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Street Fighting Moves Interviews - Michael Warren on 3 Secrets to Overcome Fear of Street-Fighting

Charles - In this article, I have an expert combat instructor who's going to explain for us a very important topic that most people who are not used to combat need to overcome, and that's the fear of fighting.  So, Michael is going to help us out, and give us 3 of his secrets to overcome the fear of fighting.  How are you doing this evening, Mike?
Warren - Pretty good, and ready to give everyone these 3 key secrets to help make themselves much more prepared for an altercations that they may come across out on the street.
Charles - Okay, let's just rock and roll, and get right down to it.  Give us, one-by-one, the 3 secrets to overcome the fear of fighting.
Warren - Certainly,
The First Key Secret - Study A Defensive System (A System of Fighting) - Actually getting out and studying, whether you pick up a book, walk into a dojo, go into a personal self-protective seminar.  Finding out information about what a fight is and how you can better prepare yourself for it, you will instantly start to address your first fear which is the unknown.  Find out what a fight is.
Charles - Okay, and number 2?
Warren - Okay,
Number Two - Actually Train - Find a method of addressing those key things that you found that you find frightening out in a fight.  This involves a method of training, and actually applying some of these theories with a partner, with yourself if you have to, visualization, and get over that initial feeling of getting hit. 

Find out that it is not as necessarily as bad as you think, and as long as you keep you head on your shoulders, you can generally overcome that.  Get out there and try it.
Charles - Okay, and what would be the third secret to overcome the fear of fighting?
Warren - Okay,
The Third Secret - Acknowledge That There Will Always Be Fear When Fighting Is Involved - But look at it from a medical standpoint.  That's actually critical to your survival.  Having a sense of fear means you are going to have heightened senses of awareness.  Your body is going to be less receptive to actual pain, and your strength is going to be improved as you enter a fight or flight syndrome.  Actually, you want to have a little bit of fear.  That means you're e not going around believing you are invincible.  And you'll probably approach things with a realistic manner instead of trying to do some of the things you may see in some of the movies nowadays.
Charles - (Laughter.)
Warren - So, having a little bit of fear and recognizing that, and that's it's okay, and that everyone fearful, even on the battlefield - is the third secret to overcoming fear is to recognize you have it.  Or as John Wayne said, "Real courage is being scared to hell, and saddling up anyway, Pilgrim."
Charles - (Laughter.)  I like that.  Well that's really clear, and we thank you so much for these three secrets.  And until the next time.
Warren - Until then.

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