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Top 10 Female Wrestlers of Now

The top 10 female wrestlers of today are judged by their athleticism, their "stage" presence and their willing to learn and progress to what the fans want to see. Wrestlers, well if that is what you want to call them, like Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres do not belong on a top 10 list a wrestlers. They would be considered models, divas, and the top 10 of quick rating boosts. Your more consistent and loyal fans prefer the art of the entertainment over the the pillow fight matches, not because they are not interested in beauty of the women, but they turn on WWE and TNA for their love of wrestling entertainment.
Featured first on the top 10 of female wrestlers of now, is WWE Diva Maryse Ouellet. She came in as a contestant of the Diva Search WWE had to recruit beautiful talented wrestlers. Although the contest has proved to be mostly a failure, it did bring to life a couple wrestlers that took the time and effort to do more than show their legs.

Their participation in practice and training brought them to a high level. In Maryse's case, this opportunity brought her to a very high level. She has quickly become a fixture on WWE television and has had the WWE Divas title for quite some time. Her inexperience does show in the ring and she will be paraded in bikini matches from time to time. Maryse hits number 10 because of her persistence in becoming a respected wrestler for her ability... and her looks.
Beth Phoenix is a superb wrestler with great skills. Unfortunately, the "Glamazon" gimmick that is used has taken away from her ability and has given her less important story lines. Beth hits number 9 on this list because she does have the ability. You can expect her future in wrestling to be long and successful.
Natalya Neidhart is number 8. With the right story lines and push from promoters, Natalya could one day top this list. Her father was Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart and she was trained in the dungeon by the Hart Family. This means she is really tough! Natalya also has a stable which refers to themselves as The Hart Dynasty which consists of Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. David is the son of Davey Boy Smith, Tyson Kidd is the last person to be trained out of the Hart dungeon. Now only if WWE would let her wrestler more.
Daffney is probably the most underrated female wrestler on this list. She comes in at number 7 because she is a great wrestler. What separates her from others is her ability to act as well. With an acting background, this TNA Knockout and Shimmer girl should have plenty of doors open for her. Daffney was once Cruiser weight champion in WCW and still remains highly athletic and hardcore.
Melina Perez takes the 6th spot. WWE Diva and very talented wrestler. It is known that she was one of the quickest learners and best technical wrestlers amongst all the Diva stars. The sky is the limit for Melina and her talent, her future greatly depends on WWE format and story lines as WWE seems to go for weight and looks over talent at times.
Our 5th ranked female wrestler of today is Angelina Love, also known as Angel Williams. The Canadian beauty mostly known for her role in TNA as the leader of the "Beautiful People" where she has been embarrassing wrestlers since her arrival, even taking the title from Awesome Kong. You can consider her rank a demotion considering that her matches normally include the help of Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky.
Tara, formerly known as Victoria, is ranked number 4 because of her shear power and determination to be the best at what she does. She was convinced into wrestling by the former WWE superstar Chyna. Victoria has beaten some of the best including Lita and Velvet Sky. In July 2009 she became the TNA Knockouts champion just after a couple months of her arrival.
Gail Kim has taken female wrestling to new heights, which is why she lands at number 3. She is a high-flying athlete much like Lita, former WWE, with even a little more finesse. Gail has beaten nearly everyone in her path excluding Awesome Kong.
Michelle McCool hits the number 2 spot. Like Maryse, she was a contestant on WWE Diva Search. Though this former school teacher has the skills to prove she belongs in wrestling. Amazing talent and a great persona, Michelle should be a fixture in wrestling for a very long time.

Our number 1 female wrestler of today goes to Awesome Kong, also known as Amazing Kong and Kia Stevens. She now wrestles for TNA and has had a lot of experience wrestling in Japan with other super talents there. Awesome Kong is the most dominant female wrestler of anytime. Every opponent she has faced has been demolished. Kong has the technical skills, and she scares anyone who faces her. To top it off, she isn't afraid to climb the top of the ropes.
To find out more about these female wrestlers and others, or to find the top rankings in female wrestling currently, go to Wrestlers Female. They have the top 10 in TNA, WWE and all of wrestling.


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