So what does this have to do with self defense you ask? Everything! How many times have you had "a feeling" that something or someone wasn't right and decided to ignore it? Did you compromise your safety in the process?
Guys call it a "gut feeling" and embrace it. You know, trust your gut! For women, it's labeled as "women's intuition" and made fun of as in "over-reacting", "being silly". You get the jist. Unfortunately, the very thing we are told to ignore may be the very signal that keeps us alive and out of harms way.
Our intuition is our lizard (animal) brain's survival instinct. It is a homing beacon for danger and when it picks up a potential signal, it sends out that feeling that says, "something's not right." That should be your cue to remove yourself from the environment or engage your personal protection options to ensure you can deal with whatever is coming your way. In other words, wake up and pay attention!

Angie M. Tarighi is the CEO of Women's Self-Defense Institute at http://www.self-defense-mind-body-spirit.com, a national leader in educating and training women about their self-defense and personal security options. Read More :Finding a Boxing Trainer
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