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How to Learn to Golf - How You Can Get to Playing Well in Just 30 Days!

Do you want to know how to learn to golf? Golf is a great game that can be shared by friends, family, coworkers, etc. The great thing about golf is that it is a wonderful way to get your mind off of the things that stress you out, and just concentrate on a fun game. The thing is that when you go to a golf course for the first time you do not want to make yourself  look too bad, so in order to do this you need to have a basic understanding of the golf swing and how to play golf.
The first thing that you need to do is focus on a good setup, stance, and grip. These three elements are vital to hitting quality golf shots and shooting lower golf scores. The grip is very important because it is your only connection to the golf club, so getting it right is vital. In addition to this you need to stand with a good posture, with your feet shoulder width apart.
The next thing that you want to do is focus on a good backswing.

In order to do this you need to create some resistance between your upper and lower body. The way to do this is to take the club back with the shoulders, arms, and hands moving in one motion, while the lower body stays fairly quiet.
If you want to know how to learn to golf then this is a good starting point. The best thing that you can do is pick up a guide on golf that you can start reading instantly, and will teach you a simple way to swing the club. This is what I did, and it has made me a much better player.
Do you want to bomb your tee shots and shoot lower scores? Before the Simple Golf Swing System I Was a 7 Handicap, Usually Shooting around 78.

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