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MMA Training Workouts

MMA training workouts seem to be a dime a dozen at this point, mostly because of the skyrocketing popularity the sport has had over the last few years. Everybody and their brother seems to have an opinion on how best to train for MMA fighting
, and the fact is that many of those people are wrong. Anyone can go into a gym and introduce themselves as a MMA trainer and begin training people, even if they don't know what they are doing. The best way to learn how to condition yourself for MMA competition is to actually train under a MMA fighter, as they will be most likely to know what kind of workout you will need so you can compete at that level of physical exertion.

If you do choose to go with a trainer be very, very careful as many trainers may claim to be MMA trainers but have very little, if any, experience training fighters. Another option is to purchase a book or guide from a MMA professional which gives you multiple MMA training workouts and routines.
The biggest mistake I have seen when it comes to people training for MMA (or any fighting) is that they seem to think that strength is all that matters. You will often see these people training at the gym, but focusing on lifting weights or striking a heavy bag. While striking the heavy bag and lifting weights are important, being able to exert that kind of effort for multiple minutes with little or no rest is just as important. What is the point of training in MMA if you pass out before the end of the first round due to exhaustion? MMA fighters need to be capable of exerting their strength in intense bursts that can sometimes last minutes, to do this a MMA fighter needs to incorporate some form of aerobic and anaerobic workout into his overall MMA training workouts.

One good anaerobic workout is to do interval training on a heavy bag: spend 3 minutes striking the bag at about 50-60 percent of your full speed, then do a solid minute of all out striking on the bag at full speed, but not full strength, you can injure yourself if you strike the bag full strength. This lets you work on your stamina, burst energy, and accuracy, because what good is strength and speed if you cannot hit your target?
For one of the best guides I have seen for MMA training workouts from an experience MMA trainer,


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