When he began teaching his Jeet Kune Do style of martial arts, Lee only certified 4 people personally as instructors. These 4 are; James Yimm Lee, Ted Wong, Dan Inosanto and Taky Kimura. Dan Inosanto has trained most of the Jeet Kune Do instructors after Bruce Lee's death.
Inosanto certified instructors for over 30 years which gave all of them direct lineage contact with Lee through him. Inosanto and taky Kimura were allowed to teach only small groups of students after Lee's death. Other students of Bruce Lee were Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis and Mike Stone who all where already martial artist.
We all know about Chuck Norris being Lee's opponent in the movie Return of the Dragon in the famous coliseum fight. Norris was already an accomplished martial artist when he met Lee, having learned Tang Soo Do in Korea while in the Air Force and competing and teaching back in the U.S.A.

Discover how Bruce Lee developed his philosophy and incredible physique at Bruce Lee Method. Tim Archbold's lifelong interests are fitness training and health. Read More :Self Defense Weapon Pros and Con
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