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Are You a Puller?

The pull shot is a very frustrating habit that forms and is caused by the clubface being square at the point of contact, in relation to the swing path. Some other causes are the position of your ball, being too far forward in your stance or it may be that you have a open shoulder line.
Ok, so let's look at how we can fix or improve your golf swing. If the ball is too far forward in the stance, your shoulders will be not correctly aligned, thus causing a out to in swing path and having a closed club face at point of contact. Hence with a open shoulder and closed face a pull will be played.
These problems are easily fixed because they are generated in the setup process. If we move the ball back in stance, (relative to club choice), and square our shoulders down the target line we then aim the clubface at our target.

This will eliminate an out to in swing path and see our pull disappear. All this without even swinging a club. Great game.
Right now let's look at the actual swing. The pull is generated in our swing from the body moving much quicker that the rotation of the arms. By this we mean turning or twisting the body prior to the forward swing of the arms in an effort to generate speed.
Our fix for this is to have a conscious arms generated swing motion so that we consciously begin our swing motion with our arms. If we lead with our lead arm the body will subconsciously follow. Our earlier article on the inside out swing path will also help considerably.
Another little drill to help here is to place your lead foot closer to the ball than your trailing foot and keep your normal swing .

This is like a over exaggerated in/out swing. With this swing path and setup stance the clubhead will square up at impact and your pull will be gone forever. I hope this will improve or fix your golf swing and allow you to drop shots with each and every game.
Tony has put together a excellent array of articles and tips on how you can fix or improve your golf swing and game. Check it out here


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