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The Most Effective Martial Arts

People often argue over which martial art is the most effective. Generally that goes along with whatever is most popular in pop culture at that time. There was a time that people thought Kung-Fu was the best because of Bruce Lee or Karate because of Chuck Norris or now Jujitsu because of the UFC. The secret is not which is best, the secret lies in how the student trains in that system, which ever martial system that may be.
You must train realistically in order for the martial art to have any street self defense value. This means forget about stopping a strike an inch before its target. It is about striking through the target. Many arts have attacks that are unrealistic. The striking distances are off, the attacks are lame at best. When you are first learning a technique you of course will practice the technique in slow motion in order to get the mechanics down.

Once this occurs, the attacks must be taken to the next level. It must be full force. Yes, this means that if the defender makes a mistake, he will get hit hard and possibly hurt. This is the best way to practice. You get a legitimate feel for being attacked for real. If you are worried about getting hurt in training then you should study a sport.
Now insert which ever martial art you like. There are advantages to ground fighting, kicking, throwing, etc. This is where the uniqueness of each art form comes in. But the attacks should be the same. They should be like what happens in the street.

We should not tailor the attacks to compliment each individual martial art. That is a mistake. Remember, it is not the style itself that is best but how the martial artist trains in that system.
Ted Hanulak is the head instructor of the Japanese martial art of Senso Ryu Aikijujutsu. He teaches Aikijujutsu and Zen meditation out of the Aikijujutsu Academy of Indianapolis


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