A Kata Is A Set of Prearranged and Choreographed Fighting Moves, In the Real World of Fighting, Nothing Is Prearranged
You cannot prepare for the unexpected training as though what you are doing is to be expected. Real world fighting is explosive, chaotic and unpredictable. You never know what is going to happen next. Katas and forms do not prepare you for the unexpected.
When we talk about self defense and self protection, we usually assume that it is between two macho men slugging it out. But the reality remains that many, many women are also assaulted by men. And a woman cannot be expected to go toe-to-toe exchanging blows with a man. In fact, no intelligent male fighter should go toe-to-toe with an aggressor. Though there are many possible techniques that are ideal for saving a woman from peril, here, I want to give you the single most un-used but most effective counter attack available to a man or a woman...
Let us first examine the type of self defense situation a woman usually finds herself. Unlike that of a man, she is usually grabbed from the front or from behind. Because a typical man is larger than the average woman, a great majority of male to female assaults involve a man encircling his arms around the shoulders or arms of the woman.
His hands are occupied, and true the lady's arms are circled, but she does have something that is free and that is unexpected. Her head. One of the most destructive and devastating counter attacks is the head butt. But let me carefully explain how it must be executed. The area on your head that you must strike with is that part of the head that is maybe just a half of an inch or so below the area where the forehead meets the hairline. This is the hardest area of your head. If you aim for the nose, and use the hairline area of your head as the striking surface. When you smash into the nose with the right force, an total knockout is almost guaranteed.
Let us first examine the type of self defense situation a woman usually finds herself. Unlike that of a man, she is usually grabbed from the front or from behind. Because a typical man is larger than the average woman, a great majority of male to female assaults involve a man encircling his arms around the shoulders or arms of the woman.
His hands are occupied, and true the lady's arms are circled, but she does have something that is free and that is unexpected. Her head. One of the most destructive and devastating counter attacks is the head butt. But let me carefully explain how it must be executed. The area on your head that you must strike with is that part of the head that is maybe just a half of an inch or so below the area where the forehead meets the hairline. This is the hardest area of your head. If you aim for the nose, and use the hairline area of your head as the striking surface. When you smash into the nose with the right force, an total knockout is almost guaranteed.
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