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MMA Strength and Conditioning Routines - Mix Up Workouts Or Stick to a Set Schedule?

It is important to not underestimate the importance of calculated, charted, routine workouts. It's easy to become distracted by the fancy and innovative methods we see on TV but many of the greatest champions have been created through the fire of affliction in repetitive routine. Just know, their routines were intelligently calculated. They were not random ideas they viewed on TV. Each routine should serve an ultimate purpose whether that be a sub-category of strength, endurance, or muscle symmetry & coordination. Read More :



Common Kick-Boxing Mistakes

Just when I think that I am an old martial artist has-been, I see things that say otherwise. Like the young guys, with all of the fancy gym wear, who thrown these ridiculously slow roundhouse kicks at the heavy punching bag. Before you get your head handed to you in a match or scuffle please:
1. Keep your hands up. A good boxer or puncher can step inside of your kick and knock you o-u-t out, when you drop your hands.


Achieving Great Health Through the Martial Arts

As much as we may try to avoid by focusing on diet or pills, the reality is that for most people, exercise remains key to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The difficulty lies in the fact that many people find traditional exercise routines rather boring and tedious. Running on a tread mill is great, but doing so for thirty minutes or an hour is a lot harder to do even if you're listing to music or a good enough to be able to read while jogging. Read More


Different Styles of Boxing Gloves

If you are considering taking up boxing, you are going to need to invest in a good pair of gloves. The type of gloves you will need depends on various factors. You will also need to consider the type of boxing you will be learning; for instance, kick boxing requires different gloves than traditional boxing. You can also find gloves for martial arts as well.
If you are looking to get into traditional boxing, you are going to want to find a pair of gloves which fit snugly on your hands.
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Getting Started in Boxing

Boxing is a great way to relieve stress and get into shape. If you are thinking about taking up boxing, you are going to need to invest in some basic equipment to get you started.
The first piece of equipment you will need to purchase is a punching bag. Punching bags are great for taking out your stress and they can give you a great workout. 
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