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Boxing Training - Using Short, High Intensity Preparation For the Ring

What are the best types of exercise to use for the best ring results? For boxing training, using short, high intensity preparation for the ring has been scientifically proven to be the most effective. Here are a few of the better known, verified programs in use today.
Cycles of a set of drills are intended to mimic the frenetic activity of an actual fight. They are typically 30 seconds each with all being done within two minutes. A real fight tends to be a lot more demanding than the exercises, so creativity should be used to up the ante, so to speak.
Plyometrics involves hopping, jumping and bounding type exercises meant to encourage explosive, fast reflexes. A combination of speed and endurance is essential in boxing training. Using short, high intensity preparation for the ring creates the power necessary for successful bouts.

Weight Training
A common myth from the past is that weight training is somehow counter productive for fighters. You will not become muscle bound or stiff when you work out with weights. Research proves that with the correct routine, muscular strength and endurance are actually increased with weight use. Just remember, slow weight training is not beneficial. Engage in weights in a way that is consistent with the anaerobic character of boxing. Lifting faster would work better. Check with your personal trainer before beginning a program on your own.
As you can see, when it comes to boxing training, using short, high intensity preparation for the ring makes the best sense for the nature of this sport. The time is now to get acquainted with the latest discoveries in working out. You will avoid years of bad habits that are hard to reverse and protect your health for the future.
Artie Artwell is different. He is a man who uses his education to employ scientific principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, resistance training, and years of experience to create an effective, high intensity, complete personalized training program to accomplish anyone's goal and aspirations.

If you want the latest and best in modern boxing and fitness training call Artie Artwell at (401) 354-5728 or visit


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