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Cheerleading to Music to Razzle the Crowd

Cheerleading is about igniting the energy of the crowd, and then there are cheerleading competitions, which are for judging style, precision, and team work. There is a lot that goes into this sport and although many don't see it as a sport, I surely do, and I'll explain why in a minute. But first, I'd really like to talk about music, and how music plays a big part in every aspect of cheering on the mob.
The crowds are there to have fun, watch a good game, and enjoy themselves in the process. So, nothing can be better than a great cheerleading-team below feeding the crowd energy, like NASA rocket fuel into the Space Shuttle rocket boosters.
Now, I am not sure if you've ever played high-intensity sports in your life or played in front of a huge crowd, but as an athlete it does make a difference.

And even when you are totally immersed in the game and in the zone, your own little world where nothing else matters but the next play, you still know the crowd is there, and they matter, as they up the intensity level.
You see, there are fans, and there are players and then there are the "cheers" connecting the two. If you've never been a cheerleader, well you wouldn't understand the rush, but it is just awesome getting the crowd pumped up like that. Thus, the music is the key. After all, sporting events are all about "Sound and Fury" and Music is sound on steroids when it comes to the rowdy crowd. I surely, hope you'll never forget that.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company;


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