One of my reality-based fighting teachers a while back gave me one of the most important revelations as to the correct perception and understanding of the dynamics of a real street fight. A real street fight is not something that you can predict in the sense of knowing exactly what will happen ahead of time. My teacher taught me to forget about the katas and rigidly memorized forms of most traditional martial arts and to rather know that a real street altercation is unpredictable, explosive, chaotic and within a few seconds of having started begins to take on a life of its own with its own rhythm, its own life cycle and its own personality.
Every Adversary and Every Environment Is Unique
When you step into a fight, to a limited degree, you step into the unknown. The combination of the unknown with the uniqueness of a situation immediately gives it a special existence that can only be dealt with by understanding that you cannot used any choreographed and preset forms and movements to win.
Recognize As Quickly As Possible The Dynamics, Pattern and Environment of The Fight In Which You Find Yourself
As soon as you realize that the inevitable has happened recognize as soon as you can how the aggressor is attacking or posturing himself and how you can use your environment against him to defend and protect yourself.
While you are there, just look to the upper right-hand column to also get instant FREE access to two FREE Bonuses:
* a 12-minute TeleSeminar Audio on "How To Defeat A Mixed Martial Artist In A Real Street Fight"
* a FREE 52-Week eCourse on Secrets of Reality-Based Fighting (for a limited time only)
From Charles Prosper - The Street Fighting Sifu
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