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Ride Your Bike Like Lance Armstrong - Training Tips of the Professionals

Want to ride your bike like Lance Armstrong? Well who wouldn't right? Well there are a few simple training methods and tips that can be implemented that will help you ride like Lance and all of the other professional riders out there. If you want to know how to train and succeed for long distance cycling events then this may be one of the most important articles you have read for a very long time.
Less Is More When It Comes To Training
As a cycle coach I see so many examples of people believing that the more hours they spend riding their bikes, the better they will get and that the only way to improve your performance as a long distance cyclists is to ride longer distances at higher intensity. Well in fact this is garbage.

When people attempt to do this they miss probably the most important point about long distance cycle training. That point is that your muscles only improve during the rest period after and in between rides.
By riding to regularly at a high intensity it is all too easy to not allow your body the time to recover and rebuild itself so you come back from your workouts stronger and faster.  This is the sole reason that professional riders such as Lance focus on building in ample recovery time into their training schedule.
One way to ensure you allow your body the time it needs to ensure you incorporate different types of rides into your weekly training program. By following hard days with easy or long endurance days after recovery rides you will give your body more time to recover and rebuild after high intensity rides.
Just follow this link to learn more about how to improve your distance cycle training


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