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Reliving Family Memories Through Chicago Bears Season Tickets

We all have our favorite NFL teams which we eat breathe and sleep during football season. For my family, our team was the Bears. To us, there were no other sports teams. We planned our holidays and our vacations around the Chicago Bears football schedule. My dad even spent long cold nights waiting in line for Chicago Bears football tickets. Like I said, my family were die hard Bears fans.
My family is no different than any other Bears fan when it comes to Bears season tickets. The loyalty of Bears fan is evident in the support they provide their team during each and every game on the Chicago Bears football schedule. The famous navy blue, orange and white colors of the uniforms never fails to intimidate opponents while eliciting raucous applause from the fans who come to support their favorite team during the entire season of the Chicago Bears game schedule.
The desire to their team action up close and personal creates a huge demand for Bears season tickets.

Many of our favorite football moments were when my dad would each hand us our own Chicago Bears ticket and we'd head off early in the morning to tailgate over a warm grill even as snow and ice covered the entire town. While temperatures were freezing, it was anything but inside Soldier Field as the thousands of fans created enough excitement to get your blood pumping.
Fans are so serious about the Chicago Bears football schedule that many include their season ticket seats in their wills as means of ensure their family or friends can continue to enjoy their beloved team for years to come. As you could imagine team, competition for Chicago Bears season tickets is almost as fierce as the game being playing on the field. Hey this is Soldier Field and the Bears we are talking about here.
Even just one Chicago ticket will be in high demand because of a rabid fan base excited for a team who year in and year about have shown themselves to be contenders. Anyone who knows football realizes a Bears game will be one of hard-hits, big plays and non-stop action.

It is one that should never be missed.
The last thing you want to do is miss out on a chance to see the Bears when they visit your city. Save yourself time and money by ordering Chicago Bears football tickets now. The only thing left to plan is what to bring for the tailgating party. You'll be glad you did.
Wayne Hemrick writes about the chicago bears football schedule and where to find chicago bears football tickets.


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