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Perfect Golf Swing?

Is there such a thing as a perfect golf swing? Does Tiger have a one...Phil... Jack Nicklaus?
Maybe Iron Byron has a perfect swing, but he is a robot.
What constitutes a perfect swing...good tempo, proper grip, good release, repeatability? Actually no human being has a perfect swing, but all golfers have one or more of the elements of at times.
The amazing thing is that even though two golfers exhibit some of the same elements of perfectness in their swings, their swings may not resemble each other in the slightest manner.

You see, the perfect swing for you would not be perfect for anyone else unless they were your clone. The reason for this is that we are all built differently and we all function differently. Therefore there is in reality no standard "perfect swing" that we can all copy.
What makes your swing right for you is the fact that it allows you to put the ball on the target time after time. After all, is that not the object of the game?
So whether or not you look like Tiger woods or Iron Byron, the swing that is perfect for you is the swing that works for you and allows you to enjoy the game of golf. One of the greatest faults a golfer can make is trying to look like some pro that he admires. Yes, there are good fundamentals for a sound swing, but you can only swing within the confines of your physique.

For free tips and help with your own perfect golf swing hop over to
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