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Hockey Training For Early Teens - How to Become Dominant Players at the Age That Counts

Hockey training for early teens is exceptionally important because that age is the time when most players will determine which direction their career goes, either towards high end rep, or to recreational playing. If a young player just wants to play house league or rec hockey, then physical training isn't necessary, but if the player's goal is to play at a high level, then training is absolutely essential. Physical training will build the speed and power necessary to dominate a game as physically demanding as hockey.
The reason training is so important is because at that age, around 12-15 years old, the skill level between different groups starts to even out as the players start to mature. At younger ages, a kid with natural abilities will automatically stand out above the crowd, but by their early teens, that edge is greatly depleted. At that point, the players who become dominant and who go the furthest and succeed the most are the ones that train the hardest.

The key is that young teen players absolutely cannot do physical training the same way that adults do. It would be unhealthy, and detrimental to their growth and development, both physically and as players. However, there is absolutely no reason that players in their early teens can't physically train with specially designed regimes. In fact, if they want to be at the top of the game, they absolutely have to. This physical training will make them stronger and faster, and will give them the edge over kids who are only focusing on skills development.
If your son or daughter is going to be starting physical training, consider hiring a trainer to design their workout. Or for a cheaper, yet equally effective and safe option, go to and check out Hockey Speed and Power. This guide was written by an ex-NHL player and professional trainer, and it has been tailored and designed to different age groups, including a version designed for young teens. This will ensure a safe, highly effective hockey training regime that will provide huge benefits to any young player's on ice game.
Just remember, there is nothing wrong with your son or daughter wanting to stick to recreational or house league hockey, where competition levels are lower and ice time is spread equally.

However, if they do want to play rep and eventually rise through the highest levels, where competition is fierce, then it's absolutely crucial that they train. Otherwise, they'll get left behind by the players that do. The key to long term success in hockey is dedicated training, on the ice, and importantly, off the ice.


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