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7 Ways to Jump Higher - Exercises That Are Guaranteed to Work For Anyone

Here are a few ways to jump higher, exercises that will work for anyone when combined with normal exercise and basketball activity:
1) Deep Knee Bends- Start off standing then slowly bend your knees while keeping your back straight. Slowly crouch down as low as possible and slowly rise yourself back up. (Do this 15 times, gradually increase to 20, 30, etc.)
2) Deep Knee Bend Jumps -start off standing then Crouch down the same as with the deep knee bends but fairly quickly, almost touching your butt to the ground, then jump up as high and fast as you can. As soon as you land, crouch and jump back up again. (Do this 15 times, gradually increase to 20, 30, etc.)
3) Toe Raises - From normal standing position raise onto your tippy toes. Then lower back down. Do it slowly (not too slowly) but steadily. Do this about 30-50 times.

4) Toe-Raise with Weights - If you have any sort of weights that you can use, holding or wearing them while doing the toe raises will help. Use small weights like 5 or 10 pounds and work your way up gradually.
5) Stomach Crunches -I believe that sit-ups are bad for your back, plus not to mention that they just plain hurt. To get started, while lying on your back, using only your ab muscles while keeping your back straight, slowly rise up just enough to lift your shoulders off the ground. Do these often. The best times I've found are right when you wake up and right before going to bed. (Anywhere from 20-50 crunches a day.)
6) Jumping Rope-One of the more old school techniques, jumping rope definitely helps your vertical leap. Jump rope before, after or during a workout. You can even jump rope while watching t.v. Just try to make it a habit.
7) Elevated Jumps - While placing a bench or platform in-front of you, position yourself on it and then leap backwards to land softly. Then with a bouncing motion, leap back onto the platform. Perform this 10 times. (If it's your first time, please do it slowly and cautiously)
These exercises are proven to help you jump higher. Exercises like these should be performed at least 4 times a week. Keep in mind to increase your reps gradually for 6 weeks. If an exercise is too easy for you then start off doing more reps than recommended, this is often the case for many people because they will have already been working certain muscles prior to reading this.

If you're serious about increasing your vertical jump 8-10 inches, then check out The Jump Manual: click here to read more.
Warning: This is only for athletes who are serious about adding 8-10 inches to your vertical.


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