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Secrets Weapon of the Mixed Martial Arts Workout

Just imagine, you're out of breath, tired, and you have a black eye, but the smile and raised fists say it all. Having been in martial arts for years, it's not uncommon for someone to ask me what are the secret workouts that a mixed martial artist will do? What the secret that makes him or her different than others who train hard?
The truth is that it's more than just having the best routine, because even if you do after a short period of time you'll adjust and then you'll not be ready for a competition. You have to change the routine regularly.
After you read this article you'll have confidence that you can get to that level of training. First of all I have to say that if you are just getting started, this is a great place to start so you can gain valuable tools. Please be sure you check with a doctor before you start.

Grab a pen and take notes the differences may surprise you.
Myth: Most people I've talked to think that to get in shape to compete you need a certain set routine.
Actually you need a routine which combines everything, strength, cardiovascular, endurance, stamina, balance and flexibility.
A tall order I know but to be able to compete, you must have all of these or a good opponent will see where you're weak, and continually challenge you where you there.
Think with me for a minute. You are watching a fight that goes for five minutes.
During this time you'll see:
• Strength, resisting with wrestling or delivering strikes
• Cardiovascular conditioning, constant foot work in combination with striking
• Stamina after a few seconds you'll be exhausted if you don't this
• Balance, suddenly finding yourself on one foot you still have to fight
• Flexibility the last thing you need is a torn muscle or tendon
Are you ready for the most important aspect?
The real secret is that once you are fighting, the toughest thing is not the physical aspect, but the mental. You have to be able to out think your competitor.
Yes it is difficult; it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. But with the right tools this is the key that will get you through your toughest competitions.
You can't expect to win if this is your weakest link, it's impossible. You'll end up fighting someone who does have mental strength, and they'll get in your head. Once this is exposed; with mental training you'll be able to tell the mental strength of your competitor, they can use this against you.

"Although most fighters believe that the fight is 90 percent mental and ten percent physical, they train 90 percent physical and ten percent mental. That is going to have to change as MMA continues to evolve or those fighters will be left behind." Randy Couture
Former Ultimate Fighting Championship Heavyweight and Light Heavyweight Champion
Do you have what it takes to train your mind, and body at this level? Can you visualize yourself in the ring with opponents like Chuck Liddell, Tito Ortiz, Anderson "the Spider" Silva? Then you have to have the mindset they have.
Warning: it's not easy, but it is very effective. If you're ready, take a minute and get this training. Renegade Mindset Techniques for fighters.


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