters edge 6 minutes behind the pro/elite group. On her way to the starting line, I asked Jessi Stensland if she gets nervous for this race? Stensland said "Not really, I believe if your not breathing your nervous and if you are breathing your excited. I am excited and I am happy to be racing in my back yard."
When the racers come out of the water they are greeted with a nice run back to the transition. They run barefoot through the loose sand and onto a blacktop path that takes them up, up a hill, to the transition area.

The top three men out the water were Caue Suplicy, Dave Valencia (last year's winner) and Montana's Lewis Elliot. Not too far behind the men were the top three ladies: Rachel Challis, Kate Major and Marit Chrislock-Lauterbach. Local pro Jessi Stensland was number four.
Things moved around a bit for the men while on the bike; however, Juliano Teruel was first in on the bike followed by Lewis Elliot (2nd) and Karl Bordine (3rd). Bringing in the ladies was Rachel Challis. Challis was able to maintain the lead on the bike with a closing Kate Major just seconds behind her.
Things changed once again for the men while on the run; it was a tight 5k. Coming down to the wire, Lewis Elliot gained a lead and didn't give up as he came in first. Following behind Elliot was Caue Suplicy to take second and Karl Bordine took third for the men. Slipping by Challis on the run was the seasoned Ironman veteran Kate Major, who held on to steal the victory. Rachel Challis took second while San Diego resident Marit Chrislock-Lauterbach took third overall.
As San Diego's Brent Howell and Brian Misiner came across the finish line I asked what they thought about the race. (Brent) "There was a little bit of waves at the start. The bike was awesome, my chain came off but I was able to get going again. This is such a great race; I highly recommend it. (Brian) "I felt good; the water was smooth and it was just fun. I love racing here and in San Diego."
After his finish I was able to catch up with the men's victor of the day, Lewis Elliot. Lewis Elliot started the long course race at Wildflower a few weeks ago only to be taken out by a piece of glass. I asked Lewis about the Wildflower experience
LE: I was disappointed, I had to get stitches in my foot because I was cut not just through the skin but it cut the nerves and muscle. I was having one of my better swims, I was grouped with Chris Lieto and Torbjorn Sindballe and I am usually a group behind them. If you look at my past results, when I am with those guys I end up doing well. The race was inconclusive because I wasn't able to bike or run and I really wanted to know where I was at.
KK: How did you feel today?
LE: Today I was able to hang with Juliano and Caue, the lead guys, and they swim really well. It was exciting. On the bike I felt awesome and good on the run. It helps me as I am doing Honu in two weeks.
KK: What is about a race like Honu that draws some of the biggest names in triathlon, especially when there is no money at stake?
LE: Alexander (Crowie) and McKenzie along with the others look at this race as preparation for Kona. It's not everyday that we get a chance to race on the big island. The serious people racing there are probably going to Kona."
KK: You had some glue applied to your cut, how did that feel?
LE: I was advised by a plastic surgeon out of Montana, Dr. Jerry McCusso. who is a great friend of mine. He told me to use three layers of super glue and I had no problems.

KK: In which future races can we look forward to seeing you?
LE: Honu, Alcatraz, San Diego International (maybe), Lifetime Fitness Minnesota and New York. After that am not sure; it depends on how Minnesota and New York go.
KK: Are we going to see you at Kona anytime soon?
LE: Soon! Maybe not this year but soon.
While the age groupers were making their way to the finish line, I bumped into Caue Suplicy.
KK: Caue how was your day?
CS: It was hard, I have been focusing on Honu. I didn't feel like I had the top speed. I thought I could keep my lead from the swim but Lewis was riding really strong. I am happy with finishing second.
In the transition area Kate Major was getting ready to head back into the water to compete in the 1st annual Machoman race.
KK: Kate how was did your race go?
KM: The weather was nice. With the drizzle I took it a little easy on the bike. This is my second time doing this race; it is so much fun, the people are great and all the locals come out. It's just a great event: a weekend full of different races so your family can come down for the weekend to a little bit of everything.
Also getting ready for Machoman was the legend Scot Tinley.
KK: Scott how have you been doing?
ST: I am doing good. This is the first time I am doing the Machoman.
KK: What is the Machoman?
ST: It is a 5k run, 6 mile paddle, the sprint triathlon and a one mile swim. This is the first year and it is open to the public.
KK: What else are you doing this year?
ST: I am working full time teaching and I am working on my dissertation.
As another fun filled weekend dedicated to fitness comes to an end in the surf city of Encinitas, California, you can see the gleaming smiles of all the competitors, spectators and volunteers as they fade away. If I know triathletes, they are all thinking about one thing: how they can come back and improve next year. It was another class act put on by two of triathlons premier race coordinators Paul Huddle and Roch Frey.
Finishline-Multisport.Com's vision is to expand awareness and grow participation in the sport of triathlon and other endurance sports through the provision of information, resources and services while at the same time reaching out and giving back to the community.

Hockey Training For Early Teens - How to Become Dominant Players at the Age That Counts

Hockey training for early teens is exceptionally important because that age is the time when most players will determine which direction their career goes, either towards high end rep, or to recreational playing. If a young player just wants to play house league or rec hockey, then physical training isn't necessary, but if the player's goal is to play at a high level, then training is absolutely essential. Physical training will build the speed and power necessary to dominate a game as physically demanding as hockey.
The reason training is so important is because at that age, around 12-15 years old, the skill level between different groups starts to even out as the players start to mature. At younger ages, a kid with natural abilities will automatically stand out above the crowd, but by their early teens, that edge is greatly depleted. At that point, the players who become dominant and who go the furthest and succeed the most are the ones that train the hardest.

The key is that young teen players absolutely cannot do physical training the same way that adults do. It would be unhealthy, and detrimental to their growth and development, both physically and as players. However, there is absolutely no reason that players in their early teens can't physically train with specially designed regimes. In fact, if they want to be at the top of the game, they absolutely have to. This physical training will make them stronger and faster, and will give them the edge over kids who are only focusing on skills development.
If your son or daughter is going to be starting physical training, consider hiring a trainer to design their workout. Or for a cheaper, yet equally effective and safe option, go to and check out Hockey Speed and Power. This guide was written by an ex-NHL player and professional trainer, and it has been tailored and designed to different age groups, including a version designed for young teens. This will ensure a safe, highly effective hockey training regime that will provide huge benefits to any young player's on ice game.
Just remember, there is nothing wrong with your son or daughter wanting to stick to recreational or house league hockey, where competition levels are lower and ice time is spread equally.

However, if they do want to play rep and eventually rise through the highest levels, where competition is fierce, then it's absolutely crucial that they train. Otherwise, they'll get left behind by the players that do. The key to long term success in hockey is dedicated training, on the ice, and importantly, off the ice.


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