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The Power and Skill Behind Wrestling

Wrestling stands as one of the most grueling and physically demanding sports you can get involved in. Football is probably the only sport that requires more training and discipline than wrestling. Because of this, wrestlers are in danger of over-training throughout their careers.
Wrestling is mostly an anaerobic activity. This type of exercise requires short bursts of energy, as opposed to the long spurts during aerobic exercise. When wrestlers train, they do so by splitting up the muscle groups and working each especially hard. Muscles grow when they are under stress. The more stress they endure, the faster they grow. In addition to requiring muscle, wrestlers also need to maintain a high level of flexibility in order to perform well in a match. It is also extremely important that they have a high level of energy and endurance to maintain their strength and power throughout the match.
Wrestling is about mastering power distance and endurance. In order to do this, the wrestler needs to train but equally importantly, they need to eat properly. This rigorous a training schedule requires that the wrestler take in the correct nutrients in the correct proportions.

Diet can make or break the wrestler, so they need to adjust their caloric intake based on their training and their needs. For example, when they are trying to become stronger, caloric intake should increase, when they want to be faster, the caloric intake should decrease. In addition to eating properly, many wrestlers find it helpful to use supplements. These supplements are on top of a multivitamin (which really we should all be taking), and include thing such as Gingko Biloba, Creatine, Glutamine, Calcium, Glucosamine Sulfate, etc. These supplements can help improve performance and can decrease the amount of time required to reach your goal fitness level.
This sport can be extremely challenging and grueling. Only with the proper combination of nutrition and training can a wrestler fully reach their goals. If you are serious about being involved with this fulfilling sport, now might be a good time to speak to your doctor.

A doctor can examine you and make sure that you are sufficiently healthy to make this commitment to training. Once you have been cleared by a physician, a trainer or wrestling coach can help you take the next step. They can set up a training schedule and work with you to determine what foods and what quantities you should be consuming for optimal performance. If done safely and correctly, wrestling can be an amazing sport to add to your fitness regimen.


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