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Track Scholarships - Five Tips to Picking the Right School

Are you a track athlete looking to make it to the college level? Are you wondering about track scholarships and if you can actually get one? If so, I have good news for you! Track scholarships are available if you have the talent and desire to run track at the college level.
Track scholarships are available at all levels of college athletics. You'll find scholarships at the Division I, Division II, NAIA and even junior college levels. Scholarships are not available at the Division III level, but academic and financial aid are available.
The secret to getting track scholarships is marketing and promoting yourself to college coaches. Once you do this properly, you should start receiving some recruiting attention and down the road, some full or partial scholarship offers.
Once that happens, you will need to pick the right school for you. You will need to make your decision based on the following criteria:

1- School location - Where do you want to be? Close to home? Far away?
2- The Coach - You need to have good chemistry with the coaching staff you choose.
3- Level of Competition - You need to make sure you will compete at the level of competition that matches your talent level.
4- Scholarship Level - Some schools may offer you a full scholarship while some others may offer you a partial scholarship.
5- Track Facilities - Is having the best and most modern facilities important to you?
The most important thing you can do is to put yourself in the best position to play at the college level. How can you do that? You can do it by marketing and promoting yourself to college track coaches. Track coaches at all levels need athletes. Most of these coaches don't have huge recruiting budgets, so they have to rely on other ways of discovering good talented track athletes for their program. Therefore, marketing and promoting your talents to track coaches is not only a good deal for you, it's a great deal for college coaches.
Track scholarships are available for both men and women athletes. There are approximately 1100 universities and colleges which award scholarships in this sport. Colleges at all levels compete for conference championships and even national championships. All these colleges need athletes! Athletes like you!
You don't have to be a super star athlete to run track at the college level or to get offers for track scholarships. You just have to be a super star at marketing and promoting yourself to college coaches. Get your name out there and let them know about you and your talents. If you don't, who will?
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarships expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

To learn even more about the recruiting and scholarship process and how you can finally start being noticed by college coaches just visit where we provide all of this and much more!


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