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Everything You Need For Backpacking

There is a world of experiences and adventure waiting outside your door. Mother Nature offers a host of wonderful opportunities and backpacking is one of the ways to find them. Packing the right pack, wearing the right shoes and clothing and understanding the language will help make your backpacking trip one that you will want to repeat and not one that you will try to forget.

The Clothes
Choosing the right shoes is the most important decision you can make for your backpacking trip. No matter which boot or shoe you choose for your hiking trip be sure to give yourself time to break them in before taking off. It is important to let your feet adjust to the way the shoes fit and to allow the shoes to adjust to your individual feet.
• Class A shoes are actually running shoes that have special features to make them work better on rougher terrain than just pavement.
• Class A to B boots are for entry level hiking on well maintained trails.
• Class B boots are mid-weight boots for light off trail hikes.
• Class C boots are designed for trough terrain.

Hiking requires comfortable clothing and layers. You will be able to take off clothes as you get warm and put back on layers if the weather turns cold or wet.
The Equipment
The amount of equipment you will need for your hike will be determined largely by the length of the hike. There are some items that you will need no matter what the distance.
- An emergency kit - you will need a heating blanket, some waterproof matches and a map of the area.
- Water (and a water bottle) - staying hydrated will help you maintain your strength, your focus and your health.
- Communication - you need to be able to get in touch with someone if you get caught in a dangerous or difficult situation.
Getting the basics is the best way to start off your backpacking experiences. The more you do it the longer you will want to do it and the more equipment you will need to invest in to make the backpacking experience the best it can be. sponsors Ross H to write this article. Use for cheap airline flights to your next destination. For additional travel information, use


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