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Golf Bunkers - Super Ideas and Suggestions For Beginners - Golf Advice

Most greenside golf bunkers you will find have greater banks than fairway bunkers have, so you will require a good height to your shot and a very short distance.
Remember with a bunker shot one can not ground the club in the sand when addressing the ball, including not touching the sand before you play your stroke. If you do either you will be penalized two strokes in stroke play or in match play the penalty is loss of a hole.
Before playing your shot, move to the back outside of the bunker and take a few practice swings as if you were in the bunker.
Access your line of target, stand with your feet apart, make sure to have your stance and club face open.
Have the golf ball so it is back in your stance, but not too far back. Always remember the more of a back swing you adopt the greater the distance you will have.
Firm both your feet in the sand to create a solid footing, as you rotate your feet creating a solid footing you will get a feel as to how loose the sand is, and also a guide as how much sand there is.
Make sure never to change your posture. How hard a player should hit down into the sand it all depends on the texture and depth of the sand.

When striking the ball hit the sand approximately four inches before the golf ball. Most importantly make sure to follow through with your shot, this is vital, if you fail to do so your ball will most likely fail to clear the bunker lip. Don't apply brute force as an attempt to blast the ball out will only cause all kinds of problems, Try and imagine the club head travelling on a U-shape into and through impact
By hitting the sand approx the four inches before the golf ball and making sure to follow through, the club should slide under the ball and should therefore have a lot of spin in the ball preventing the ball from rolling too far.
Finally always remember when in a golf bunker to smooth out the foot marks and any other marks with the rake provided.

Failure to repair a golf bunker is as with any damage to the golf course is unforgivable. If there is no rake available try and use your club to smooth out the marks best as possible.
For further tips and advice for beginners to the game of golf visit golf cart bags review site


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