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A frequent question asked by a new horse rider is how to horseback ride confidently? It is natural for you to feel scared the first time you ride a horse. Being able to overcome your fear will ensure you to ride confidently. Here you will find useful tips on how to horseback ride confidently.
Your emotional control
If you can't control your fear, riding a horse will never be fun and exciting. Never let your fear distracts your confident. Let yourself stay calm and cool as it will train your subconscious mind to feel confident and eliminate your fear. Take a deep breath and talk to yourself 'I want to enjoy every moment I ride a horse. No fear just confident'. Soon, your fear will go away and you will feel comfortable riding a horse.

Always remember, confident also comes with knowledge
When you first learn how to ride a horse or just getting into it, prepare yourself with knowledge about horseback ride is a wise thing to do. There are numerous things you can learn about horseback ride. For example, learn to understand the mind of a horse. Also understand what are the senses a horse uses. If you have this knowledge it enables you to feel confident to ride a horse.
Aware about your safety
Are you wearing a helmet or any protection when you ride a horse? Where are you riding a horse? Where you ride a horse plays an important factor to your safety. For beginners, choose to learn at wide area with less or no trees and fences. Making sure your environment is safe also boosting your confident to ride a horse. Horses are living things and just like people, they have their own 'mood'. They can spook easily so be sure you are prepared to handle any unwanted situation.
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