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A Simple Golf Exercise to Improve Your Golf Game

This tip will probably be of most help to beginners at golf, but anyone can take advantage of this simple but effective exercise drill to improve your their golf game.
If you watch any of the golf superstars play, you will notice the common characteristic they have of swinging the golf club with an even tempo. The ordinary golfer can develop a similar rhythm and tempo in their game by using a length of rope. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Don't dismiss it out of hand just yet though. All you need to do is find some rope and see how it works for you.
I have been using this golf drill for many years and while I am no golf superstar, it does re calibrate my swing tempo whenever I feel I need it adjusted.

It is difficult to make every shot at the same tempo, so reverting to swinging the rope re-establishes the sense of rhythm in my shots which I can then reproduce on the golf course.
Here's what I do.
1. Take up the address position with your length of rope, which should be about 3 feet long so it touches the ground.
2. Swing the rope as you would a normal golf club. When you reach the top of the back swing the rope will be over your left shoulder. This exercise drill is also useful for checking your swing, in particular it teaches you the mechanics of the downswing . After pausing at the top of the back swing, you begin the downswing with the movement of the left side of your body, the hands and arms lagging behind, and with your left side clear in the impact zone, your hands and arms whip through the ball. It is therefore a useful drill for practising how to develop club head speed into the ball.

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