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How UFC is Growing Inside MMA


 Hand to hand combat has been a popular spectator sport since the ancient times when Romans would entertain themselves by watching as gladiators fought to the death. Over the centuries we have become more civilized, however, we still enjoy watching two muscular athletes engage in one on one battle until a victor is declared.The UFC, or Ultimate Fighting Championship began as a single event tournament which was designed to seek out the best fighters in the world.    More... ... 


How to Defend Against a Bigger Opponent With Angled Punches


For many martial artists, the accepted way to defend against a bigger opponent is with their feet. They stop any approach that comes within range with a kick of their own. Still, it is possible to defend against larger opponents with punches -- specifically, angled punches.
The Bigger Opponent Has a Longer Reach
Trying to defend against a long-armed opponent poses a specific problem; his reach is greater than yours.                                                     
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Karate is an Excellent Sport


The sport of karate masters the soul, causing it to be more perfect and disciplined. It not only teaches you how to fight; it teaches you how to think, behave and act as well. My husband is a seventh degree black belt, among his other martial arts proclivities, and in six months I made it as far as a blue belt.I have basically used my karate training twice in my real life. I used it to halt a black bear attack in the mountains of Washington State,                     More ... ...


Krav Maga


I am in contact with a lot of martial artists via the internet. Some of them have told me that Krav Maga hasn't appeared in the Israeli army for about 10-15 years. They claim it isn't taught any more. Others have asked what I know about Israeli martial arts, in general. Well, with the help of some subscribers to one of my ezines, here's a little better understanding of Krav Maga.
Krav Maga Still Taught in the Israeli Army?
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MMA Training Workouts


MMA training workouts seem to be a dime a dozen at this point, mostly because of the skyrocketing popularity the sport has had over the last few years. Everybody and their brother seems to have an opinion on how best to train for MMA fighting and the fact is that many of those people are wrong. Anyone can go into a gym and introduce themselves as a MMA trainer and begin training people ... More ... ...


Boxing Tips and Techniques


 A boxer needs to keep in mind certain ground rules before embarking on a round of boxing. To begin with, he needs to stand with his legs shoulder-width apart with one foot being a half-step behind the other. Both feet should point inward. The lead fist is positioned nearly six inches in front of the face at eye level while the rear fist is placed next to the chin.  More ... ...



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