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Boxing Tips and Techniques

Boxing Tips and Techniques

 A boxer needs to keep in mind certain ground rules before embarking on a round of boxing. To begin with, he needs to stand with his legs shoulder-width apart with one foot being a half-step behind the other. Both feet should point inward. The lead fist is positioned nearly six inches in front of the face at eye level while the rear fist is placed next to the chin. The elbow is held in a way to protect the body from punches. The chin is tucked in the chest to protect the jaws from knock-outs.

There are four types of punches -- 'jab', 'cross', 'hook' and 'uppercut'. The jab is a straight punch given from the lead hand following a clockwise rotation of the torso and hips. The fist comes 90 degrees and immediately comes to a horizontal position after the impact. This is the most important punch for a boxer because it often overpowers the opponent.
The cross is a strong and straight punch using the rear hand. The rear hand is positioned from the chin which then crosses the body and traverses towards the opponent.

The hook is a punch done with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head in a semi-circular movement.
The uppercut is a vertical and rising punch executed with the rear hand. The straight left jab to the head is the commonest boxing technique. A right uppercut involves standing in a traditional boxing stance by holding the back knee bent. These are just some tips for a fresh boxer.

Boxing Equipment and Its Significance 

Boxing is an interesting sport to keep oneself agile and fit, both mentally and physically. It is thus a good program for a fitness regime. However, there are some requirements before a person embarks on boxing as a pastime. It is necessary for a boxer to have the right boxing equipment as this can make all the difference in the way they handle themselves in the game. Let us take a close look at what is required.
A boxing gear is the first requirement and these are available in many variations such as for men, women and children. The head gear is the first to begin with because it is a protection for the temples and the brain. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to choose one that can offer good strength and protection. The head gear also acts as a guard for the eyes.

Next are the hand wraps. The hand wraps ought to fit smugly in order to minimize injuries. The wrap must allow the fingers to remain separate to permit complete movement. This gives protection as well as flexibility in movement. One needs to learn to wrap the hands well. The padding around the knuckles should be smooth without being tight.
The boxing gloves which provide the blows should fit well. It is recommended that the gloves have a thin film of petroleum jelly. If the gloves are of an inferior quality, the knuckles can get permanently damaged.
When buying boxing gear, it is vital to go in for well-know brands which offer quality and durability, so that the necessary protection is available while indulging in the sport.


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