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Paintball Gun Safety - Play Safe and Have Fun!

Recently while playing at my local paintball field, I noticed a lot of safety violations that concerned me. So I thought I would write an article to help stress the important safety regulations and why they are so significant.
1. Barrel Bag/Plugs need to be on at all times while in public areas (not on the field). Chances are that people not of the field (players, visitors & ref's) don't have their goggles or masks on. This makes for an easy accident especially with today's guns and their hair-pin triggers. While this is strongly enforced at the fields by the refs, I still see people carelessly walking off the field with a stopping device or taking the barrel bag off to check something on their gun. Please be sure to put your barrel cover on well before exiting the field.
2. Masks off while on the field. This goes back to my above point. Especially while one the field people have there barrel bags off and firing all over the place. IF you are hit or your mask is fogged up, get off the field as quickly and safely before you remove your mask. Do everyone a favor and protect yourself.

3. Keep your safety equipment safe. Now I know everyone wants to look cool while paintballing, but safety is safety. The masks and lenses are designed to keep your facial area safe. I often see people with damaged, cracked or unsafe modifications to their masks and lenses. Paintball goggles & lenses go through vigorous safety tests and standards before they are allowed to be sold. Any minor crack or modification could compromise the integrity safety of the lens. This could place you in a position where the lens could crack or shatter caused possible damage to your face and eyes. Please play safe, protect your face!
4. Shooting foreign objects. You don't see this really on the field, but I've heard people discussing different objects that's they have shot through their marker. These can be things like, rocks, marble, frozen paintballs, or even removable football cleats. Although some may think that it is cool to try shooting different things from there marker, its not. First off, markers are designed for paintballs, any foreign could potentially damage for awesome marker. Secondly, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE SHOOT OTHER PEOPLE OR ANIMALS WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN A PAINTBALL. Shooting someone with anything other than a paintball could seriously injure them or even KILL them.
5. Chrono to the right speed. I know that every field has their own set limit for chrono speed usually between 275 - 300 fps (feet per second). Please ensure that you understand what the appropriate limit is for your field and that your marker is set accordingly. The fields set the chrono limit for their field accordingly for safety reasons. If you have your marker set too "hot" it could cause injury to another player. It also runs the risk of damaging somebody safety equipment. I don't like getting hit with a "hot" shot, and I'm sure you don't either. Keep your marker chrono'ed within the limits. If you're playing away from the field, its maybe a good idea to buy your own hand held chronograph. You can usually find them online for $70 - $ 90.

6. Shoot the right target. All too often you hear on the news about teenagers or drunken frat boys getting arrested for firing their paintball guns at things outside of paint ball. These include dogs, cats, birds, passing cars etc. News like this puts a very negative spin on the sport as a whole. As an avid player I work hard to build a positive name for paintball to help grow the sport so we can enjoy is for years to come.
Paintball is a fun but potentially dangerous sport; but when everyone follows the rules, the margin for injury goes way down and the fun factor goes way up. Stay safe and have fun!
Determined to bring you the very best and up-to-date information on paintball, Angel invites you to join him on his blog at Angel Paintball Gun Review.


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