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Ballroom Dancing Basics - Learning to Dance Ballroom

If you want to learn any type of ballroom dancing, it is never too late to start with the ballroom dancing basics. You may think the dance steps are very complex, but they are actually easy. So if you are interested, you can actually learn it at home.
It is truly a wonderful sight to see couples take the stage and sway their bodies to a good ballroom music. Not only is dancing a fun activity for you but it is also a form of expression as well as a very good exercise and a way to interact with people. It is also a way to build self-confidence from the way you look on the dance floor, which can be used in other aspects of your life. If you are interested in learning how to dance, it is here are some ballroom dancing basics to take note.
Learning the terms
Whether you are into ballet or ballroom, you need to first start with familiarizing the dance, and good way to know is learning the terminologies and names of the steps.

Although the dance does not require a special footwear like that of ballet, it will also help if you get a sturdy pair of shoes for your dancing to avoid injuries. Ballroom dances can be done in many styles but you can always take the simplest and most basic styles first before going to the more complex ones.
Maintaining a good posture is one of the most important things you should learn and master before you go into learning the basic dance steps. If you will notice, the good posture in ballroom dancing makes the dance fabulous and pleasing to the eyes. Having a good posture will also project self-confidence while you are dancing.
Dance hold
One important thing to learn in ballroom dances is moving and dancing with a partner. One of the ballroom dancing basics you need to learn is the basic dance hold. This is also important to master as the gracefulness and balance of your dance depend largely on doing the correct dance hold. To learn the details of the correct dance hold, video tutorials will help you learn it the correct way - from proper feet position to head and body position. Find a dance partner and practice and master this before starting any dance steps. It is also important to learn how to hold your partner during turns, which is an essential part in this type of dancing.
Since ballroom dancing is a dance for pairs, proper timing is also important. Women should not precede the man's leading when dancing. In learning the steps, learn to listen to ballroom music to get familiar with its beat and rhythm.
Triple step, rock step, ball change, kick ball change - you will master ballroom dancing if you learn how to execute these steps one by one. In learning these steps, make sure that you are not just keeping in mind its correct execution but also keep in mind good posture, timing and other ballroom dancing basics.

When you eventually learn the ballroom dancing basics, you can then find a partner and start dancing! You can also enroll in dance classes so you can enjoy learning the dance. 
Carolyn Anderson has great love for ballroom dancing and enjoys it during her free time. For videos that will teach you how to dance like a pro, check out Louis Let's Dance. Also check out Ballet Bible, for a comprehensive package if you are interested in ballet dancing for you or for your kids.


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