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Swimming Recruits - Get the Swimming Scholarship

Are you a high school swimmer looking to make it to the college level? If you are, you should know there are thousands of swimming recruits from all across the country that you will be competing with. Therefore, the competition is very tough.
All swimming recruits should be aware of these numbers:
High School Swimmers - 251,908
NCAA Swimmers - 17,983
NCAA Teams & Scholarships:
Division I - 329 Teams and 4027 Scholarships
Division II - 117 Teams and 947 Scholarships
Division III - 426 Teams and 0 Scholarships (Financial Aid is Available)
As you can see from these numbers, the competition is very stiff for all swimming recruits. You will need to be an above average swimmer at the high school level if you want to make it to the college level.
If you are being recruited by college swimming coaches already, you have my congratulations. If you are not being recruited, yet you feel you have the talent and skills to swim at some level of college competition, you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

What do I mean by get to work? You need to start marketing and promoting yourself to swimming coaches. You need to get involved in the process that all swimming recruits you should know about...the athletic recruiting process. It involves letting coaches know:
1- Who you are
2- What events you specialize in
3- What your key swimming accomplishments are
4- How you can help their swimming program be successful
5- What kind of student and person you are
If you can let college coaches know about you and your accomplishments in swimming, you can start receiving some recruiting attention. If you want to make it to the college level, and you have the talent and skills, you can make it happen. However, you must take responsibility for your own recruitment and not leave your recruitment up to your coach...or anyone else.
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarship expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!


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