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Who Else Wants to Cycle Round the World to Prove His Point?

Imagine getting on your bike, and cycling from London to Leeds, grabbing a few hours sleep, and cycling back to London the next day. Repeat that one hundred times, and you would have just completed the equivalent staggering task of cycling 18,000 miles across Europe, Asia, Australasia, and North America!
Can you imagine cycling for a minimum of 15 hours every day for 100 days or 3½ months starting at 6am and not finishing until 9pm? This truly is an ultimate test of endurance. (By the way the present record stands at 197 days).
Can you even imagine the amount of energy you would need, and how supple your joints would have to be, just to be able to sustain that level of activity, without seizing up with inflamed joints, or total exhaustion.
This is the daunting task that a young personal trainer called Chris Hole, presently working at the David Lloyd Center at Westbury, Bristol, has taken on, in an attempt to set up and fund his organization - 'The Ride of Your Life' - which will be used as a basis for further promoting of his important message.

What Chris is attempting to do, is to try and overturn the status quo of current biology, based on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 1800s, which stems from the idea that disease comes from germs which invade the body from the outside. Interestingly, Pasteur's arch rival at the time, Antoine Beauchamp, actually came up with this opposing method, but the press of the day ran with Pasteur!
The New Health and Fitness method (re-created by Dr Robert Young) in a nutshell states; it is over intoxication of the body from the way you think to the way you eat that is the single underlying cause of ill health and disease.
This is so significant because it's saying that all sickness and illness does not invade the body from the outside in the form of germs or viruses but is created from within us due to over intoxication; and when the body is in healthy balance, germs are unable to get a foothold. It is a new way of life that gives the individual the overall control of their health not in the hands of a germ or virus.
Chris is putting his body on the line to help prove The New Health and Fitness concept and bring it into the mainstream because his body will be under extreme stress creating an extreme level of intoxication, which could end this mammoth cycle in an instant.

The New Health and Fitness is not fad, it's a way of life and it's a science which actually has the proven potential to reverse and prevent obesity, chronic fatigue and major diseases like cancer. Why? Because your body is saying that you do illness with your thinking and eating habits. The symptoms of illness then becomes the body's feedback system to those thinking and eating habits.
Throughout the next 3 years Chris will be researching The New Health and Fitness further and use that research to take part in a series of Ultra Endurance Events ending in the Ultimate Endurance Event in 2012.
From then on Chris and his organization will be using this research and his experiences to revolutionize the current health and fitness industry and inspire people to live the New Health and Fitness.
Now, as always, important research like this, that could save the UK health service (and the whole Western world in fact) countless millions on repairing the damage caused by ignorance and lack of acceptance of a correct balance of nutrition, exercise, and the mind, often get overlooked due to lack of funding. Look what happened back in Pasteur's day, where those with the most funding (and perhaps incorrect methodology) took precedence for over a century.
What Chris is attempting to prove is that correct nutritional input (not 'Diets'), proper exercise routines, coupled with a highly important correct mental attitude to a feeling of well-being, could well reduce the epidemic of obesity, chronic diseases caused by inflammation (many cancers, for instance), diabetes, and hearth disease that form such a blight on our society, and take so many of us in our prime.
He is already being sponsored by the UK's fastest growing provider of household utilities, and is using a number of actually quite pleasant tasting natural foods to supplement his food intake.

Why not come along and support him at one of his regular exercise and tasting parties, and see for yourself how this could greatly improve your sense of well-being?
Better still, if you are involved in some other crazy sporting event (including paraplegic events) sign up to Chris's newsletter, and let's get together...
Geoff Morris is sponsoring Christopher Hole, a determined young man who is aiming to knock 100 days off the current Round The World Cycling record, in 2012. Follow Christopher's progress, training and nutritional methods, including the use of the Acai Berry Super Fruit. Sign up here for his free newsletter.


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