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Stop Slicing Your Golf Shots - Four Tips You Can Use Today

One of the common golf faults which can strike any golfer at any time is the slice. If allowed to go unchecked it can get worse and ruin your score card and destroy your confidence as well. If you look closely at a golfer who slices the ball you will notice they play across the ball, that is the golf swing plane is from outside to in, which is just the opposite to what it should be.
I am going to give you four tips to cure that slice.
1. Make sure you pivot properly. From a slightly closed stance, take the club back on the inside swing plane. The slightly closed stance will help you pivot properly.
2. Be sure to make a full pivot with your shoulders. If you aren't sure how this should look, just watch any top class golfer at the top of his or her back swing to appreciate what a full shoulder turn looks like. Pay particular attention to the angle of the club at the top of the swing. It should be pointing at the target.

3. Keep your hands on the inside as you start the downswing, with the right shoulder coming under and through, rather than out and across. When you first try this it will probably feel strange at first, but work at it on the practise ground until it feels comfortable.
4. Check your grip to see if your left hand has is too far under the club shaft, causing the club face to be too open at impact, which results in a sliced golf shot.
I am confident that if you work on these four tips you can straighten out your shots and enjoy your golf more. Happy golfing!
Here is a method of getting rid of your slice and hitting your shots straight and long Click Here! for more details or visit: for more information


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