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History of Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a combat sport with origins set deep in the history of Thailand. Muay (boxing in Thai language) Thai is pronounced Thai Muay by native Thais. Muay Thai is a brutal and athletically demanding combat sport, with participants utilising fists, elbows, knees and legs as striking weapons to the opponent. Muay Thai is practiced extensively in Thailand, with international participation significantly growing over the past decade.
Thai boxing has a historical value which is appreciated by those who practice the sport. This history which forms the culture of Thai boxing has been developed over centuries of military and kingdom battle, religious influence, cultural meaning, social development and government support.
The initial origins of Thai boxing can be traced back 2000 years to the southern China tribes of Ao Lai who migrated south to the central plains of what is now the Kingdom of Thailand. Because all records of Siam history were destroyed by the Burmese in the Ayuddhaya period it is difficult for the precise origins to the written. Consequently the origins of Muay Thai have been verbally passed down through generations, with modern day Muay Thai combat warriors understanding the value of warrior established by those before them through a combination of explosive artful skill and respectful calmness.

It has been told that many great leaders of Thailand have demonstrated the warrior spirit which paved the way for the development of Muay Thai. In the 15th century King Naresuan the Great was known for his bravery against the Burmese. Pra Chao Suua, or the the Tiger King (1662 -1709), was an avid follower of Muay Thai. The Tiger King participated in Muay Thai bouts across all of Siam.
King Taskin the Great ruled from 1767 to 1784 and rose to fame from the ashes of Ayuddhaya, at the time the capital of Siam. The Burmese had overrun the city and destroyed all historical records of Siam. After an intense battle in which the Burmese conquered Ayuddhaya, King Taksin gathered 500 followers and escaped east towards what is now known as the Issan region of Thailand. King Taskin built a new army in this region with now legendary warrior Phraya Pichai Daab hak as his commander in chief. The name Daab hak means 'broken sword', a name he was given when he fought on with no sword after it broke in half during battle, using techniques now known as Muay Thai fighting. Phraya Pichai Daab hak led King Taskin to a glorious victory over the relentless Burmese.
Nai Khanom Tom is considered to be the most famous boxer in the history of Thai boxing. He was the first boxer to have fought in another country. After being imprisoned by the Burmese during war Nai Khanom Tom was challenged to fight against 10 of the best Burmese Bando boxers. He defeated all one after the other and was granted freedom back to Siam.

The form of boxing and combat in Thailand throughout these historic periods was known as Muay Boran, and was used as a significant form of military battle, therefore fight to the death. Muay Korat was a particular style of Muay Boran that was practiced in the now heartland of Muay Thai; the north-eastern region of Thailand, Issan. Muay Korat emphasis was placed on strength, with the Buffalo strike said to be so powerful that it could take down a Buffalo with a single strike.
Muay Boran eventually became a part of Siam society with events being staged at festivals and shows, whilst still being maintained as a form of military combat.
Legend has it that in these historic forms of Thai boxing warriors wore hemp bound hands dipped in resin or starch. In extreme battles hands were additionally covered in broken glass making it a fight to the death contest, as seen in the well known movie Kickboxer.
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) reignited the practice of Muay Thai in Siam with his elevation to the throne in 1868. The art was transformed into a sport with participation taking place to aid in physical exercise, self-defense, recreation and personal advancement. Training camps were established all over the country to enable the practice to be maintained and developed. Very few modern camps carry the ethics and traditions of these original camps, an example of this is the act of consuming alcohol whilst being a member of a camp being strictly forbidden at any time. Unfortunately many modern camps have been established in tourism destinations which essentially go against the purpose of these secluded original training camps.
Modern Muay Thai is referred to as 'The Art of the Eight Limbs', and has been influenced by modern western boxing with the adoption of boxing gloves and a roped square ring which has its origins in western boxing.
An important part of the tradition of boxing in Thailand which still stands today in the practicing of the Wai Kru, a pre bout dance ritual which pays respect to the combatants trainer. Wai is a term used to bow the head in respect and derived from Buddhist tradition, and Kru meaning teacher. Muay Thai trainers are also termed as Aa-Jarn, however Kru is more appropriate.

Muay Thai has seen a modern re-emergence and worldwide growth with the realisation of its importance in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Many MMA fighters are making the trip to Thailand to learn Muay Thai as it is seen as an essential part of MMA, which is a testament to the true warrior and athletic values of Muay Thai.
The art of Muay Thai is not to be confused with modern Kickboxing. Many skills of Muay Thai which have been developed over centuries of tradition are not replicated in modern Kickboxing which is popular in the United States and in fitness programs globally. However Muay Thai offers a superior form of battle, athletic conditioning and fitness training due to its technical requirements in the utilisation of eight striking points.
Gavin Stone Personal Training ( provides fitness training services in Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. A feature of Gavin Stone Personal Training is Stone Active; a fitness training information resource with its featured fitness video series (, which provides viewers with clear and concise concepts and ideas for fitness participants to include in their fitness training regime.
Gavin Stone Personal Training offers fitness services in the Canberra region. Fitness training programs are personally designed utilising a training philosophy developed through qualified experience. Fitness services include: Personal Training, Smart Start (outdoor fitness training), Group Personal Training, Mature Adults, Canberra Boot Camp, Custom Group Fitness and the International Muay Thai Program.
Gavin Stone is an award winning, Canberra (Australia) based and recognised personal trainer. Having gained experience operating a successful Personal Training business for 3 years and having experienced intense training camps overseas Gavin now offers Personal Training services where he places a nonnegotiable priority on clients results; whether to reach a certain target or to just get active.
All services are delivered in a professional and non threatening manner. Gavin Stone is a fully qualified Personal Trainer and member of Fitness Australia.


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