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What Fishing Tackle Do You Need?

Are you new to fishing and are trying to understand what fishing tackle is? Then let me explain, fishing tackle is pretty much any piece of equipment that you need to get started fishing with, this can include pretty much any piece of gear including lures, rods, reels, baits etc, etc the list can go on and on. Now there are many different places out there where you can find decent fishing tackle at decent prices but one thing I must say first when purchasing fishing tackle, do NOT always go with the most expensive pieces of equipment because not always will this be the best and be suited best for you.
There are many different types of fishing to be done out there and the fishing tackle that you are going to use will vary from each type so you will need to look up on the tackle that you are going to require for the certain type of fishing you are going to do.

First things first when buying your fishing tackle you are going to need to get a rod and a reel, now if you are a beginner then you do not need to find an expensive reel but you should ensure that your reel has between a 16 and 20lb test line on it. The rod does not need to be anything amazing especially if you are a beginner.
All fishermen from beginners to experts need to have a tackle box, this is one thing that pretty much everyone wants to have, you can keep all your different sized hooks and lures etc in, this fishing tackle box will keep them all dry and rust free meaning that they will last a lot longer than if they were left out somewhere else.
Next you are going to require some sinkers to make sure that your bait and hooks make it to the bottom or to whichever part of the place you are fishing that you want. Also especially if you are a beginner you are going to need to have a bobber which will tell you exactly when a fish is trying to bite at your bait. This is a must have piece for your fishing tackle. Pay attention to the bobber because every time a fish takes even the slightest of nibbles from your bat you will be able to tell from the bobber.
One thing that you must get if you are going to be fishing is something that is not even part of your fishing tackle, you are going to require a fishing license. You and anyone that is fishing with you will require one of these as it is against the law to fish without one. You can find fishing licenses from pretty much any fishing shop. If you are found fishing without one of these then you are liable to receive fines.

Now that I have told you the basics you are now ready to go out and start fishing, there is more to it so don't just take this small guides for it, but I will tell you now that you will learn your most about fishing when you are out there on the rivers and lakes putting everything in to practise. Fishing tackle is not the same when in words than when it is being used and practised in a real scenario. Good luck!!
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