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Mindfulness For Effective Self-Defense

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time". How many times have you heard someone say that after being a victim of some random violence?
Often we hear a little voice that tells us not to go down that street, not to go in that parking garage, not to open our mouths, etc... but do we listen?
One of the most effective aspects of self-defense is mindfulness. Being mindful of our surroundings and our "hara" or gut instinct is the key. The information is there - but because our minds are filled with distractions, we have a tendency not to hear it. We often know what is right and what is wrong. We know which person to stay away from and what argument to stay out of. But we never listen. So how do we learn to listen?

Quiet that monkey mind. The monkey mind is the mind that is always going...always running all over the place. We lament the past and worry about the future. We must learn to be in the moment. The here and now. When we are truly here in this moment, we will hear that little voice that gives us that amazing inside information. But if we are allowing ourselves to be distracted by nonsense that has nothing to do with now, then we will not.
Take 20 minutes a day, Sit somewhere quite and focus your mind on your breathing. Long deep breathes in and out. When your mind wanders, stop and go back to your breathing. That's it!

Do this and that voice will become clearer.
Ted Hanulak is the head instructor of the Japanese martial art of Senso Ryu Aikijujutsu. He teaches Aikijujutsu and Zen meditation out of the Aikijujutsu Academy of Indianapolis


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