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Five Essential Items For MMA Training


In beginning your MMA training, you need some essential equipment to prevent injury, encourage safety, and allow you to fully exert yourself. If you are not giving it 100% during training, you will likely have unfavorable results in actual fights as you are not comfortable using all your strength. The essential MMA equipment are as follows:
1. Training Gloves
Training gloves are very important as they allow you to fully exert yourself without damaging your hand or your opponent. 

Martial Arts Marketing Success


There are over 45 forms of mixed martial arts in the world. With these variations, there are millions of different practitioners worldwide. Dojos are built and maintained to cater to this number of martial artists. However, the need to eliminate costs and generate more profits seems to be much more of a challenge compared to teaching the arts.



Understanding Mixed Martial Arts Psychology


Fifty years ago, boxing arena was the place to be if you wanted to show off your sportsman skills. Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson were what every young boy aspired to be. However, old will always give way to something new, and this is just what happened in the arena of sports as well.The era of boxing is now fairly over and its place has been taken over by mixed martial arts. Much of this new interest spurs from the fact that there are hardly any good




Choosing a Karate Class For Your Child


There are so many different types of martial arts, and also many different types of karate.
If you wish to enroll yourself or your child in karate then there are a few pieces of advice you may be interested in. Before we go into the advice there is an interesting bit of information you may like to know, and that is most people will enroll in karate or martial art school because it is the closest to where they reside (live).

George St. Pierre Vs Thiago Alves


Can anyone argue with this unanimous decision in favor of GSP? George St. Pierre is undisputedly among the best wrestlers ever to enter the octagon. And it shows. In the five round battle against Thiago Alves, GSP pulled off half a dozen takedowns. At least.
St. Pierre's striking game was almost as impressive as his grappling. In the first round, he pulled off a few leg kicks, a vicious spinning back kick, and also had Thiago's face cut and bleeding before the first five minutes was over. He started round 2 with a good punching combination, got a clean takedown, and landed an elbow to the face.


Who is the Real Self Defense Expert?


You know there just isn't any other field of study in the World like Self Defense. You know why?
Well, it's because everyone thinks he or she is an expert in self defense. And it's for this very reason that I am loathe to tell anyone what I do as a profession. The second that someone finds out that I do "some sort of martial arts thing" they start telling me about his or her years of study in Tae Kwon Do, Karate or what have you. And when they find out that I'm a professional fighter they start telling me about their fights or their third cousin's fights.


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