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Marquez Versus Mayweather

Maybe it was for the best that Floyd Mayweather fight with Pacquaio be moved to some predetermined time since he will be fighting Marquez sometimes in September. With this additional time, fight fans may not see them battle each other until hopefully the first part of 2010.   This will give him more time to really prepare for Manny Pacquaio.   Many fight fans including myself were hoping that it would be maybe before the year was out but at this time, this is highly unlikely.
Anyway, Floyd has to first get pass Juan Manuel Marquez and this will not be an easy task.  Marquez is a first class opponent and will definitely be all over Floyd once that initial bell rings. Even Pacquaio had a difficult time with him and in my opinion, Marquez was definitely Pacquaio's toughest opponent even compared to Morales and Barrero.  Many may not agree but if one looks over each one of those fights, it will be clearly seen that Marquez was definitely the toughest, formidable opponent.
And then on the other hand, maybe Floyd should hold out a little longer if he truly damaged his rib cartilage in training.  Marquez is just too tough of an opponent to fight and Floyd not being in his best condition.  He could very well embarrassed himself in the ring when they do go toe to toe. 

I am sure it will be twelve grueling rounds for both fighters, and I again personally feel Marquez is the tougher of the two, not taking anything away from Mayweather.  He has proven himself time and time again how great he is but believe me, he has not faced an opponent of the caliber of a Marquez or Pacquaio.
And then just the other day, it was mentioned in a blog that Mayweather was in huge amounts of debt with the Internal Revenue Service. Is this why he decided to reenter the ring? What I do not understand is how these boxers make enormous sums of money and then wind up in debt. Anyway, what everyone is concerned with is this megamillion dollar fight with Pacquaio. Has anyone given thought to the possibility that there may not be a megamillion fight and I am sure if there is a fight like this, Marquez would like to be at the top of the food chain.
Or in other words, he will be the prized attraction, not Floyd. I am very sure that Marquez intends to prove all the boxing gurus wrong and embarrassed when he meets Floyd in September.

Depending upon how this fight turns out with Marquez will determine the careers of both Floyd and Pacquaio. I am sure that many fight fans will disagree with me but Floyd is going to be in for a rude awakening. How do you feel? Talk to me at my blogsite.


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