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Championship Boxing - 4 Stupid Weight Training Myths Busted

If I start lifting, won't it totally mess up my fight training? Of all the bad advice on how to excel in championship boxing, 4 stupid weight training myths will be busted right now. Research has proven how strength and muscular endurance are improved with a properly designed routine.
Stupid Myth #1: All punch power is in the upper body.
Of course when you see a boxer punch, it looks like all the power comes from the arms and chest. Less obvious, but just as important are lower extremity performance that can be enhanced by weights.
Stupid myth #2: Using weights makes you fat.
Of course your weight will be affected by the training, but muscle weighs more than fat. In fact, incorporating weights can help to decrease the fat in your body and increase the muscle you really want.

Stupid Myth #3: Weights will slow you down.
All boxers are looking for speed in championship boxing, so this stupid weight training myth can really scare them away. Studies have shown that after a period of appropriate weight training, the velocity of punches actually increased.
Stupid Myth #4: The weights will make you stiff.
Fighters have been erroneously told that they will become "muscle bound" or stiff if they incorporated a weight program into their routine. The truth is that large muscles are just as flexible as small ones.
Boxing is mostly an anaerobic sport, so your weight work will be at a faster pace than muscle builders. Especially for championship boxing, now that these 4 stupid weight training myths are busted, you have fresh knowledge to help give you an edge over the competition. Make sure you have a trainer who supports you and scientifically proven methods.

Artie Artwell is different. He employs scientific principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, resistance training, and years of experience to create an effective, high intensity, complete personalized training program to accomplish anyone's goals and aspirations. If you want the latest and best in modern boxing and fitness training call Artie Artwell at (401) 354-5728 or visit

Secrets to Filling the Punch Bags

If you look on the internet (just perform a Google search on filling a boxing bag) for questions surrounding the topic of punch bags, a vast number of questions are about how to fill a punch bag. The main question people have is what material do I use?
I've seen answers given including: "fill it with water" or "use sand" or even better - "grass" - LOL. Water, sand is fine, but it really does depend on the heavy bag and the material the shell was made out of... Trust me, if you fill a regular punching bag with water, you could be in a lot of trouble... and you might need to buy a mop!
You can't use grass because it will smell. In addition, grass just don't pack well. The bag will be way too soft. If you disagree, well, do this: Cut your lawn and fill a garbage bag with grass. Try punching it... you'll get the point.
So for this article, I'm going to tell you what you need to know about filling a boxing bag. And I'm giving it all away based on years and years of experience at both dojos and boxing clubs.
The first important lesson to always keep in mind when filling the punch bags is the outer shell. I've had many of my students (unfortunately on a lower budget) come to me saying - what kind of material should I use so my aunt can sew me a bag? My answer - if you want to spend a lot of time & money buying material over and over, then you can do this.

Ok, what about buying a sack? A sack isn't supposed to be hit with hard punches over and over. It wasn't made to withstand that kind of pressure. Again, like I said earlier, go this route if you're wanting to waste time and money. The best thing to do if you don't want to buy a punching bag that is already filled is get an unfilled bag. They were made to fill!!! Make sense?
And quite often, unfilled bags are cheap... because it's really the filler for the most part that distinguishes say Everlast from TKO or Aries.
So we don't have Everlast's special engineered filler... now what!? The next thing to keep in mind is the strength / stiffness levels of punch bags. Some heavy bags feel like hitting a brick wall... well, to the beginner it may seem this way. Others are like hitting a bag of grass... Well, not that soft (at least we hope not!) but you get where I'm coming from.
There are a variety of different materials you can use to fill a boxing punch bag. Through years of experience filling bags, the hands-down best way, in my opinion, is to fill the boxing bag with a combination of materials.
Here are materials you can use to fill boxer bags with:
* Cotton
* Wool
* Air
* Mattress Foam
* Water
* Clothes
* Saw Dust
* Feathers
* Rice
* Sand
* Styrofoam
* Rolled up and tightly packed garbage bags
* Shredded Tires
Now, let's bring this together. If you want a good speed bag, fill it with air.. it's that simple. For heavy bags, this gets a little bit more complicated. I'll tell you exactly what we used to do with the punch bags at the friendly neighborhood dojo when I was in martial arts school... Just don't tell anyone I told you.
I want you to look out for something: If you go to a boxing club or dojo, the majority of the answers you will hear from people about filling a boxing bag is to fill it with sand. Sand is I guess you could say, a common filling ingredient... but to people's dismay, it's NOT THE ONLY INGREDIENT in the filler. Professionals can get away with filling boxing bags with sand. Sand will make the bag very stiff. If you're a beginner, no doubt, you will injure your hands.
Here's what the dojos do... and probably nobody will tell you this about filling a punching bag... it's very simple! Here it is... short and sweet:
Fill with cloth. Then pack it tight. If it's too loose you'll have a deformed punching bag that will be too soft and uncomfortable to hit.

The solution?
Use fine sand at the bottom to keep the punch bag essentially a "heavy bag" and keep it's shape. Fill the outer wall with cloth. Sleep mats or army sacks work very well. Proceed to fill the core of the punch bags you're filling with a mix of feathers and shredded tires and/or any rubber that's available.
Jermaine Ricketts is the owner of Punch Bags Online, the web's #1 boxing bag store. Swing by and check out the great deals we have on punch bags and boxing gear.

River Fishing - Top Tips For Making a Great Catch

Whenever you go out fishing, your goal is to have a great time and make a great catch. Of course, when it comes to river fishing, if you don't know what you are doing, you can end up going home empty handed, which definitely frustrating. There are some important things to know if you want to catch fish in the river. Here are a few of the top fishing tips that will help you make sure you catch some fish when you go fishing in the river.
Don't Spook the Fish
You need to remember not to spook the fish when you are going to fish in the river. So many anglers make this mistake and end up scaring away the fish. Often they wade out into the river a ways and they scare away the fish that were in that area. It is better to fish in an area first before wading out into it. This way you don't scare the fish away from that area.

Work the Area
It is also important that you carefully work the area when you go out river fishing. Don't just start fishing in any spot. Start out in one area, and then work the area for some time so that you cover the water all around you in the area that you are fishing in. Sometimes the fish are there, you are just fishing in the wrong section of water where you are, so work through the entire area.
Use Live Bait on the Bottom
Using live bait on the bottom is a great idea when you are fishing in a river. Some of the best fish are sitting down there near the bottom. Of course, since you have the current of the river, you will need some good sinkers to allow your bait to get near the bottom. You should be able to feel it when your sinkers are bouncing off the bottom. If you are hitting snags from time to time, you are in a great place for finding fish.
Go Deeper
Sometimes you need to go out deeper when you are doing some river fishing. The deepest part of the river is often the best place to catch the fish. Sometimes you will find some deep pools where the fish like to hang out, especially when it is hot. Spend about 80% of your time fishing in the deeper parts of the river instead of spending all your time on the shallows. You'll really find the great fish in the deeper parts of a river.

Use the Right Gear
Last of all, it is so important that you use the right gear for fishing in the river. It's a good idea to match the gear you are using to the fish that you want to catch. Some people end up choosing the wrong gear, so they are not able to catch the fish that they want. With the right gear for the fish you want and the right gear for fishing in a river, you'll be able to go home with a nice catch.
Experience Ultimate Satisfaction When You Haul In A Fish Caught On A Homemade Lure
To Learn More Visit:

Ranking the Top 5 Madden Cover Curses

By now even the most casual of pro football fans has heard of the Madden Cover Curse, the unexplainable coincidence that has seen the biggest stars of the NFL become riddled with bad luck in the season immediately following their appearance on the franchises cover.
Fans have become so terrified of the curse that San Diego Charger fans went so far as to create a website,, to deter their star back from going on the cover of Madden 2008.
It looked as though the curse would finally be lifted when EA Sports announced that Madden 2009 would feature a retired player on the cover. Let us start there.
Number 5
Madden 2009 Cover: Brett Favre Through many tears Brett Favre announced his retirement from the NFL in early 2008 shortly after leading the Packers to a heart breaking NFC Championship game loss. That should have been the end to the Madden Cover Curse, but instead Favre went through an ugly divorce with the Packers and became quarterback of the New York Jets.

What initially looked like a storybook season went down in flames when the previously indestructible QB suffered a torn biceps tendon in his throwing shoulder and destroyed the Jets season by losing 4 of their last 5 games.
Number 4
Madden 2002 Cover: Daunte Culpepper Following an improbably run to the NFC Championship game the previous year, Culpepper and the Vikings hobbled to a 4-7 record before Culpepper suffered a knee injury and ended his season.
Number 3
Madden 2003 Cover: Marshall Faulk After four straight seasons of being arguably the most explosive player in the NFL, Faulk's Madden season was hampered by injuries that prevented him from eclipsing even 1,000 yards. The Rams also missed the playoffs.
Number 2
Madden 2004 Cover: Michael Vick Vick was coming off of an explosive season which included an improbabe playoff appearance for the historically abysmal Atlanta Falcons. But Vick broke his fibula one day after Madden was released and missed the majority of a terrible 5-11 season. The Curse has lingered for Ron Mexico who has since seen his career go down in flames.
Number 1
Madden 2006 Cover: Donovan McNabb Donovan McNabb had led the Eagles to five straight playoff runs and even challenged the Curse might be a trend, but I don't believe in the curse at all.

Bad move! McNabb suffered a sports hernia in the first game and was sidelined almost half the season. Meanwhile the Eagles finished dead last in the East.
The Madden 2010 cover is taking things in a new direction by having both Troy Polamalu and Larry Fitzgerald on the cover. Will the Curse be twice as potent or will the bad luck finally subside? Can't wait to find out!

AAU Football - It's Growing Every Year

AAU football is growing bigger and bigger each and every year. It is following in the footsteps of AAU basketball, which has been the central focus of college basketball recruiting for many years. Football recruits are now using these tournaments as their primary avenue to get more exposure for college coaches.
The Amateur Athletic Union or AAU does not actually sponsor these events at the high school age, but just like in basketball, all of these off season tournament events have become known as AAU events. Some college coaches are very happy about these tournaments and the recruiting news that comes from them, while other coaches are worried that it just opens the door for some coaches who are trying to cash in on the process.
AAU football tournaments operate just like their basketball counterparts. They bring together the most talented players and play tournament style football. These tournaments are single elimination, unlike the round-robin format in basketball.

Unlike regular football, these tournaments are seven-on-seven instead of the usual eleven man roster.
Seven-on-seven tournaments are nothing new. For quite a while, high school coaches have sent their skill-position players to various tournaments to polish their timing, throwing, catching and coverage skills. But those tournaments have always been tied to high school teams. High school coaches aren't allowed to coach these teams, but they are encouraged to watch their school's team to ensure the rules are being followed.
Although college coaches are not currently allowed to attend these AAU football events, they pay attention to what happens at these tournaments. They quickly learn who excelled at these tournaments and who was a flop. These results are very important indicators because the players are going against the very best competition. Some lesser known recruits have really made a name for themselves at these tournaments.
In the coming years, coaches across the country will have to take AAU football more seriously. Love it or hate it, grassroots football has arrived and it's here to stay.
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarship expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:

"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!

Perfect Golf Swing?

Is there such a thing as a perfect golf swing? Does Tiger have a one...Phil... Jack Nicklaus?
Maybe Iron Byron has a perfect swing, but he is a robot.
What constitutes a perfect swing...good tempo, proper grip, good release, repeatability? Actually no human being has a perfect swing, but all golfers have one or more of the elements of at times.
The amazing thing is that even though two golfers exhibit some of the same elements of perfectness in their swings, their swings may not resemble each other in the slightest manner.

You see, the perfect swing for you would not be perfect for anyone else unless they were your clone. The reason for this is that we are all built differently and we all function differently. Therefore there is in reality no standard "perfect swing" that we can all copy.
What makes your swing right for you is the fact that it allows you to put the ball on the target time after time. After all, is that not the object of the game?
So whether or not you look like Tiger woods or Iron Byron, the swing that is perfect for you is the swing that works for you and allows you to enjoy the game of golf. One of the greatest faults a golfer can make is trying to look like some pro that he admires. Yes, there are good fundamentals for a sound swing, but you can only swing within the confines of your physique.

For free tips and help with your own perfect golf swing hop over to
Lance Adun eats, breathes, and

How to Ride a Horse Properly - Crucial Steps For Beginners

Here you will discover how to ride a horse properly. Riding a horse without knowing the basics and proper technique will definitely risk you. Learn how to ride a hose properly is a wise step to take especially for beginners.
The crucial step to take is getting your own instructor. Choose an experienced and qualified instructor. Qualified instructor means he or she has professional certificate from your local authority. The reason to get an instructor is to give you a proper guidance when you ride a horse. Besides, by having someone that expert in horseback riding will help to guarantee your safety. Choose an instructor that you are comfortable with so you can ask any question with no hesitate.
However having a good instructor alone is not enough. Horseback riding is a challenging activity and need some skills.

Improve your knowledge about horseback riding such as what is the basics command you need to ride a horse. Learn how to care for your horse also gives advantage to you as it will build good relationship between you and your horse. As a result, you will feel confident and comfortable whenever you ride your horse.
It is recommended you get the basics knowledge about horseback ride before you spend some money or any dimes to get an instructor. Knowledge improves your skills and good skills are all you need to ride a horse properly. You will save tremendous amount of your time and money to learn how to horseback ride with some knowledge in mind before you start your lesson.
Why not get the basics on how to ride a horse properly before you spend any dime to get an instructor? Visit Horse Riding For Beginner for more detail on how to ride a horse properly.

Also grab a copy of 13 Important Tips Every Beginning Horse Rider Needs To Know for FREE here at


A frequent question asked by a new horse rider is how to horseback ride confidently? It is natural for you to feel scared the first time you ride a horse. Being able to overcome your fear will ensure you to ride confidently. Here you will find useful tips on how to horseback ride confidently.
Your emotional control
If you can't control your fear, riding a horse will never be fun and exciting. Never let your fear distracts your confident. Let yourself stay calm and cool as it will train your subconscious mind to feel confident and eliminate your fear. Take a deep breath and talk to yourself 'I want to enjoy every moment I ride a horse. No fear just confident'. Soon, your fear will go away and you will feel comfortable riding a horse.

Always remember, confident also comes with knowledge
When you first learn how to ride a horse or just getting into it, prepare yourself with knowledge about horseback ride is a wise thing to do. There are numerous things you can learn about horseback ride. For example, learn to understand the mind of a horse. Also understand what are the senses a horse uses. If you have this knowledge it enables you to feel confident to ride a horse.
Aware about your safety
Are you wearing a helmet or any protection when you ride a horse? Where are you riding a horse? Where you ride a horse plays an important factor to your safety. For beginners, choose to learn at wide area with less or no trees and fences. Making sure your environment is safe also boosting your confident to ride a horse. Horses are living things and just like people, they have their own 'mood'. They can spook easily so be sure you are prepared to handle any unwanted situation.
Have detail and complete knowledge and insight on

href="" id="link_89" target="_new">how to horseback ride confidently
. Don't forget to get report from expert on how to horseback ride at for FREE.

Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots - Go With Quality

Any good motocross rider will explain that you shouldn't spare any expense when 'investing' in protective clothing relating to motocross. There are a lot of serious crashes related to motocross, so you need to ensure that if you have one, you are wearing the best gear possible. If you are looking at Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots, then you will be looking along the right tracks. To be honest, they are the most popular brand in the industry and only because their products are classed as the best.
The Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots are both high quality and affordable.

They are the low end of the Alpinestar range, weighing in at most motocross shops at just over $200. Even though they are bottom of the range, some of the features in the range come straight from Tech 10 development, so you can be assured the quality is second to none!
Things like high quality buckles are essential when looking to purchase motocross boots. The question is; how many boots feature impact resistance buckles made of injected techno-polymer, like the Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots? I'll go ahead and say - not many!
If you are worried about mud or water entering the top of the boot, then don't be. All Tech boots, including the Tech 3 are sealed using a Velcro strap which is connected to elastic PVC.
The boot does not just offer support, but also comfort. This alongside the fact that all Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots are extremely durable means that just over $200 is an absolute bargain!

Thanks for reading my article...
I have a website dedicated to supplying reviews and prices relating to Cheap Motocross Gear, which also includes the likes of the Alpinestar Tech 3 Boots.
Grant Draper

Beginner's Guide to Paintball

If you have never tried playing paintball, you may not know that paintball is a fun and exciting sport that people from all walks of life enjoy. There are groups who play paintball all over the country. So, how do you get started playing playing paintball?
Before we begin, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Paintballs DO hurt. When you get hit, it stings. This is why you should make sure that you have all the protective gear you need. Another thing to keep in mind is that, at first, you won't be any good at it. But, if you decide to stick with it, you will become a pro in no time.

First, you have to find some folks to play with. One way to find a local paintball group is to simply look on the Web. Type "paintball" and the name of your hometown into a search engine and you will find websites for local groups. Another good option is to go to your local sporting goods shop and ask around. You may find information posted on when and where groups meet. You can also ask the clerk about paintball information.
Getting into paintball costs money, but it's addictive. You won't regret spending a little cash for something so fun.
Because you will be SHOOTING at people, and they will be shooting back, having the right protective gear is very important. Make sure have a mask and goggles. Paintball is quite safe, but you should never go out without your mask.
Next, you need the gun. Guns come in all sizes and prices, so you should shop around for a good one. If you are an absolute beginner, it might be a good idea to buy one on the cheap side. You can get one for under $200. When you are ready to make more of a commitment, you can upgrade. If you are serious about paintball, you should have a good weapon.
Clothing is another consideration. Wear something that covers you completely. Paintballs can hurt when they hit you, so you don't want to have any exposed skin. Baggy clothes are best for this. You also might want to wear camouflage and, if you can, wear lots of layers.

Don't wear anything too expensive. You will be in the dirt and mud, and you will also likely be splattered with paint. If you are concerned about bruising, it might be a good idea to wear extra padding underneath in certain areas.
Now we've got everything we need to get started. Watch out for flying paintballs.
Paintball is most fun when you're playing with some good friends. In many areas there are paintball fields where beginners can go, rent equipment and get a taste of paintball. You can find a list of paintball fields by state here: Here is a site where you can find paintball groups in your local area:

Types of Ballroom Dancing - Choosing What to Learn

Gone are those days that ballroom dancing are just for the old and wealthy. Nowadays, dance shows are into ballroom dancing as well as dance sports. Children are now into this types of dancing hoping to be in dance sports teams and competitions. This is also a great way to enjoy the reception during wedding dances and other social events. What is good about it, there are different types of ballroom dancing that you can learn.
If you want to learn ballroom dancing, there are types that are quite slow, thus will enable you to catch up. Waltz for example is a popular and common dance, which can be easily learned. When you eventually master easy types of ballroom dancing, you can then move on to learn the more complex and faster ones.
Here are the different types of ballroom dancing you may want to learn.

If you have been learning the closed dance hold, you will use that in performing the waltz. This is also easier to learn because it is slower than other types of ballroom dances. If you have mastered the footwork and the basic step, dancing the waltz during your wedding dance would never be a problem.
The tango is another type of ballroom dancing and one of the most romantic and passionate dances. If you have seen it in the movies, the tango is sometimes associated with guys biting on a long-stem rose as he seduces the woman. Although this type originated in Argentina, it has now evolved into American style tango to Uruguayan tango and European influences.
Rumba is another ballroom dance that was said to originate in Cuba. It was later modified to a slower dance version popularly known in Cuba as 'Son.' The American version of the rumba is a modified version of the 'Son.' Indeed, rumba is one of the most popular ballroom dances as it also shows great expressions as well as body rhythms.
The foxtrot is said to be the most difficult of all types of ballroom dancing. Over time, foxtrot has become divided into the fast and the slow versions. The term 'slow foxtrot' is also used at times to distinguish the slow type of foxtrot from other versions. The social foxtrot on the other hand is a much easier version to learn. It can also be danced on social occasions where dance floors are a little crowded and can be danced in a wide variety of music.
Paso doble
Paso doble on the other hand is a lively Spanish dance that was based on the steps and sounds in a bullfight. The paso doble is also a more choreographed type of ballroom dancing which makes it a type that is often danced for competitions and not in social dancing.
The jive is another type which is popularly performed in competitions. It is one of the lively types of ballroom dancing that is done quite similarly with the swing although there are little differences with the rhythms.

The cha cha and the swing are also other types of ballroom dancing performed socially or in some competitions. If you are ready to learn dancing, you can actually choose from the easier ones like the cha cha, the swing, the waltz or the tango. These types will help you learn the basics and the rhythm then you can move to faster ones.
Carolyn Anderson loves life and enjoys lots of hobbies and interests. She also likes to encourage other people to enjoy a hobby. If you are interested in learning ballroom dancing, check out Louis Let's Dance. If you love online games, check out this warcraft guide to help you enjoy the game more.

Ballroom Dancing Basics - Learning to Dance Ballroom

If you want to learn any type of ballroom dancing, it is never too late to start with the ballroom dancing basics. You may think the dance steps are very complex, but they are actually easy. So if you are interested, you can actually learn it at home.
It is truly a wonderful sight to see couples take the stage and sway their bodies to a good ballroom music. Not only is dancing a fun activity for you but it is also a form of expression as well as a very good exercise and a way to interact with people. It is also a way to build self-confidence from the way you look on the dance floor, which can be used in other aspects of your life. If you are interested in learning how to dance, it is here are some ballroom dancing basics to take note.
Learning the terms
Whether you are into ballet or ballroom, you need to first start with familiarizing the dance, and good way to know is learning the terminologies and names of the steps.

Although the dance does not require a special footwear like that of ballet, it will also help if you get a sturdy pair of shoes for your dancing to avoid injuries. Ballroom dances can be done in many styles but you can always take the simplest and most basic styles first before going to the more complex ones.
Maintaining a good posture is one of the most important things you should learn and master before you go into learning the basic dance steps. If you will notice, the good posture in ballroom dancing makes the dance fabulous and pleasing to the eyes. Having a good posture will also project self-confidence while you are dancing.
Dance hold
One important thing to learn in ballroom dances is moving and dancing with a partner. One of the ballroom dancing basics you need to learn is the basic dance hold. This is also important to master as the gracefulness and balance of your dance depend largely on doing the correct dance hold. To learn the details of the correct dance hold, video tutorials will help you learn it the correct way - from proper feet position to head and body position. Find a dance partner and practice and master this before starting any dance steps. It is also important to learn how to hold your partner during turns, which is an essential part in this type of dancing.
Since ballroom dancing is a dance for pairs, proper timing is also important. Women should not precede the man's leading when dancing. In learning the steps, learn to listen to ballroom music to get familiar with its beat and rhythm.
Triple step, rock step, ball change, kick ball change - you will master ballroom dancing if you learn how to execute these steps one by one. In learning these steps, make sure that you are not just keeping in mind its correct execution but also keep in mind good posture, timing and other ballroom dancing basics.

When you eventually learn the ballroom dancing basics, you can then find a partner and start dancing! You can also enroll in dance classes so you can enjoy learning the dance. 
Carolyn Anderson has great love for ballroom dancing and enjoys it during her free time. For videos that will teach you how to dance like a pro, check out Louis Let's Dance. Also check out Ballet Bible, for a comprehensive package if you are interested in ballet dancing for you or for your kids.

Dirt Bike Knee Guards - MX Knee Braces to Help You When Racing - Special Report

The Honest Truth About Motocross
We all know it is a great sport, but while you are riding it is obvious that you need to support and protect your knees! Plan and simple. This article will help you determine what knee guards to use, to help you keep safe while riding.
Let's Be Real Here
Knee injuries can stop your MX career dead in its tracks. Sad, but its the truth. We depend on our knees so much that it is unwise to go with some kind of knee protection. For example, a direct impact to your kneecap, due to a fall can keep you from riding. Or, if you have a sudden twist of your knee then you can rupture one of your knee ligaments.
Knee Braces For Support
When you are looking for knee protection it is extremely important not to be fooled by shiny covers and bright colors! - The old adage "form follows function" applies here. What we mean by this is that a good racer knows that a brace is not so much for show, as it is for knee support and protection.

Important Accessories
When you are looking for a knee brace to help support and protect your knee, then you should seriously consider the following components.
1.) A Patella Guard - Can Make A Brace Even Better!
If you took a spill while riding, or something hit your knee dead on, then you are going to be in a lot of trouble. Let's face it, the sport is fast, and very entertaining, but you need to safeguard your kneecaps. A patella guard will do just that, and when you get a knee brace you should look for this add on to help protect your patella.
2.) Gear-Guards - An Ounce Of Prevention
There are times when you can say to yourself, "my bike is for riding and I accept the fact that its gonna get beat up sometimes". We know we are in a sport that is quite the opposite of ballet. On the other hand, you do not want to voluntarily hurt anything on your bike if you can help it, right!? Gear-guards can help to protect the paint finish on your bike, and as we say "an ounce of prevention" can help out a lot when it comes to maintaining your bike.
In The End
It is your choice to go with a knee brace when it comes to motocross. All we are saying is that we do not want you to look back with any regrets, wishing you would have done more to protect your knees while you still had the time!
The Knee Brace Shop
The Ossur CTi OTS Pro Sport Knee Brace has all of the qualities listed in this article, and can help you if want knee protection while riding. Look into our MX package for helpful accessories as well.

If you would like to take your knee stability to the next level (affordably) then visit us online today at If you have questions come to our site and let us know. We will respond.

Visiting the Skip Barber Racing School

Whether you want to fly around the track in a Formula One race car or just know what to do if your car skids on a rain-slicked road on the way home from the grocery store, the Skip Barber Racing School is the place for you.
The school was founded by John Skip Barber in 1975. Barber is famous for being one of the few Americans who have competed in the Formula One World Championship, among other honors. In fact, it took only 10 years for the Skip Barber Racing School to become the largest racing and driving school in the world a feat that can be attributed, in no small part, to success in the racing world. The school has the distinction of having trained winners of every major automobile racing championship, including the Indy 500, the IndyCar Series, NASCAR's Sprint Cup, the Nationwide Series, the American Le Mans and many Formula One races.
But where to begin? First, the New Driver Program at the Skip Barber Racing School is designed to teach true defensive driving.

Participants learn about road etiquette, as well as enhanced street awareness. Parallel parking is practiced, along with emergency lane changing and emergency braking. Students also get the chance to learn to control their cars in additional emergency situations on the school's built in skid pad.
In addition, drivers who want to improve their skills might choose the One Day Mazda Driving School. In this class, professional instructors teach students about vehicle behavior and dynamics. They learn to avoid accidents, recover from slides, and practice threshold or panic braking and lane toss exercises. Students who choose the Two Day Class learn additional skills including heel-toe down shifting and have extra practice time on the track.
But beyond these driving classes, the Skip Barber Racing School also offers as the name suggests classes in racing. The school offers classes that are designed for drivers who want the experience of driving in a race car, for those who want to become professional racers, or for professional racers who want to advance their skills. The racing schools are divided into Mazda racing schools and Formula One racing schools. Both offer an Introduction to Racing, which combines classroom instruction and track time. The One Day Racing School allows students to take a spin behind the Skip Barber Formula One car or the Skip Barber Mazda MX-5 Cup car.
Other programs at the school include an Advanced Two Day Racing School, the Three Day Racing School and a Lapping and Lead/Follow course all of which include individual instruction and additional racing practice.

Of course, all of this race instruction would leave you somewhat unsatisfied if you didn't get a chance to put your skills to the test. Enter the Skip Barber Race Series, where some of the most famous names in racing got their start and where those who will be famous in years to come might be in the car next to you. If you're interested in putting your new skills to work on the racetrack, be sure to contact the school about this opportunity.
Visit for more car tips such as what credit score you need to buy a car.

BMW Formula One Team - Are Driver Changes in Store For 2010?

The BMW Formula One Team had a resounding success in 2008 as Robert Kubica took the team's maiden win in Canada. The 2009 season was supposed to be the year BMW serious challenged for both the driver and constructor championships. It hasn't. The year has been a disaster and changes are going to happen. This includes the issue of who will drive for the team in 2010?
BMW likes stability. The team has fielded the same two drivers, Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld since the 2007 season with Heidfeld being there since the 2006 season. In Formula One, this is considered a long streak. Alas, the question is whether the streak will continue and all indications are it will not. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each driver.
Nick Heidfeld likes to be called "quick Nick", but the statistics don't really bear this out. He has been much better than Kubica in the current campaign, but consistently underperformed in previous seasons. He is a tough nut to figure out. He can do brilliant things like pass both Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton in a car that is not quite the measure of theirs, but then drive around the back of the field for three or four races in a row.

His qualifying leaves a lot to be desired, but he has an ace in the hole in that he is German and BMW is known to prefer to have at least one German driver.
Robert Kubica is the first Polish driver in the history of Formula One. He has been brilliant during the first two seasons he spent at BMW. In the 2008 season, he both snagged the first win for the team and led the driver's standings half way through the season. His star was rising so fast it was considered only a matter of time till he and the team were on the top step of the podium on a regular basis.
Then the 2009 season hit.
Like his team, Kubica has had a very rough year. He regularly is stuck in the last few rows of the field after qualifying and doesn't show much during the race. The problem is clearly the car, but the driver has done himself no favors by continually complaining about it and the team. This is in contrast to Felipe Massa and Lewis Hamilton who have had equally bad cars, but have tried their best to remain positive and keep spirits high on the team while further development has occurred. Interestingly, Ferrari and McLaren are bouncing back to the front of the field while BMW is not.
So, will both drivers be back in 2010? Based on the 2009 season, it would appear that Robert Kubica would be in trouble. The powers that be at BMW are not fools. They know Kubica is a star waiting to happen and will not release him. Heidfeld is a bigger question. All indications are he will be out of a ride based on his overall performance across four seasons. Nico Rosberg has been touted as a replacement, but nobody really knows till it happens.

What will happen? I would look for Kubica to stay and Heidfeld out. In a surprise move, it will be Timo Glock moving from Toyota to BMW instead of Nico Rosberg. You heard it here first!
Dirk Gibson writes BMW articles for DCJ Auto Parts - your source for BMW aftermarket parts.

Bodybuilding Books - 3 Things You Should Find in a Good Bodybuilding Book

With all of the confusing information out there about building muscle, strength training, and nutrition, one of the best ways to start making progress is to simply get a good bodybuilding book. However, many of these have their pitfalls, as well.
This article will explain the 3 most important things you should look for in any bodybuilding book. Follow these tips to put yourself on the right track to making huge gains. At the end of the article, discover the best way to build muscle mass fast and effectively.
1. A STRENGTH Training Program
One of the biggest misconceptions about bodybuilders is that they are somehow not strong, and that you don't need to lift heavy weights to get big. Nothing could be further from the truth. A good bodybuilding book will advise you on how to get strong as a means to get bigger.

There are many ways to gain strength, but there are a few things that every method has in common. You must lift heavy on the basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, and pulls, and you must gradually add more reps and more weight to the bar. Any good bodybuilding book will have plans with these characteristics.
2. Mass Building Nutritional Advice
Nutrition is the number one most important part of building muscle, even more important than lifting weights. Your body requires a surplus of energy to build new muscle tissue, and without it you will never gain an ounce.
A good bodybuilding book should instruct you on the best ways to eat lots of protein, as well as lots of overall calories. It should advise you on how to eat nutritiously, but yet still consume a very high amount of protein and calories.
3. Straightforward Supplement Talk
Any bodybuilding book that tries to sell you a specific product from a certain company is probably nothing more than one giant advertisement. Most fancy, expensive, and high-priced supplements are not worth your money.
What a bodybuilding book should tell you is how to pick the best supplements, the time-tested products that actually help you build muscle. These products should be relatively cheap, easy to find, and should come with no crazy claims of how much it can actually do.

Get The Best Bodybuilding Book
Without a quality muscle building plan, like the ones that you can find a good bodybuilding book, you will never gain even an ounce of muscle. You need to have a comprehensive guide to strength training, nutrition, and supplementation. Without it, you will spin your wheels and frustrate yourself with your lack of progress for years.
Discover the best bodybuilding book at IntelligentMuscleBuilding Don't let other peoples' bad, misinformed advice keep you from reaching your muscle building goals!

Bodybuilding Books - 2 Essential Aspects of Good Bodybuilding Books

With the overwhelming amount of information out there are building muscle, strength training, and nutrition, many people are turning to special bodybuilding books to help them learn how to build muscle mass.
This article will explain the 2 key things you should look for in bodybuilding books before you buy them. Make sure the books you are looking at are a good product from the get-go! At the end of the article, discover the best way to build muscle fast and effectively.
1. An Emphasis On Muscle Building Nutrition
You can train your heart out in the weight room, but you will never make real muscle gains without eating right. Eating right for building muscle can mean many things, and your bodybuilding books should explain and clarify how to do it.
The main emphasis should be placed on protein, which is what your body ultimately uses to build new muscle tissue. Secondly, bodybuilding books should instruct you on how many calories to eat per day.

To build muscle, or any bodily tissue for that matter, you must take in more energy (calories) than you burn.
2. Weight Training Programs That Focus On STRENGTH
One of the biggest myths that has propagated throughout the bodybuilding community in the last few years is that you somehow don't need to get stronger and lift extremely heavy weights to get bigger muscles. This goes against common sense, and reality has proven it to be false.
Therefore, bodybuilding books that you consider buying should focus not just on weight training as a form of exercise, but as a training tool. You are training to get stronger, and therefore bigger, not just going through the motions, or "working out."
Follow A Proven System For Building Muscle Mass
All the advice in the world won't help you build muscle mass if you don't know how to put it all together into one, comprehensive plan, like the ones found in bodybuilding books. This plan needs to cover strength training, mass nutrition, and supplementation. Without it, you will literally spend years spinning your wheels, wishing you had done more to make progress earlier.

Discover the best system for building muscle fast, and learn how some trainees have gained up to 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months at Don't let supplement company deceit and all-around bad advice get in the way of accomplishing your goals!

The Basics of Kayaking

If you have ever taken a journey by Kayak you will fully appreciate just how awesome it is. Kayaking is a great sport whether you do for competition, for adventure, of just as a hobby. But even though some Kayakers only do it as a fun way of seeing Mother Nature at her most elemental, they take their sport very seriously. Kayaking provides you with a different view of your surroundings and offers you the opportunity to pit yourself against the forces of nature. White water kayaking will put you up against some of the most exciting and fastest rapids in the world.
Kayak Terminology
* The bow: This is the term used for the front of a kayak.
* The Bilge Pump: A Bilge Pump is the hand powered pump that is used to pump any large excesses of water out of the kayak
* The Bulkhead: This is a vertical separator made from foam and is positioned inside the kayak. As well as providing strengthening to the hull, it also provides flotation.

* The Chine: This term refers to the edges of the kayak and in particular to any alterations in angles
* A Demo Boat: This is the name given to a kayak that is used to allow kayakers a test drive of the various models
* The Dry Bag. Not at all technical this one. It's simply the name given to the waterproof bag used for stowing and keeping various items dry.
* The Stern: As you probably already may know, this refers to the back of a kayak.
Fundamental Kayak Gear
The Kayak: Kayaks come in different models for different applications, such as kayaking for fun, kayaking on the sea, and rocky river kayaking, sometimes called creek kayaking. You chose the kayak type according to which form of kayaking you plan to do. The other thing to take into consideration is your height and weight which determines the right kayak size for you.
The Kayak Paddle: There are various types of paddle and you select the one you need based on the type of kayaking you will be doing, and also the size of the kayak you will be using.
Personal Flotation Devices: This is potentially your life saver if you capsize and you are required to wear one by law. Wearing the correct size in the appropriate manner is essential. A Type 3 PFD is the approved device for kayaking.
Kayak Helmet: There are many different types, styles, and colors of kayak helmet, so you can pick one that you feel most comfortable with. Some models include a face protection bar, a little bit like an American footballer's helmet. This type would be good for white water kayaking for extra protection.
The Spray Skirt: This fits around the aperture to the kayak, and you too, with the intention of keeping water out of the kayak. They are most commonly made from Neoprene or Nylon or sometimes a combination of both, like the ones typically used in sea kayaking.
In terms of actually going kayaking, there are a couple of helpful guides advising where you can go for good sport or great experiences.
Kayak Trails: These are routes that have been mapped out against various rivers and waterways. You get the option of short trips, extended trips, calm water, or more challenging water. Some trails are within the National Forests.
Kayak Tours: You can take kayak tours across America or many other places in the world. You get a unique perspective. Imagine kayaking through the scenery used for Jurassic Park, or doing a bit of killer whale spotting in Alaska, or taming the rapids all around the globe.

Kayaking is a great sport for anyone and everyone regardless of gender or age.
The only prerequisite is a basic level of fitness and of course the ability to swim. Due to its nature, kayaking can take you to many places that would otherwise be inaccessible. You'll catch some great sights and see Mother Nature as never before; or it you want to push yourself to the limit, testing your strength and stamina; just you, your kayak, and your paddle. Enjoy!
Be sure to stop by our blog at Kayaking Journey for some additional resources, kayaking tips, tour information, and more!

Boxing Tips - 3 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Career

I really want to excel as a fighter, but what steps can I take now? Some good boxing tips, 3 things you can do today to improve your career and training are almost like dating that leads to a marriage. Choice and commitment are central components to achieving the goals you set for yourself.
1. Divorce Old, Outdated Habits - You may have to change bad training habits. Forget what you knew about how fighters used to train. Many of those exercises have been replaced with new, scientifically proven training that result in the most effective performance and best health for boxers.
2. Court a Great Personal Trainer - Find a fantastic personal trainer that is well versed in up to date methods and you feel can take you to the top. Among the best boxing tips is be prepared to be someone worthy of training by the best. Be committed, respectful and devoted to the sport.

3. Marry Into High Quality Nutrition - As strong and healthy as you are, your body will only keep working at a high performance peak if you give it the right fuel. There's plenty of research on the best foods to support fight training. The great personal trainer you just found will of course know how to guide your nutrition. Proper nutrition is not just for athletics, but the good habits will follow you for life.
Like a relationship, realize that the best boxing tips, 3 things you can do today to improve your career, are really advice on building an authentic relationship with yourself. When you know who you are, what you need and where you are going, it is easier to focus on the next steps to get there. Be honest with what you are willing to give in order to receive great benefits to an honorable career.
Artie Artwell is different.

Artie employs scientific principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, resistance training, and years of experience to create an effective, high intensity, complete personalized training program to accomplish anyone's goal and aspirations. If you want the latest and best in modern boxing and fitness training call Artie Artwell at (401) 354-5728 or visit

Windsurfing - Lessons For Beginners

Surf's up! Windsurfing, also called surfsailing or sailboarding, has been gaining popularity as an awesome water sport throughout the world. It is a combination of sailing and surfing. Instead of sitting in a sailboat you stand on a board with a sail attached. It is a sport for novices who want to learn as well as hard-core enthusiasts who live, breath, teach and compete in the sport. Children are increasingly taking lessons as well as more women since manufactures have been creating lighter more manageable windsurfing rigs and gear for those groups. It has become a great family recreational sport that all members can participate in. Children under 8 might not have the strength or enough weight to handle the equipment so most recommendations say age 9 and older are better candidates. There are surf shops that cater to all ages so just check ahead with your destination to make sure.
There are great windsurfing destinations around the world but as with most sports there are favorite locations that just offer the best conditions. Most of the popular beaches have expert instructors and surf shops that offer lessons for any level of a sail surfer as well as rental of all the gear needed. As with any new sport it is advisable to try it before you buy it.

Taking lessons and renting the equipment will help you decide if windsurfing is for you and if it's not, then you didn't invest too much money or time in it. If it turns out that this is a sport you want to pursue then putting out the money and time is a wiser decision. You can ask for advice on what type of boards and various gear is best for your level from the expert teachers or shopkeepers that you rent from. You can get advice from searching the internet forums on the subject as well. But the best advice will come from the windsurfers that are down in the water catching those waves. Just go ask them. Their enthusiasm is very contagious.
Foregoing lessons and trying to wing it and teach yourself just so you can save a buck will only delay your growth in the sport which is fairly technical and also may cause you to quit too soon out of sheer frustration. By taking lessons from a qualified instructor you will learn the ropes (no pun intended) and learn about proper technique that will help you advance your skill level and sense of accomplishment. Learning how to properly rig your equipment is important so you don't have a sail that feels too heavy and makes it more difficult to learn or improve. This is where an instructor is worth the fee. Any new sport has a learning curve that you just have to get through in order to start really enjoying it.
Windsurfing does not require a participant to be in top athletic condition either as it is a balancing sport. That is not to say it is easy either. You will learn to use your weight, whatever it is, against the wind in your sail to balance yourself on the board for an even ride across the water. You will more than likely tire as you repeatedly have to pull your sail out of the water or pull yourself up after you fall off the board. You may also have to contend with cold water or rough winds which can zap strength after some time. A wetsuit is recommended in cold water to help reduce fatigue and possibility of hypothermia and can be rented at the surf shop. It is a sport after all and it requires physical exertion but you will get better and better the more you participate as with any sport. After a few hours of instruction you will be sailing along almost effortlessly.
With more time on the water you will learn to read the weather and wind conditions and know when it is safe to go out and when it is not. There are some websites that monitor these conditions for surfers and other surf enthusiasts such as windsurfers and kite boarders as well as pleasure-boaters and fishermen. It is always wise to know the weather forecast before heading out. If windsurfing in the ocean, make sure you ask about rip currents or any special sea creature runs or migrations such as jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, etc. The conditions of the sea are ever-changing day by day and even hour by hour so stay alert to any changes and be prepared. You must still be alert in rivers and lakes as storms can pop up quickly.

Once you've decided that windsurfing is going to be your new sport - then the fun really begins ! Traveling to new beaches, buying awesome new gear and hanging with other windsurfers - sometimes call wind gypsies - will be a great experience for you. You may even progress into the competition arena with related disciplines such as high-wind slalom racing, course racing, wave sailing, speed sailing, SuperX or Freestyle windsurfing. No matter what the sport is called -windsurfing, sailboarding or sailsurfing or windboarding - any combination of the terms - it is still a great physical activity that anyone can learn to do and enjoy.
Gail Leopold lives in New Jersey and is a frequent visitor to the Jersey Shore. For places to windsurf in NJ and advice on equipment for the sport please visit

Swimming Recruits - Get the Swimming Scholarship

Are you a high school swimmer looking to make it to the college level? If you are, you should know there are thousands of swimming recruits from all across the country that you will be competing with. Therefore, the competition is very tough.
All swimming recruits should be aware of these numbers:
High School Swimmers - 251,908
NCAA Swimmers - 17,983
NCAA Teams & Scholarships:
Division I - 329 Teams and 4027 Scholarships
Division II - 117 Teams and 947 Scholarships
Division III - 426 Teams and 0 Scholarships (Financial Aid is Available)
As you can see from these numbers, the competition is very stiff for all swimming recruits. You will need to be an above average swimmer at the high school level if you want to make it to the college level.
If you are being recruited by college swimming coaches already, you have my congratulations. If you are not being recruited, yet you feel you have the talent and skills to swim at some level of college competition, you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

What do I mean by get to work? You need to start marketing and promoting yourself to swimming coaches. You need to get involved in the process that all swimming recruits you should know about...the athletic recruiting process. It involves letting coaches know:
1- Who you are
2- What events you specialize in
3- What your key swimming accomplishments are
4- How you can help their swimming program be successful
5- What kind of student and person you are
If you can let college coaches know about you and your accomplishments in swimming, you can start receiving some recruiting attention. If you want to make it to the college level, and you have the talent and skills, you can make it happen. However, you must take responsibility for your own recruitment and not leave your recruitment up to your coach...or anyone else.
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarship expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!

Buying Paintball Guns Online

If you are planning to buy paintball guns on the internet, there's a chance that you have previously owned a paintball gun and already have a model in mind, but are hesitant to buy it. This article offers an overview of some of the most popular online paintball gun shops and what to keep in mind when buying paintball guns online, along with some advice to help you determine whether or not you should actually buy paintball markers online.
Why online?
The biggest advantages when buying paintball guns online are the pricing of the goods, the availability of customer reviews and large selection. The biggest disadvantage is quite obvious - you can't fire the actual item before you make the purchase, but online shops usually have other disadvantages - your selected shops can have a lousy customer service or a messed up return policy which will leave you wondering why you chose their service in the first place.

The most popular shops.
Most of the online shops have some shortcomings e.g. the markers are cheap in one shop, but the accessories (gas canisters) aren't; still, all of the shops below are trusted, and unless you want a used gun from eBay, you should buy the gun from one of these retailers. - one of the best sites in terms of customer service. They ship almost instantly and most of the customers are 100% satisfied. Also, they are proud that they are one of the rare shops that ship to distant places like Alaska.  The prices meet the market standards, but don't forget to Google search for coupons if you are planning on shopping there. - since 1995, is one of the biggest players in the market. Their offers are indeed one of the greatest online; however, they tend to compensate this with overpriced shipping, which puts them on one line with the other shops in this list. The customer service is also top-notch, and the shop is a prime choice for any paintball equipment, not only paintball markers. - although the link leads to what is actually a sub-section of the larger site,, their offers are fine and offer exceptionally fast shipping, together with sets and on-the-fly product reviews. Definitely a top choice.

Overall, the risk is very small when shopping in these shops and unless you have an eye on a marker that resides in a local store, there is no reason why you shouldn't get the weapons online. The best thing when shopping online is that you don't have to rely solely on the vendor's opinion, which, in times, can be a big fat lie. Now go get yourself a solid marker, some beer and paintballing buddies, and enjoy the thrill and the joy that playing paintball brings.
You can also find quality paintball markers like the Dangerous Power G3 at our paintball markers shop, Paintball Guns For Sale.

2009 NFL Season Preview

Believe it or not the Hall of Fame game is only a couple weeks away on Sunday August 9th, which kicks off the NFL pre-season and season for that matter. The Class of 2009 includes Bob Hayes, Randall McDaniel, Bruce Smith, Derrick Thomas, Ralph Wilson, Jr., and Rod Woodson.
I know everybody is stoked so here's a look at some upcoming events leading to the start of the regular season and some news and notes about what will be different this year.
1. Hall of Fame game Sunday Aug. 9th, Bills vs. Titans about 3 weeks.
2. Bears at Broncos Sunday Aug 30th. Bronco fans won't have to wait long to boo their former quarterback. This is the prime time game during the most important and last tune up for the regular season...should be a good one.
3. Your Fantasy Draft- you may have multiple drafts to look forward to but they should all occur on or after the 3rd preseason game. To have a fair draft the preseason preparations should be completely done so that nobody's fantasy season will not be ruined by drafting a key player who gets seriously injured in preseason (i.e. Michael Vick 03', Clinton Portis 06').

4. Season opener, Tennessee at Pittsburgh Thursday Sept. 10...nuff said.
5. Monday night double-header season opener- Brady's return Monday Sept. 14th Bills at Pats. Jon Gruden will be joining Tirico and "Jaws" this year, taking over for Tony Kornheiser.
Of course there will be no more John Madden this year either, although his ever-famous Madden 2010 video game will be released August 14th.  I'm just hoping that Frank Caliendo keeps doing imitations of him...the first time I heard it I was listening to him on a local sports radio station and had to pull over to the side of the road I was laughing so hard. He probably only retired because he finally thought Brett Favre was done, but he continues to make comebacks like nobody's business.
Which leads me to my Super Bowl predictions for 2009. I'm gonna go with Brett and the Vikings vs. the Patroits, with the Pats coming out on top. Good luck in all your fantasy leagues!

Got Fantasy...Join The Crowd
Talk and advice for Fantasy Football GM's

Ice Skating - Great Fun For Kids

Ice skating is definitely the best way to spend some great time with your kids. Those parents who already know how to skate and have brought their kids to an ice skating rink probably know how to deal wit their kids. Those who are anticipating their first try better read the lines below.
Is ice-skating suitable sport for my kid? Ice skating is one of the best sport activities for your little one. It is a great way to make your kid have some exercise and a great way to have lots of fun for the whole family. If the age of your child bother's you, be worried no more - ice skating is a suitable sport activity for kids of all ages as long as they can steadily walk.
What type of skates should I buy for my kid? What is of utmost importance is to get skates that fit perfectly. The rest - brand, color, rented, borrowed or second hand is not important.

Does my kid need special clothing? Special clothing is not required - you can dress your kid the same way as you, just make sure it has warm gloves, scarf and a hat. It is normal if your kid feels warm when skating so don't be worried to take off his jacket. However don't let him take off his hat or gloves as ice skating rinks are cold and your kid may easily get a cold. Also, after finishing skating put on all clothes again.
What other rules are there for ice skating for kids? Since every skating rink has its own rules regarding kids, you better check them before going there with your kid. You can make a phone call and check if there are certain restrictions about kids' age.

Generally it is not wise to let your kid alone on the ice, especially if it is under 8-10 years old. Also don't let your kids eat or drink while skating. If they are hungry or thirsty make a short beak and go on skating.


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