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Youth Football Coaching - Attend the Monthly Administration Meetings

It can be extremely valuable to go to your monthly youth football league meeting. If you have the time and desire, volunteer to be on the board. You can gain a lot of knowledge from the veteran coaches. Many coaches and board members have been at this game for many years. The experience of these guys at the different age and skill levels can be a great source of information.
You will feel better by helping out your youth football league with other important issues than coaching. I do not believe in "playing politics" to help you secure the team and level you prefer to coach. If you have a kid you will be coaching or helping with the team is playing on. If you are a non-parent (like me) coaching you may want to consider staying at one level or helping out where the league needs the most help. I prefer to stay at one level for many reasons including
New kids each year keeps things interesting

Your "stuff" doesn't get old
You become an "expert" at this level
It makes following years easier since you have a template to follow
Just make sure you do not over extend yourself when volunteering your time. Make sure you can complete any job you commit to. The youth football organization can use as much volunteer help as possible.
The last thing the administration needs is someone who will not follow through with their duties. Do not volunteer unless you are sure you can follow through.
Copyright 2009 Jim Oddo,, Oddo & Oddo, Ltd., Mega Media Depot and republishing this article in it's entirety or any parts of it without including this paragraph is copyright infringement
Jim has over 22 years of hands-on experience as a youth coach.

The system he has used with great sucess for both youth football and youth basketball. His personal teams have won over 80% of their games.
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